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The Economic Development Commission held a regular meeting on Tuesday, September 18, 2012, in meeting room 3 at the Municipal Center, 3 Primrose Street, Newtown, CT 06470.
PRESENT: Co – Chair Donald Sharpe, Vice – Chair Walter Motyka, Joseph Tarshis, Joseph Humeston
Also Present: Member of Newtown Patch
Not Present:  Martin Gersten, Thomas Murtha, Elana Bertram, Jean Leonard & Elizabeth Stocker
Co – Chair Donald Sharpe called the meeting to order at 7:10pm.
Acceptance of Minutes: To be voted on next session.
Public Participation: NA
Director of Economic & Community Development – Report and discussion
Liz Stocker was unable to attend meeting, but Co-Chair Donald Sharpe presented the information received from report.
Main Street Investment Fund: The application submitted for the $500,000 grant was approved by the Board of Selectman which will then be reviewed by the legislative counsel. The grant is also retroactive which means private businesses within the design district and the borough can get reimbursed for some of the improvements already made. Currently, have roughly about 20 applicants looking for reimbursement.
Discussion: Liz Stocker is trying to take control of the Batchelder property, and Sandy Hook Auto & Marine. The town is moving forward with the foreclosure process on Sandy Hook Auto & Marine. After the foreclosure has taken place and the town takes over ownership, the town then needs to determine whether they are going to clean up the property or sell it ‘as is’.
Betsy is working on the next newsletter which should be available in roughly two weeks. Betsy also made up a flyer to be mailed out with the Personal Property Declarations which get mailed to all businesses in the town. Fusion 25 the new business that opened in Highland Plaza is having a kickoff party on Friday, September 21.
Town is currently looking at two businesses for where Lexington Garden’s was located. Planning & Zoning is currently discussing & reviewing the plans.
Round Table Update: Ongoing activities-
Business Incubators: NA
Serving Newtown’s Existing Commercial Base: Joseph Humeston & Joseph Tarshis are going to meet to discuss how to achieve more EDC outreach to Newtown citizens and business groups.
Hawleyville Sewers: Commission heard from SCORE on how to finance sewer extension project which the Board of Selectman accepted report explaining project technicalities.
Old Business-
Annual Work Program: NA
Business Incentive Program/Plan- Review & Recommendations: Approved Michael Burton’s proposal under the town plan. Currently, discussing whether or not to implement town plan or state plan, or have a mixture of both.
Brownfields Grants: Liz Stocker is confident in the application process for Batchelder’s and Sandy Hook Auto & Marine.
Joint Marketing Effort with Fairfield Hills Authority: To be discussed at FFH Authority meeting tomorrow night.
New Business-
Charter Changes for Legislative Council: The commission has one possible suggestion to have the town be able to sell off land by having interested individuals submit an RFP (request for purchase) or to possibly auction of the pieces.  
Fast Track approval of major development projects: The main goal of Fast Track to Newtown is set up for a developer who has a full set of implemented plans and has a commitment to the land. The developer would have a meeting with various town departments to review and determine whether or not it fits the requirements to start project. If the application fits all necessary requirements the developer and the town then have 45 days to reach an agreement. Walter Motyka suggested making the EDC part of the development process to try and sponsor the development within the town or make suggestions as to what resources are available to make the project successful.
Executive Session: NA
The meeting was adjourned at 8:10pm.

Mindy Kovack, Clerk