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The Economic Development Commission held a special meeting on Wednesday,
February 2, 2010 in Conference Room #1 at the Municipal Center, 3 Primrose Street in Newtown.  

Present:  Robert Rau (Chair), Mitchell Bolinsky, Donald Sharpe, and Wes Thompson.

Absent:  Ted Kreinik, Martha LaMarche, Robert Morey

The commissioners discussed objectives for 2010 and defined subcommittees as follows:

  • Maximization of Sites for Economic Development
Subcommittee – W. Thompson / R. Morey
  • Business Advocacy / Retention
Subcommittee – D. Sharpe / T. Kreinik
  • Evaluate/Upgrade EDC Marketing Aids
Subcommittee – M. LaMarche / M. Bolinsky
  • Develop EDC Strategic Plan that Supports the Town Strategic Plan
Subcommittee – R. Rau / M. Bolinsky
  • Continue the Development of the Tech Park
Subcommittee – R. Rau

Mr. Rau asked that the subcommittees meet separately and return to the next meeting with defined objectives and strategies to present to the commission for discussion.

Respectfully Submitted,
Tammy Hazen, Clerk