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The Economic Development Commission held a regular meeting on Tuesday, April 20, 2010 in Conference Room #3 at the Municipal Center, 3 Primrose Street in Newtown.  

Present:  Mitchell Bolinsky, Joseph Humeston, Martha LaMarche, Robert Morey, Donald Sharpe, and Wes Thompson.

Absent:  Robert Rau, Elizabeth Stocker, Margaret Oliger, and Ted Kreinik.

Mr. Bolinsky called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm.

Acceptance of Minutes – Mr. Humeston motioned to approve minutes of March 16, 2010.  Motion seconded by Mr. Sharpe.  Motion carried unanimously.

Public Participation – There were no members of the public present.


  • Director, Economic and Community Development – Item tabled.
b.      Subcommittee Reports

  • Maximization of Sites for Economic Development –  Mr. Thompson distributed a report that includes the subcommittee’s objectives and a list of available sites that was pulled off the CERC website.  He noted that some of the listings were inconsistent and will review them with Ms. Stocker so that they are more easily searchable.  The commission also discussed Loop Net.
  • Business Advocacy/Retention – Mr. Sharpe said the subcommittee is working on compiling a list of priorities.
iii.    Evaluate/Upgrade EDC Marketing Aids – Mr. Bolinsky said there are no updates except that he is concerned that there are no signs up yet for the Tech Park.  This will be followed up on.

iv.     Development of Tech Park – Item tabled.

v.      Strategic Plan – Item tabled.

Old Business

a.      AFS Status – AFS has received approval by the Planning & Zoning Commission.  The next step is for them to submit an Inland Wetlands application.

b.      EDC Website Discussion – It was noted that Mr. Rau is working with Ms. Stocker on updates to the website.  The Chamber of Commerce is holding an open house on July 22, 2010.  Invitations will be sent.

c.  Budget 2009-2010 – The commission discussed the remaining available money in this year’s budget.  They discussed signs for the Tech Park and hiring a possible point person (or Ombudsman) to work as a liaison with the town agencies.

New Business

a.      Community Builder Institute – Mr. Bolinsky stated that Mr. Rau would like the commissioners to attend this training on April 29th.  More information is forthcoming.

Mr. Humeston motioned to adjourn the meeting at 8:50 pm,  Motion seconded by Mr. Morey.  Motion carried unanimously.

Respectfully submitted by Tammy Hazen, Clerk