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01-10-13 Special Meeting

Economic Development Commission
January 10, 2013

A special meeting of the Economic Development Commission was held in the Newtown Municipal Building, Meeting Room #2, Newtown, CT on January 10, 2013.
The meeting was called to order at 7: 01pm by Chairman Donald Sharpe. Other members present were: Elana Bertram, Joseph Humeston, Jean Leonard, Walter Motyka and Allan Song. Also present:  Elizabeth Stocker, Director, Economic & Community Development, Mike Burton, John Bragoli, Joe Hemingway, Ben Spragg and Wes Thompson.
The purpose of this meeting was to address guidelines for business assistance and award of the $500,000 STEAP Grant by the State of CT for those Newtown Businesses that have been impacted by the tragedy at the Sandy Hook Elementary School on December 14, 2012.
Chairman Don Sharpe recognized Mike Burton representing SHOP. Mike said that he felt that some of the professionals he spoke with at the 107 Church Hill Road, Sandy Hook office building did not experience losses-“they just stayed home” working out of their homes. He also felt that those businesses that experienced losses would not know the impact for several months.
John Bragoli said that in his experience, insurance companies would not cover loss of revenue, but would cover loss of profit.
Jean Leonard reported that the Newtown Chamber of Commerce will offer all Sandy Hook businesses membership so they can accept Newtown Bucks. She also asked the commission about whether or not we could add dollars to the program so that if someone used it in Sandy Hook they would get an additional $25.00.
The question to whether the assistance should be limited to Sandy Hook was brought up by Walt Motyka. After discussion it was decided the recommendation would be that all Newtown businesses would be entertained with a priority given to those Sandy Hook businesses.
A motion was made by Joseph Humeston on the following resolution:
        A sub-committee consisting of Jean Leonard, Elana Bertram, Walter Motyka, Elizabeth Stocker, Ben Spragg, Wes Thompson and John Bragoli is charged with responsibility to manage the STEAP Grant Program to assist the local businesses that incurred economic losses in the wake of the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting.
The motion seconded by Elana Bertram which passed unanimously.

There being no further business to come before this meeting and upon a motion made by Joseph Humeston and seconded by Walt Motyka it was voted to adjourn at 8:52pm.

                                                        Respectfully submitted,

                                                        Joseph R. Humeston