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The Economic Development Commission held a regular meeting on Tuesday, January 19, 2010
in Conference Room #3 at the Municipal Center, 3 Primrose Street in Newtown.  

Present:  Robert Rau (Chair), Martha LaMarche, Robert Morey, Donald Sharpe, and Wes Thompson.

Absent:  Mitchell Bolinsky, Ted Kreinik

Also Present:  Elizabeth Stocker, Director of Planning and Community Development

1.      Call to Order:  Chairman Rau called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

2.      Approval of Minutes – Mr. Sharpe motioned to approve the minutes of December 15, 2009.  Ms. LaMarche seconded the motion.  The motion was approved unanimously.

3.      Public Participation – No members of the public were present.

4.      Tech Park – Wetlands Report – Bill Carboni / Spath-Bjorklund.  Mr. Carboni presented a plan to the commission for the Newtown Technology Park, titled “Newtown Technology Park, Display Map 3, Commerce Road, Newtown, Connecticut”, dated January 6, 2010.  The plan is for a industrial condominium development with six buildings that are a mix of office and warehouse space.  Instead of a road, there will be a driveway. Two of the buildings will have tractor trailer access.  The plans will need to go in front of the Inland Wetlands Commission and the Army Corp. of Engineers.  Mr. Morey motioned to approve the modified site plans as shown on Display Map #3.  Mr. Thompson seconded the motion.  The motion was approved unanimously.

5.      Reports

a.      Director, Economics and Community Development –Ms. Stocker discussed an application that was brought forth to Planning and Zoning Commission regarding the Newtown Veterinarian hospital on 164 Mt. Pleasant Road as well as a zone change that was approved by Planning & Zoning to allow a town operated animal control facility in an M-5 zone.  Ms. Stocker stated that there is now a contract with Loop Net.  Also, she discussed a POCD public hearing that she attended.  She stated that the state has 62 goals.  

b.      Subcommittee Reports

  • Business Advocacy/Retention (Sharpe, Morey) – Mr. Sharpe noted that people are coming into the Land Use Office for the temporary sign permits.  He also discussed a Chamber of Commerce survey asking businesses what they would want for training, etc.  He noted this is primarily the Chamber’s function.  The group discussed business cards or name tags to use when speaking with business owners.  
  • Facilitate the Maintenance/Development of Agricultural Businesses (Thompson, Morey) – Mr. Thompson discussed his request to the Board of Education for the Farmer’s Market to move to the Middle School.  He said there is an issue where they would have to work around the bus schedule.  The possibility of a second location at Fairfield Hills was also discussed.
iii.    Evaluate/Upgrade as needed EDC Marketing Aids (LaMarche, Thompson) – Ms. Stocker noted that the bill for $1,200 was received from Sandormax for the extra pages made for the website.  She is about ¾ of the way into reviewing the web pages.  The website should be ready to go in one week.  The commission discussed a possible update of the Town’s website and marketing strategies for Fairfield Hills and the Tech Park, including the use of commercial brokers and/or developers.

6.      Old Business

  • Budget 2010-2011 – Mr. Rau discussed the budget noting that there is no line item for marketing for Fairfield Hills..
  • EDC Open Positions – The board discussed the filling in of vacant positions within the committee, including one democratic and one republican.  A memo was sent to the Town Clerk.
7.      New Business

  • EDC Objectives 2010 – Mr. Rau handed out a list of objectives for the commission to review.  Discussions have been tabled.
  • Subcommittee 2010 – Item tabled.
8.      Adjournment – The commission adjourn at 9:52 pm.  

Respectfully submitted by Tammy Hazen, Clerk