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The Economic Development Commission held a regular meeting on Tuesday, September 21, 2010 in Conference Room #3 at the Municipal Center, 3 Primrose Street in Newtown.  

Present:  Ted Kreinik (Chair), Donald Sharpe, Joseph Humeston, Robert Morey, Gino Scarangella, Margaret Oliger and Wes Thompson.
Also Present: Elizabeth Stocker, Director of Economic and Community Development, Robert Rau, Volunteer Consultant and one member of the press

Chairman Kreinik called the meeting to order at 7:05 pm.

Election of Officer: Mr Humeston moved to appoint Margaret Oliger as the secretary for the
Commission.  Motion seconded. Unanimously carried.
Acceptance of Minutes: Mr. Humeston moved to approve the minutes of  the special meeting of August 24, 2010.  Motion seconded.  Unanimously carried.

Pubic Participation: None


Director of Economic and Community Development – Ms. Stocker reported that she visited the following businesses: HD Lifestyle, Berkshire Motors, Fun Cuts and Consignments and Newtown Power Equipment.  The New England Real Estate Journal article has been published.  She attended the CEDAS quarterly meeting and distributed a brochure to the Commission.  The Commission will become a member for a $100.00 fee.  Mr. Kreinik questioned what kind of response she received regarding the Commission’s survey.  She visited the businesses before the survey had been distributed.  She did receive a call from Mark Landry of “demitasse” who has a signage issue with zoning.  Mr. Kreinik suggested a packet of information for new businesses is needed.  Mr. Morey and Mr. Scarangella will provide a draft outline for the next meeting.

Subcommittee Reports

Maximization of Sites for Economic Development – Mr. Thompson reported the committee is getting a list of commercial properties owners in town.  He is speaking to Matthew D’Amico for information.  He has been informed that Toll Brothers is moving their headquarters to Danbury from Newtown.  He spoke to the First Selectman who will be contacting them.  He received positive reactions when dropping off the survey cards.  Mr. Morey said he spoke with Jim Shortt and received positive comments on the location of the Farmer’s Market.  

Business Advocacy/Retention – Ms. Oliger reported that the survey post cards received the approval of the Board of Selectmen and their approval is printed on the card.  The survey is on line as of the past Wednesday.  She is looking for connections in both Rotary and the Women in Business Club for businesses for the survey.  Mr. Sharpe stated that the post cards are the prime way to get responses.  The survey is also on the Chamber of Commerce web site and press releases will be done.  Ms. Oliger would like to pursue having signage in town to publicize the survey.  Ms. Stocker offered to look into it.

Evaluate /Upgrade EDC Marketing Aids/Social Media – Ms. Stocker reported that the E-Newsletter will be going out.  Mr. Sharpe has prepared a draft.

Development of Tech Park – Volunteer Consultant Mr. Rau expressed his disappointment in the wording of the Ink Drops Editorial in the Newtown Bee.  He feels that they missed the point that the western part of the property has zero impact on Deep Brook.  It is important for people to know that this has not been addressed because the Commission does not know what is going to be done with that portion of the land.  Any future development would have to pass the Commissions at that time.  After discussion, Mr. Kreinik suggested that any further actions be postponed until after a meeting on Thursday with George Benson and Rob Sibley (Land Use), David Grogins and Monte Frank (Town Attorneys), Bill Carboni (Spath Bjorklund), Ms. Stocker and Commissioners Kreinik and Thompson.  He asked Ms. Stocker to research a 75 foot swath of land abutting Deep Brook on both sides for present development.  Ms. Stocker is going to use the GIS mapping system.  Mr. Kreinik told the Commission that the Town Attorney is researching what could happen to the land if it is not developed since it was given by the state for that purpose.

Strategic Plan -  No report

Report from Volunteer Consultant Bob Rau:  Mr. Rau reported that AFS is moving forward with the purchase of the building with the expected purchase price being around $6 million along with a major equipment expenditure.

Old Business

Municipal Development Plan – Glen Chalders, the consultant from Planimetrics, is aware of the action being taken.  He is willing to come to a Commission meeting.

Plan of Conservation and Development -  Ms. Stocker received a note from the Board of Selectmen indicating the strategies that they were looking for input from the Commission on.  Mr. Sharpe shared his views that he had assembled.  Ms. Stocker needs the responses from the rest of the Commissioners for the October meeting of the Board of Selectmen.

Work Program for FY 2010/1011 – No report

Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) for 2011-2012 through 2015-2016 – Mr. Thompson attended the meeting.  No changes were made to the Commission’s CIP requests.  The Commission’s requests were passed on to the Board of Finance.

Sandy Hook Streetscape Program – Mr. Thompson reported that Mike Burton attended the Board of Selectmen meeting and that the Streetscape Program is being included in the CIP.

Master Plan for Fairfield Hills Redevelopment – Mr. Humeston will attend the next meeting of the committee on September 27th regarding the use of Cochran House.

Transfer of Development Rights-Proposed Ordinance – Mr. Thompson reported that the ordinance has been withdrawn at this time

New Business – None

There being no further business, Mr. Sharpe moved to adjourn at 8:39 pm.  Motion seconded.  Unanimously carried.

Mary Kelley, Clerk