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The Newtown Economic Development Commission held a regular meeting on Tuesday, June 18, 2013, in Meeting Room #3 at the Newtown Municipal Center, 3 Primrose Street, Newtown, CT 06470.
Present:  Chairwoman Jean Leonard, Vice-Chairman Walter Motyka; Vice-Chairman Elana Bertram Donald Sharpe; Joseph Humeston.
Absent:  James Gulalo; Martin Gersten, Allan Song.
Also Present: Elizabeth Stocker, Director of Economic and Community Development; Mike Burton, SHOP.
Jean Leonard called the meeting to order at 7:10 PM.
Ms. Leonard stated that the business incentive applications for Hunter Gregory and Dr. Curtis Beck will be going to the Legislative Council as their final step in the approval process, on June 19, 2013.
Joe Humeston motioned to approve the meeting minutes for the May 21 regular meeting. Donald Sharpe seconded the motion.  The minutes were passed unanimously.
Michael Burton, president of SHOP, spoke about expenses incurred by SHOP for promotional activities to date.  SHOP will hold a block party on July 13 which will include a live broadcast by I-95 FM.  Mr. Burton stated that SHOP was in favor of hiring a consultant to do advertising for the Sandy Hook area businesses.  He expressed his wishes that this consultant should be someone with experience in small community marketing.  Although there was not much interest in a low interest loan for Sandy Hook businesses, Mr. Burton said that the area businesses were excited for branding and streetscape activities.  He also believes that the additional parking near the new entrance of Sandy Hook School will be beneficial to the businesses.  
Joe Humeston motioned to approve a request by SHOP, not to exceed $5,000 from the STEAP Business Assistance Grant, to pay for advertising expenses.  Elana Bertram seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
Walter Motyka motioned to forward to Pat Llodra, First Selectman, the recommendation that the remaining STEAP Business Assistance Grant money be used for the Sandy Hook Streetscape project and advertising to support activities in Sandy Hook.  Joe Humeston seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.  
Elizabeth Stocker gave an update on the Buy Local campaign.  A new billboard is up on Route 25 and the Newtown Bee took a picture of the billboard and Liz Stocker and Betsy Paynter for publication in the Bee.    More billboards will go up in the fall.  The second phase of the campaign, business to business activities, will be starting soon.  Elana Bertram stated that she has received positive feedback from local businesses regarding this campaign.  
Elizabeth Stocker spoke about the status of the Fairfield Hills Master Plan revision.  This revision will be going to Planning and Zoning soon for approvals and will likely limit the amount of economic development on the campus.
Donald Sharpe and Ms. Stocker discussed the RFP for Fairfield Hills.  Ms. Stocker said that the RFP is back on the agenda for the FHA.  She and Ms. Paynter met with a realtor who has interest in promoting the campus.  Ms. Stocker will speak with the FHA regarding the RFP and wishes to ask for proposals from businesses and do some advertising for the property.  The RFP can either be open ended or for a specific period.  
Ms. Stocker spoke of the EPA grant and related activities for the remediation and demolition of Danbury Hall.  It is expected that the building will be removed by September / October 2013.  Materials will be salvaged from the building for potential sale.  
Ms. Stocker spoke about:
  • The regional economic development groups (NVCEDD and WCEDA) and the benefits of belonging to each group.
  • EPA cleanup is going along well.
  • Batchelder – There are underground tanks that may be removed.  There is a group interested in developing the property.    Scrap metal from the property may be sold.  There will be an application for a second brownfields grant.
Elana Bertram motioned to spend up to $3,500 to provide the 10% share required for a Regional Brownfields Partnership (RBP) Assessment Grant for the Batchelder property,  from the EDC’s current year budget to support the Assessment Grant.  Joe Humeston seconded the motion.  It passed 4-1 with Donald Sharpe voting against the motion.
  • Watkins property - (28A and B Glen Road) –The town owns this property.  There are no town uses for this property and it should be resold.  
Walter Motyka motioned to approve up to $3,500 to provide the 10% share required for a Regional Brownfields Partnership (RBP) Assessment Grant funds for Phase II, a transactional assessment, for the 28A and 28B Glen Road property. Joe Humeston seconded the motion. The motion passed 4-1, with Donald Sharpe voting against the proposal.
  • Edmond Road property – a letter was received from the State of Connecticut stating that design work on the project will be complete by April 2015 and the construction should be finished by autumn of 2015.  This will be funded 80% by federal funds and 20% by state funds.
  • Sandy Hook Auto and Marine – There are tax and sewer liens on the property.  Appraisals of the property may take place in the future.  
  • POCD (Plan of Conservation and Development) – The economic development direction of Newtown was presented to Planning and Zoning.  Goals and objectives still need to be presented.  
Jean Leonard, Chairwoman EDC:
  • Attended the Cycle in Place grand opening recently.  Ms. Leonard would like to see more support from the EDC at future events.
  • Would like EDC members to attend EDC meetings.  A list of responsibilities of EDC members will be reviewed, including attendance and participation.
Donald Sharpe gave an update on the Water and Sewer Authority activities.  He reported that the WSA voted on June 13 to seek an unspecified sum, probably about $50,000 to produce a benefit analysis of likely income from assessments if an estimated $5 million expansion of Hawleyville sewers is done.  The funding authorization would allow the WSA to publish a call for proposals for a firm to do the assessment study immediately.
Walter Motyka motioned to actively support the extension of the Hawleyville sewers to the available property by exit 9 as a key property for Economic Development.  Elana Bertram seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
Michael Lache, John Matis and Anthony Gomes, students of Sacred Heard University presented their findings regarding a business incubator in Newtown. They compared Newtown’s incubator opportunities to the activities of incubators in nearby cities, and concluded that in general, incubators cost $500,000 to set up and require a full-time, dedicated person handle daily operations.  They recommend a services incubator for Newtown that would support local businesses.  
Joe Humeston motioned to adjourn the meeting.   The motion was seconded by Elana Bertram.  The motion passed unanimously and the meeting ended at 9:29 PM.

The Newtown Economic Development Commission held a regular meeting on Tuesday, June 18, 2013, in Meeting Room #3 at the Newtown Municipal Center, 3 Primrose Street, Newtown, CT 06470.
Present:  Chairwoman Jean Leonard, Vice-Chairman Walter Motyka; Vice-Chairman Elana Bertram Donald Sharpe; Joseph Humeston.
Absent:  James Gulalo; Martin Gersten, Allan Song.
Also Present: Elizabeth Stocker, Director of Economic and Community Development; Mike Burton, SHOP.
Jean Leonard called the meeting to order at 7:10 PM.
Joe Humeston motioned to approve the meeting minutes for the May 21 regular meeting. Donald Sharpe seconded the motion.  The minutes were passed unanimously.
Joe Humeston motioned to approve a request by SHOP, not to exceed $5,000 from the STEAP Business Assistance Grant, to pay for advertising expenses.  Elana Bertram seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
Walter Motyka motioned to forward to Pat Llodra, First Selectman, the recommendation that the remaining STEAP Business Assistance Grant money be used for the Sandy Hook Streetscape project and advertising to support activities in Sandy Hook.  Joe Humeston seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.  
Elana Bertram motioned to spend up to $3,500 to provide the 10% share required for a Regional Brownfields Partnership (RBP) Assessment Grant for the Batchelder property,  from the EDC’s current year budget to support the Assessment Grant.  Joe Humeston seconded the motion.  It passed 4-1 with Donald Sharpe voting against the motion.
Walter Motyka motioned to approve up to $3,500 to provide the 10% share required for a Regional Brownfields Partnership (RBP) Assessment Grant funds for Phase II, a transactional assessment, for the 28A and 28B Glen Road property. Joe Humeston seconded the motion. The motion passed 4-1, with Donald Sharpe voting against the proposal.
Walter Motyka motioned to actively support the extension of the Hawleyville sewers to the available property by exit 9 as a key property for Economic Development  Elana Bertram seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
Joe Humeston motioned to adjourn the meeting.   The motion was seconded by Elana Bertram.  The motion  passed unanimously and the meeting ended at 9:29 PM.