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Town of Newtown
Economic Development Commission
Minutes of July 17, 2012


The Economic Development Commission held a regular meeting on Tuesday, July 17, 2012, in Meeting Room #3 at the Municipal Center, 3 Primrose Street, Newtown, CT 06470

PRESENT:  Don Sharpe (Co-Chair), Margaret Oliger (Co-Chair), Walter Motyka (Vice-Chair), Elana Bertram, Joseph Humeston, and Joseph Tarshis.  ABSENT:  Martin Gersten, Jean Leonard, and Thomas Murtha.  Also Present:  Elizabeth Stocker, Director of Economic and Community Development; Betsy Paynter, Economic Development Coordinator; Wes Thompson, Newtown SCORE Office; Robert Rau, and two members of the press.

Ms. Oliger called the meeting to order at 7:05pm.

ACCEPTANCE OF MINUTES:  Mr. Sharpe motioned to approve the minutes of June 19, 2012 as written.  Walter Motyka seconded the motion.  The motion passed unanimously.


Betsy Paynter, Economic Development Coordinator.  Ms. Paynter thanked everyone and explained her objectives.  She will first work on building a database of businesses in Newtown and then prepare a newsletter to be sent to businesses on a quarterly or bimonthly basis.  

Wes Thompson – Newtown SCORE (Service Corps of Retired Executives) Office.  Mr. Thompson will begin registering people for SCORE and feels they’re off to a good start.


Director of Economic & Community Development

Ms. Stocker discussed her June and July reports, as distributed to the commission.  She discussed the commission’s recommendation in seeking to set up an LLC.  In discussing this with the Town’s attorney, who said if the commission’s reason for setting up an LLC is to protect it from liability; that would be a non-issue since new State Statues relieve the commission of that concern.  It was also noted that the LLC will not alleviate the commission of Charter’s requirement that properties offered for sale or lease require a process of public auction or sealed bid.  The commission can recommend a revision to Charter (7-90 C & D) and bring it to the new Charter Revision Committee.

Mr. Sharpe discussed Toll Brother’s interest in cluster housing in the Borough.  Ms. Stocker said there are 29 units.  Ms. Oliger was surprised that cluster housing would be approved on Taunton Lake.  Ms. Stocker said the sewer would be extended to the subdivision and that the open space portion of the subdivision would be up against the lake.  

Ms. Oliger asked for an update on what has been spent for budget year 2011 – 2012.  Ms. Stocker will provide an update to the commission.


Findings from Sacred Heart University Study Group on Business Incubators – Ms. Oliger discussed a feasibility study done by university students.  The focus group results showed that there are currently issues that were brought up in a survey two years back, including problems with signage regulations.  It was also noted that food businesses are looking for commercial kitchens to rent.  A second study will be scheduled for the fall.  The commission needs to write a “needs assessment” for this.  It was noted that most incubators are tied to universities.  Ms. Oliger felt the database should be a priority.  The website should be updated and there should be an outreach to groups who have access to people looking for business space in town (lawyers, realtors, and bankers).  The focus group noted that business owners want more networking events that are either free or do not require a membership.  Ms. Bertram suggested these events could be built into the EDC budget in order to bring people in.  

The commission discussed the support that can be provided by SCORE.  Ms. Bertram asked if the task of putting the database together can be delegated to a student.  Ms. Stocker felt the database is an ongoing project that gets outdated quickly so would have to be updated regularly.  

A subcommittee was put together to discuss a timeline and plan of action.  The committee will be chaired by Ms. Bertram and will include Mr. Humeston and Ms. Oliger.  The will meet with Ms. Paynter and Mr. Thompson will assist as a volunteer.  

Serving Newtown’s Existing Commercial Base – Mr. Humeston discussed the Shop meeting and wine tasting event at the Stone River Grille.  He said it was very successful.  Some of the donations will be used for signage expenses, some will be given to Youth and Family Services, and some will be left in reserve or for the Newtown Scholarship.  They discussed Sandy Hook Auto and Marine property as an eye sore and what can be done by the Town.  

Mr. Tarshis discussed The Best of Newtown.  Members are from major non-profit organizations as well as other business owners in town.  He discussed possibly creating one event combining Destination Newtown and The Best of Newtown.  He asked what EDC wants to do to recognize businesses.  Mr. Sharpe discussed defining various levels of support that EDC can provide.  Ms. Bertram said it would be beneficial to keep the website updated.

After discussions regarding EDC’s ability to support commercial businesses in town, Mr. Sharpe motioned that the EDC supports commercial business interests in town to the greatest extent possible, however, since a mandate is set by the Charter, the commission will limit contributions to outside organizations to participation and small dollar expenditures and sponsor only those activities that further the EDC’s mission.  Mr. Humeston seconded the motion.  The motion passed unanimously.

Mr. Sharp motioned to go into executive session to discuss development proposals at 8:29 pm.
Ms. Bertram motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:38 pm and seconded by Ms. Oliger.  Motion was approved unanimously.

Respectfully submitted by Tammy Hazen, Clerk