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12-07-10 Special Meeting

Minutes of the Economic Development Commission Special Meeting held on Tuesday December 7, 2010 in meeting room 3 at the Newtown Municipal Center, 3 Primrose Street, Newtown, CT.

Economic Development Commission Chairman Ted Kreinik called the meeting to order at    7:08 PM.  
PRESENT:  Ted Kreinik, Margaret Oliger, Don Sharpe, Wes Thompson, Joe Humeston, Robert Morey, Joe Tarshis, Gino Scarangella, ABSENT:  Tom Murtha

ALSO PRESENT:  Elizabeth Stocker- Economic Development Director, Bob Rau -EDC consultant, Michael Klein- environmental consultant, Bill Carboni- land use consultant, George Benson- Director of Planning and Land Use, one member of the press.    

Mr. Sharpe made a motion to approve the minutes of the November 16, 2010 meeting.  Motion seconded and unanimously approved.  

  • Mr. Kreinik introduced a draft of the EDC survey for discussion.  
  • Mr. Sharpe asked that the commission members review the survey and forward comments to him by Thursday 12/9/10 so that the commission could discuss and potentially adopt the recommendations at the 12/14/10 meeting.  Mr. Sharpe noted that the survey has a 90% confidence rating because of the number of respondents and the information received.  
  • Mrs. Oliger thought that it was interesting that the consultant made recommendations and urged the commissioners to make sure they are in agreement with the recommendations as those should really come from the commission.  
  • Mr. Kreinik added that the positives that came from the survey are over 150 responses, 2 SWOT meetings, and that this is the first time anyone has surveyed Town businesses and residents for observations and recommendations related to local business.  
  • Mr. Kreinik introduced the commission consultants involved in the Tech Park and asked Mr. Carboni to give a brief overview of the history of the Tech Park for the benefit of newer members on the commission.  Mr. Carboni described the multiple proposals that had been brought forth for the area since 2004.  Mr. Carboni described the current wetlands mitigation plan for the development.  A discussion ensued between the commissioners regarding the previous proposals and the possible reasons for their denial.  Mr. Thomspon felt that since future plans for the lower parcel weren’t specified, that could have been part of the problem.  Mr. Benson agreed, adding that it is standard practice for the full picture to be examined, even if a portion will not be developed at this time.  
  • The commissioners discussed the option of a conservation easement on the lower portion of the property along with a potential land swap with the Department of Agriculture.  Mr. Scarangella questioned if the easement could specify limited uses, but be reviewed after a certain period of time to see what options may be viable for the property in the future, while maintaining the original intent of preserving Deep Brook.   Mr. Kline stated that easements are typically property rights that are transferable with the land.  He added that the land has been used for crops in the recent past and that with proper modern methods and buffering, there would be no technical reason that it couldn’t be used for a higher level of agriculture than haying.  Mr. Benson questioned how much more valuable other crops could be on a small parcel like that.  He feels that the easement is the best option to satisfy all groups involved by protecting the river and allowing for some development.  He feels that the current proposal is perfect from an environmental standpoint and that the Town should be held to a higher standard than private developers.  
  • After further discussion regarding the easement Mr. Humeston made a motion for the following resolution to be presented to Inland Wetlands Commission with the support of Mr. Benson:
The Newtown Economic Development Commission and The Town of Newtown have agreed to preserve the parcel of land designated in the application as a portion of Parcel 2, east of the proposed Tech Park development and west of Deep Brook, comprising approximately 11.6 acres.  The parcel is depicted on the map entitle “Newtown Technology Park Display 1, Commerce Road, Newtown, Connecticut” prepared for the Town of Newtown dated 10/15/10, by Spath-Bjorklund Associates, Inc.
The parcel of land shall be preserved either as Town open space or a conservation easement with an agricultural use allowed in either scenario.  The parcel will be designated open space if the Department of Agriculture (DOA) consents to a swap of land whereby the Town would receive additional economic development land along the railroad line and the 11/6 acres would be designated as open space.  Until the DOA consents to a land swap the parcel of land will be protected by a Town conservation easement.  

Motion seconded by Mr. Thompson and unanimously approved.  

Mr. Humeston moved to adjourn the meeting.  Motion seconded and unanimously carried.  Having no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:07

Patrick M. Kelley, Clerk Pro Tem