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The Economic Development Commission held a regular meeting on Tuesday, January 15, 2013, in meeting room 3 at the Municipal Center, 3 Primrose Street, Newtown, CT 06470.
PRESENT: Chairman Donald Sharpe, Joseph Humeston, Marty Gersten & Elana Bertram
Also Present: Elizabeth Stocker, Director of Economic and Community Development, Bob Rau, Michael Burton & Wes Thompson
Chairman Donald Sharpe called the meeting to order at 7:05pm.
Public Participation:
Michael Burton, President of SHOP
Strategic goals of 2013:
The main goal is to help the community and the businesses recover and prosper after the terrible tragedy that happened in Sandy Hook. Mr. Burton also discussed how immediate aid needs to come to the business district. This may be achieved by financial reimbursement for businesses that experienced a negative financial impact. The state has also presented the town with a $500,000 grant to assist in aiding business reconstruction for those that were directly affected by the Sandy Hook tragedy.  Mr. Burton also believes that there should be a public information campaign to promote the Sandy Hook business district due to the negative stigmas that may be attached to the community. Betsy Paynter has organized a Cash Mob event that is being held on January 26 to try and promote business growth within our own community. Mr. Burton explained that they received a volunteer offer from Kyle Lyddy’s marketing business to create posters and possibly television ads which would help promote the event. Mr. Burton discussed a business incentive plan for the district to reimburse business and property owners to help foster economic growth in the district. Another area of interest that would also aide the district would to be complete infrastructure growth. Phase 1 would be aggressively completing the already funded $1.1 million streetscape improvement project which has already been started and is currently in planning stages. Mr. Burton also explained how important it is to SHOP, which also ties in with POCD and the Newtown sidewalk plan, is to have Dickinson Drive be tied into the center of Sandy Hook with pedestrian access that will also give access to the Senior Center, Children’s Adventure Center and the Sandy Hook Firehouse. The last concept that Mr. Burton discussed was possibly expanding the Methodist Church parking lot to allow shared municipal parking with other local businesses.
Acceptance of Minutes: Minutes tabled until next month’s meeting no quorum.
Director of Economic & Community Development – Report and discussion
Ms. Stocker confirmed that Ms. Paynter is working directly with Kyle Lyddy on the Cash Mob event that is being held on January 26. The Cash Mob event is basically where people commit to spending $20 within the Sandy Hook business district to help those businesses that were negatively affected. Ms. Stocker discussed a proposal from Ms. Paynter about a shop local campaign that would basically help to elevate the concept of spending money in your own community and support your own businesses which in turn is then put back into the community. A design concept needs to be created to promote the shop local campaign and currently there is a $5,500 budget proposed. Ms. Stocker stressed how important it is to move forward with the Newtown Local Campaign especially with the spring/summer months rapidly approaching.
Marty Gersten made a recommendation to accept the Newtown Local Campaign on a consensus basis. Seconded by Joe Humeston and unanimously accepted. Don Sharpe not in agreeance with consensus.
Ms. Stocker discussed that the business incentive program that the Board passed in December is currently on hold.
The parameters of the $500,000 STEEP grant were discussed and it was determined that the EDC elected committee would determine how the funds are being administered but not how the money is allocated thereafter.  The elected committee has drafted up guidelines and an application. The application is being finalized which will be available Friday and as the applications come in they will immediately be reviewed.  After the application is reviewed it will be determined if it is approved, and if it is marked for approval the application will be submitted to the Finance Office for a check.
Marty Gersten made a consensus that any recommendation for payment by the elected committee be reviewed by the commission for payment approval.  Seconded by Elana Bertram and unanimously accepted. Joe Humeston not in agreeance with consensus.
Round Table Updates:
SHU Business Incubators-
Elana Bertram has been communicating with Jean regarding the SHU business incubators, and has been in talks with Danbury Hacker Space regarding a possible incubator site. Ms. Bertram has also been researching other business incubators throughout the state to see if there is anything comparable to Newtown, and whether Newtown can support a business incubator. Ms. Bertram explained that the SHU students will be asked to survey and find comps in other communities and other states which can be used as a template as to what is valuable to a community similar to Newtown.
Executive Session: NA
Upon motion of Don Sharpe the meeting adjourned at 8:45pm. Seconded by Elana Bertram and unanimously passed.

Mindy Kovack, Clerk