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Town of Newtown
Economic Development Commission
Minutes of August 21, 2012


The Economic Development Commission held a regular meeting on Tuesday, August 21, 2012, in Meeting Room #3 at the Municipal Center, 3 Primrose Street, Newtown, CT 06470

PRESENT:  Don Sharpe (Co-Chair), Walter Motyka (Vice-Chair), Elana Bertram, Joseph Humeston, Jean Leonard, and Joseph Tarshis.  ABSENT:  Margaret Oliger (Co-Chair), Martin Gersten, Thomas Murtha.  
Also Present:  Elizabeth Stocker, Director of Economic and Community Development; Betsy Paynter, Economic Development Coordinator; Robert Rau, Mike Burton, and Linda Zukauskas from Voices.  

Mr. Sharpe called the meeting to order at 7:05pm.

ACCEPTANCE OF MINUTES:  Mr. Motyka motioned to approve the minutes of July 17, 2012 as written.  Mr. Humeston seconded the motion.  The motion passed unanimously.

Mr. Sharpe noted that Margaret Oliger has submitted her resignation as a member of the Economic Development Commission.  Mr. Sharpe said he is willing to remain as Chair.  



Director of Economic & Community Development – Elizabeth Stocker distributed her report.  She said asked for input regarding the Fall Preview for the NEREJ (New England Real Estate Journal).  The deadline is after Labor Day.  She said the new Administrative Assistant will be starting next week.  Wes Thompson said that they have six clients signed on and have had 14 meetings so far.  

Betsey Paynter reviewed the report on email statistics as well as the list of work plan actions for the 2012/13 Economic Development Work Plan.   She is working with the Tax Assessor on a one page flyer that could be inserted in with the Declaration of Personal Property mailing going out in September.  


Next Steps – SHU Study Group on Business Incubators – Ms. Leonard will touch base with Ms. Oliger about getting an update on this.  Ms. Bertram will work with Ms. Leonard on this.

Serving Newtown’s Existing Commercial Base – Mr. Humeston said that members of SHOP are asking for assistance in setting up a 501c3 corporation.  Any help for them would be appreciated.  Mr. Tarshis said that the Rotary Club may be able to assist.  

Sandy Hook Auto & Marine; 7 - 9 Glen Road (Environmental/Foreclosure) – Ms. Stocker reported that foreclosure proceedings are moving ahead and that it may take four to six months before the transfer to the Town is complete.  In reviewing paperwork in the Fire Marshal’s Office for the tank removal, she found there was no contamination noted.  There is a proposal for $25,000 to complete additional testing.  Testing cannot be completed below some ledge that is present but any MTBE contamination that may have been there would have been washed away by now.  Since the surrounding properties have sewer and public water, there would be no issues with well contamination.  Ms. Stocker said she met with George Benson and Donna Culbert (Health District Director) to review all the reports.  Ms. Stocker thought the building may be used temporarily for an art gallery while the remainder of the site can be marketed for development.  

Mike Burton, 107 Glen Road, President of SHOP (Sandy Hook Organization for Prosperity), felt it best to demolish the existing building because of its position on the property and the time and cost it would take to remediate.  He said that members of SHOP feel the rehabilitation of this property is a priority for the continued revitalization of Sandy Hook.  They would support economic development noting that new businesses in the area would feed existing businesses.  He feels that a mixed use with apartments above would be the way to go.

Ms. Stocker said that under the Town Charter, the Town has to make a recommendation within 60 to 90 days whether to keep the property or not.  If not, the Town can offer it through a sealed bid or auction.  In speaking with the Town attorney she was told that if the Town decides to sell, the purchaser would be responsible for going through the transfer acts, which could mean years of testing and monitoring.  One alternative is having the Town lease the land to a developer.  Alternatives will be explored.

Annual Work Program – Budget & Action Items - Betsy Paynter reviewed the 2012/13 Economic Development Work Plan.  She asked that if commissioners had questions they can call or email her.  Ms. Stocker then reviewed the year-end budget and the draft budget work plan for this year.  After discussion, Commissioner Humeston motioned that the 2012/13 budget be approved by the commission.  Commissioner Motyka seconded the motion.  The motion was approved unanimously.

Main Street Investment Fund Program - Ms. Stocker said this application is due in September.  Requirements allow for reimbursement to municipalities for items such as streetscapes.  Rob Sibley will apply for funding for the sidewalk plan.  Ms. Stocker said the fund can provide reimbursement to property owners who have already completed improvements to enhance the esthetics of an area.  After through discussion, Ms. Bertram motioned that the EDC supports the Town of Newtown Main Street Investment Fund Program.  Mr. Humeston seconded the motion.  Motion approved unanimously.

Newtown Commercial District Improvement Plan – No updates

Business Incentive Program/Plan – Review and Recommendations - Mr. Sharpe explained that there are a several business incentive programs (Town and State).  Ms. Stocker reviewed a comparison of Newtown’s Business Incentive Program with State of CT General Statutes (CGS) Sec. 12-65b 12-65g.  The board discussed tax abatements.  Commissioners will work together and find out what other towns in the area are offering and then a draft recommendation will be put together.  


Mr. Sharp motioned to go into executive session to discuss development proposals at 8:33 pm.
Ms. Bertram motioned to adjourn the meeting at 8:57 pm and seconded by Mr. Humeston.  Motion was approved unanimously.

Respectfully submitted by Tammy Hazen, Clerk