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02-15-11 Amended
Town of Newtown, CT
3 Primrose Street, Newtown, CT 06470

AMENDED 3-1-2011

322011_125223_0.pngThe Economic Development Commission held a meeting on Tuesday, February 15, 2011, at the Newtown Municipal Center.

Present: Margaret Oliger, Donald Sharpe, Steven Zvon,  Joseph Tarshis, and Walt Motyka

Absent: Gino Scarangella, Joseph Humeston, Thomas Murtha, and Wes Thompson

Also Present: Elizabeth Stocker, Director of ~Economic and Community Development,  EDC Consultant Robert Rau, and Cara Mocarski from the Welcome Wagon

Ms. Oliger called the meeting to order at 7:11 p.m.

Ms. Oliger took this opportunity to welcome the two newest members of the EDC, Steven Zvon and Walt Motyka.  The group then went around and introduced themselves to the new members.

Public Participation:  none

Presentation by Cara Mocarski of the Welcome Wagon
Ms. Mocarski is a community marketing executive for the Welcome Wagon which is headquartered in Florida.  She feels that Newtown is a very desirable place to live primarily due to good schools and access to transportation.  
Ms. Mocarski reported that a mailer is sent to new movers to Newtown within the first month.  There is an average of 31 new families a month.  This mailer has a 98% open rate.    She then shared a sample mailer with the group.  She stated that besides the mailers the Welcome Wagon has an online presence as well.  The Welcome Wagon is partnered with the Newtown Chamber of Commerce.  Postcards from local business are also sent to the new movers; 3 mailings over a 90 day period are sent to the new movers in total.

Ms. Oliger asked Ms. Mocarski what her purpose was for attending the EDC meeting.  Ms. Mocarski responded that she was there to share information.

Mr. Rau asked Ms. Mocarski if she knew the number of new businesses opening in Newtown each month.  Ms. Mocarski replied that she did not have that number.  She also said that they do target new businesses as well as new homeowners.

Mr. Zvon asked Ms Mocarski if she had any statistics about where the people moving to Newtown are working.  Ms. Mocarski said that she did not have those statistics but she assumed that many people would be commuting to work outside of Newtown.  Mr. Zvon then asked if the people are primarily commuting to New York City.  Ms. Stocker responded stating that she had statistics about where people living in Newtown work.  She said many people commute to Westchester, Danbury, and Waterbury.  Ms. Oliger added that about 35% of people that live in Newtown work in Newtown.

Ms. Stocker asked Ms. Mocarski how much it costs to advertise in the Welcome Wagon mailings.  Ms. Mocarski responded that it costs about $100 a month.  The businesses in it get year round exposure online and in direct mailings.

Approval of Minutes: Mr. Sharpe made a motion to approve the minutes, as amended, from the December 14, 2010 meeting.  Mr. Tarshis seconded the motion.  The minutes were unanimously approved as amended.    

Ms. Stocker, Director of Economic and Community Development presented.
Ms. Stocker began by distributing a list of the vacant industrial zoned land in Newtown.  She said that the number of parcels is more important than the acreage because some of the land is not buildable.

She then discussed 3 large maps that she displayed on the wall.  On the first map Ms. Stocker pointed out the vacant industrial zoned properties, particularly the 3 large ones.  She said the 103 acre parcel in Hawleyville is on the market and is very expensive.  She pointed out the large Batchelder property but said that it is 90% wetlands and has poor access.

Mr. Zvon asked Ms. Stocker to discuss the Hawleyville property a little further.  She responded that the property is 103 acres.  It would be a good location for corporate headquarters.  It is not zoned for housing or retail.  She did add that the Planning and Zoning board are willing to listen to any light industrial projects for that property.

Mr. Motyka asked if it could be used for a conference center.  Ms. Stocker replied that yes, it is zoned for a conference center or even a sports complex.  Mr. Motyka asked if the project to widen Route 84 would affect that property.  Ms. Stocker replied that it wouldn’t.

Ms. Stocker stated that the list of vacant land shows that there is not a lot of open land in Newtown.   The 2nd map showed the commercial and industrial zoning, including the sewer districts.  She said that there is another 30 acre parcel near the 103 acre parcel in Hawleyville.  She stated that there are several approvals that went through but that development hasn’t started yet.

There was some discussion about Newtown losing some businesses to Pepper Street in Monroe.  

Ms. Stocker said that Tech Park is M-5 zoned.  She said there is a lot of growth happening in this size.

The 3rd map was the same as the 2nd one except that it included the Aquifer Protection District..  Ms. Stocker indicated that  there are some environmental issues that might hinder development within the Aquifer Protection District.  She added that Tech Park is in the APD.

Mr. Zvon asked if using the 103 acre parcel in Hawleyville as a golf course would be possible.  Ms. Stocker responded that a golf course has not been discussed for that property.  Ms. Stocker suggested that there is land in the Robin Hill Road area that might be a suitable location for a golf course.

Mr. Zvon added that land in Newtown is expensive and he feels that people are going to other towns because of this.  Mr. Zvon also brought up the issue of signage in Newtown and that it is restrictive for business owners.  Mr. Tarshis agreed that there are businesses leaving Newtown.  Ms. Stocker added that she feels businesses are leaving because we don’t have the product they need here, not because of a signage issue.  She said many businesses want their own place and we don’t have the product for them.

Mr. Zvon stated that residents of Newtown want to keep Newtown rural, but he asked what the definition of rural is.  He feels that there are ways to maintain beautiful rural Newtown. Mr. Zvon believes that some people in town are resistant to change and those people need to understand that things change and be open to limited progress.  He feels it is important to be progressive.

Ms. Stocker then distributed a document titled “Report by Economic and Community Development Director for EDC, January 2011.  She discussed #8 on her report discussing the AMS consulting report.  She said that the AMS report is 107 pages long and she is about 35 pages into it.  Ms. Stocker added that she will finish proofreading the report and then print them out and bind it for each commission member.  She did say there will be a cost for the printing/binding.  She added that the first part of the report is online now.

Mr. Motyka made a motion to support CERC’s Quick Track program for Ms. Stocker.  Mr. Zvon seconded the motion.  Motion carried unanimously.

Ms. Stocker discussed item #12 from her January report which discusses placing an ad in the News Times Inside Business publication.  She suggested that the EDC take out a quarter page ad in the Inside Business magazine which will cost $425.  Mr. Zvon asked if the Inside Business people would create the artwork and Ms. Stocker replied yes, they would do the artwork.  Ms. Stocker said that the Tech Park could be included in the ad as long as we have all the approvals in time.  The members of the EDC felt that the ad is a good idea.

Mr. Zvon asked how we could track who gets and responds to the ad.  Ms. Stocker said that she can track that information when she receives the inquiries.  Mr. Zvon also asked if the ad was going to be in the Connecticut Post as well as the New Times.  Ms. Stocker responded that it would only be in the News Times.  Mr. Motyka suggested possibly advertising in Voices.  He stated that Voices covers a lot of Newtown.

Mr. Rau, EDC consultant, gave some background and an update on Tech Park.
Mr. Rau said that the state gave Newtown 47 acres to use for commercial development.  He said over the past 7 years there have been lots of differences with the Conservation Commission, the Land Use Department and the Inland Wetlands Board.  Next Wednesday he hopes a decision will be made and shared.  If theTechnology Park is approved as proposed the next step would be to go to the Department of Agriculture to discuss a land swap.  Currently there is 23 acres in the plan.  Following the Department of Agriculture the group would need to go to the Army Corps of Engineers.  The final step would be to find a developer for the property.

Mr. Rau added that AFS bought one of the building that was formerly occupied by Pitney-Bowes.  The building was not owned by Pitney-Bowes.  AFS is currently renovating the building, and once complete AFS will be the largest tax payer in Newtown.  They plan to hire about 200 workers.

Mr. Rau pointed out that economic development is not easy.  It must be a joint effort between many groups with many different ideas.

Old Business:
Mr. Sharpe distributed a draft for Newtown’s Plan of Conservation and Development.  Ms. Stocker suggested separating Tech Park and Fairfield Hills into two separate strategies on the POCD.  Mr. Motyka added that Fairfield Hills used to be thought of as an “island” but now it is considered part of the town.  He feels it is important that the EDC should oversee the operations of that property.  Mr. Tashis suggested taking Tech Park to the next level first and then focusing on Fairfield Hills.  Mr. Sharpe suggested discussing this more at the next meeting.  Mr. Rau asked if the EDC would like to take a stance on housing at Fairfield Hills.  Ms. Oliger suggested discussing this issue at a special meeting.

Ms. Stocker distributed the midyear budget review.  She said that half of the budget is left and must be used by June.  None of it can be carried over to next year’s budget.  Mr. Sharpe discussed the hiring of a consultant to help Ms. Stocker and suggested using some of the remaining funds to pay for the consultant.  The EDC requested $20,000 from the town and the EDC would add $10, 000 from their budget.  The town only agreed to give $5,000 for this position.  Mr. Sharpe feels that an additional person would be able to help bring more revenue to Newtown.  Ms. Oliger made a motion to assign $10,000 from the current budget to be used towards the salary of the consultant.  Mr. Tashis seconded the motion.  The motion carried unanimously.

Ms. Oliger mentioned that the group had discussed creating tri-folds to deciminate information and support new business.  The tri-fold would explain the process that the new business would need to go through in Newtown.  Mr. Motyka added that it would be like a “road map.”  He volunteered to draft the “road map” and then the consultant can put it together.  Ms. Oliger said it should be available online and there should be a hard copy available too.

Mr. Tashis discussed the upcoming event, Newtown Day.  He is working with the Rotary Club to plan the event which will most likely be in October.

New Business:
Ms. Stocker asked the members of the commission to take a look at the AFS application.  AFS filed an application for the business incentive program.  Ms. Stocker will email the application to the group.  She would like  this item added to the agenda for the next EDC meeting.

Mr. Tarshis moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:40 pm. ~Motioned seconded by Mr. Motyka. ~Motion carried unanimously.

Respectfully submitted by Allison Sharlow, Clerk