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08-09-10 Special Meeting
The Economic Development Commission held a special meeting on Tuesday, August 9, 2010 in Conference Room #3 at the Municipal Center, 3 Primrose Street in Newtown.  

Present:  Robert Rau (Chair), Ted Kreinik, Donald Sharpe,  Joseph Humeston and Wes Thompson.
Also Present: Elizabeth Stocker, Director of Economic and Community Development, William Carboni, Spath Bjorklund Associates Inc., one member of the press

Chairman Rau called the meeting to order at 7:15 pm.

Tech Park Application Recommendation

William Carboni of Spath Bjorklund presented information to the Commission regarding the lot line for the Tech
Park application.  He shared a map of the property in which the lot line would include the wetlands mitigation area.  This would make the developer responsible for the mitigation of the wetlands.  An 80% survival rate for five years is required for the plantings. The grading of the wetlands would cost an estimated $250,000.  He explained the estimated cost to plant the created wetlands is $20,000 to $30,000.  The cost of inspection during construction is about $10,000.  The annual cost for inspection during the first five years is approximately $3,000, for a total cost of $15,000.  The replacement plant cost during the five years is about $5,000.The wetlands area has invasive species present.  They have to be dug out and the soil removed to ensure they do not return.  If this lot line is proposed, the burden put on the developer would be taken off  the sale price.  Ms. Stocker explained that the Inland Wetlands Commission wants a definitive answer as to where the lot line will be placed as well as the Army Corps of Engineers and the Department of Environmental Protection.  Mr. Rau stated that the Town cannot grant itself an easement.  A third party has to be involved.  The map of the lot line which would not include the wetlands was also reviewed.  After discussion, Mr. Sharpe moved that the lot line for the Tech Park application be drawn so that the conservation easement is within the development parcel.  The development parcel shall be 23.19 acres.  Motion seconded.  Motion carried unanimously.

Newtown Bee Survey

Mr. Rau stated that the Commission needs more community awareness of its activities.  He felt this was shown by a recent survey conducted by the Newtown Bee.  Mr. Thompson felt it was a small survey but feels the background work being done by the Commission needs to be publicized.  He stated that the role of the Commission is that of a facilitator.  Mr. Rau said that the community is not aware that the Commission was instrumental is moving the Farmer’s Market to Fairfield Hills.  Ms Stocker said that since the Commission is not regulatory it does not get the coverage.  Mr. Kreinik said perhaps the EDC should have public hearings. Mr. Sharpe feels that the survey was not valid since it did not comprise a majority but that the Commission does need to build a base of support.  The survey that EDC will be conducting will increase visability.  Mr. Sharpe explained the survey will have five categories.  The 22 questions are ready for the consultant.  The survey will be publicized through the media and perhaps a mailing.  Mr. Kreneik feels that surveys conducted personally will get the best results.  Mr. Rau requested that a script be given to the commissioners so that they can go to the businesses.

It was agreed that the next meeting would be moved from August 17th to August 24th.

Mr. Humeston motioned to adjourn the meeting at 8:55 pm.  Motion seconded.  Motion unanimously carried.

Respectfully submitted,
Mary Kelley, Clerk