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The Economic Development Commission held a regular meeting on Tuesday, July 20, 2010 in Conference Room #3 at the Municipal Center, 3 Primrose Street, Newtown.

Present: Robert Rau, Joseph Humeston, Martha LaMarche, Margaret Oliger, Donald Sharpe and Robert Morey

Absent: Wes Thompson, Ted Kreinik

Also Present: Elizabeth Stocker, Director of  Economic and Community Development, Scott Brier, The Write Design, 2 members of the press

Mr. Rau called the meeting to order at 7:13 p.m.

Public Participation: None

Acceptance of Minutes: Mr. Humeston motioned to approve the minutes of the June 15, 2010 meeting. Motion seconded.  Motion carried unanimously.


Scott Brier of Write Design Company LLC presented information on how a survey of businesses in Newtown will be conducted.  A database is being compiled in conjunction with Chris Kelsey, The Town Assessor.  The survey will try to determine problems and impediments that businesses face.  Quantative answers are being sought.  Additionally, answers to why businesses left town will be included.  The press release has already generated interest from businesses.  Mr. Brier supplied an outline for the assessment project to the commissioners.


Director of Economic and Community Development (attachment A to original minutes)

Subcommittee Reports

Maximization of Sites for Economic Development – Mr. Humeston reported that the Farmers Market was approved last week.  The Market had its best opening day since its inception.  They are pleased with the location and the signage on Wasserman Way.  AFS has received their approval from the Planning and Zoning Commission as well as the Inland Wetlands Commission.  Mr. Rau commended AFS for their professionalism and preparation in their application to the Boards.  Mr. Kalas, owner of the Villa, has received opposition from the Historical Commission on the design of the Newtown Savings Bank building which will be a brick structure not wooden.  Newtown Savings Bank will be leasing the building from Mr. Kalas.
Mr. Rau gave background information on the funding of the Tech Park Development Plan.  Completed in 2008, it now needs revising.  Mr. Humeston motioned to approve $2,800 to engage AMS Consulting LLC to update the Draft Municipal Development Plan for The Tech Park.  Motion seconded.  Motion carried unanimously.

Business Advocacy/Retention – Mr. Sharpe reported that the committee is very encouraged by their selection of Mr. Brier of Write Design to implement the assessment survey.  The talent pool in the selection process was large with 30 applicants.

Evaluate/Upgrade EDC Marketing Aids – Ms. LaMarche reported that she was disappointed in the caliber of personnel she dealt with at the New England Real Estate Journal, especially with their graphic design skills.  However, she feels the exposure well warrants the amount of the cost.  Ms. Stocker stated that a 4 page fact sheet in the form of a brochure has been completed.

Development of Tech Park – Mr. Rau reported there is an on going process with Spath Bjorklund and that soil testing is being done.  The committee will appear before the Inland Wetlands Commission again on July 28th.  The Tech Park will have to be approved by the Army Corps of Engineers which can take up to one year.  The information from AMS will be needed before a public hearing can be held.

Strategic Plan – Mr. Rau and Mr. Thompson are continuing to work on this.

Old Business

AFS Status – Mr. Rau reported that Bill Joyce stated that their suppliers could be interested in locating to Newtown.  This is something that EDC will pursue.  AFS will be starting modifications of the property in August.

Sandy Hook Streetscape Program – Mr. Rau discussed the difference of opinion on the architecture of the building that Mr. Kalas is erecting.  Ms. Stocker explained that the building will have to meet the streetscape standards.  Also, the project will qualify for Small Town Economic Assistance in the amount of $100,000 which the town has applied for.

New Business

Work Program for FY 2010-2011 – Mr. Rau presented an outline to the Commission. (attachment  B to original minutes)  The program is based on the $30,000 budget of the EDC.  Ms. Stocker presented her budget. (attachment C to original minutes)  Ms. Stocker informed the Commission if they wish to continue the annual Salute to Business, preparations should begin.  Mr. Morey suggested the format be changed and that perhaps a quarterly event should be held.  He thinks other businesses should be allowed to host the event.  Ms. LaMarche would like to see a special event continued.  Mr. Sharpe does not want an event in the fall.  He does not feel the Salute to Business gives the Commission enough bang for the buck.  He would like the theme and the location changed.  Ms. Oliger would like to have smaller more frequent events with a reason to attend.   It was concurred that the Business Advocacy/Retention Committee will work on this along with Mr. Brier.

Recommendations for Plan of Conservation and Development – Mr. Rau informed the Commission that the Planning and Zoning Commission will be revising the POCD.  EDC will be submitting recommendations for this document including what was accomplished from the 2004 Plan.

Municipal Plan for Tech Park – Business was covered in previous reports.

Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) for 2011-2012 through 2015-2016 - Ms. Stocker explained that the CIP is based on a 5 year plan which is submitted annually.  The CIP is on the agenda for the Board of Selectman meeting to be held on August 16, 2010.  Discussion took place on the construction of a driveway for the Tech Park.  The consensus was that infrastructure will help in the marketing of the property and encourage investors.  Mr. Humeston motioned $725,000 be put into the CIP for 2011-2012 for the construction of a driveway for the Tech Park.  Motion seconded.  Motion unanimously carried.  Discussion took place for the extension of the sewer line in Hawleyville and to include a pump station.  The consensus was that a user is needed to justify the cost.  Finding businesses for Hawleyville will be a priority of the Commission.  Mr. Morey motioned $5,000,000 be put into the CIP for 2015-2016 for the extension of the sewer line east on Mt. Pleasant Road to Hawleyville Road and to include the 100 acre property on the southeast corner of Hawleyville Road and Mt. Pleasant Road along with a pump station.  Motion seconded.  The motion carried 4-2.  Ms. Oliger abstained.  Mr. Sharpe voted no.

Marketing of Fairfield Hills – Mr. Rau announced that Mr. Reed, Chairman of the Fairfield Hills Authority, will attend the August meeting of the EDC.

Mr. Humeston motioned to adjourn the meeting at 9:25 pm.  Motioned seconded.  Motion carried unanimously.

Respectfully submitted
Mary Kelley, Clerk