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MAY 19, 2009 – 7PM
Multi-purpose Building, Riverside Road, Sandy Hook, CT

PRESENT:  Chairman Robert Rau, Robert Morey, Wes Thompson, Martha LaMarche, Don Sharpe, Ted Kreinik
Liz Stocker, Director of Economic & Community Development
Public:  Michael Bonasera, Joe Hovious
1.       Call to order – Robert Rau called the meeting to order at 7:03pm
2.      Minutes of April 21, 2009 Meeting – Minutes Approved.  Motion to accept minutes by Don Sharpe. Seconded by Ted Kreinik.  Minutes approved unanimously.
3.      Public Participation
a.      Michael Bonasera of Bromm Enterprises– presented to the commission his project at 183 Mt. Pleasant Road – New Medical Arts/Office Building.  This project is moving forward and approved by Planning & Zoning.  Primary use is Medical arts.  Building will be approximately 17,300 sqft.  Main tenant will be Urgent Care Center.   There is room for up to 5 additional tenants.  September 2010 possible opening.  This project may use solar energy as well as geo-thermal technology to be an example to other businesses for alternative energy.  EDC will provide Water Sewer Authority with recommendation letter as an Economic Development project.   Motion to send said letter by Robert Morey.  Seconded by Wes Thompson.  All in favor.  Approved unanimously.
b.      Joe Hovious of Conservation Commission – presented to the commission the activities and responsibilities of the Conservation Commission.  Major activity is acquiring, recommending, preserving and maintaining open space and natural resources for the Town of Newtown and its people.  Mr. Hovious gave a handout detailing the responsibilities of the commission.
4.      Reports
a.      Director of Planning and Community Development – Liz Stocker handed out written reports including, M-5 Zoning decision, 183 Mt. Pleasant, 164 Mt. Pleasant, Tech Park STEAP (Small Town Economic Assistance Program) Grant, Danbury Area Commercial Investors Division Brokers breakfast and Fairfield Hills being accepted in the Naugatuck Valley Corridor Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS).  All projects are moving forward with the exception of the M-5 Zoning pending.

b.      Sub Committee Reports
i.      Business Advocacy/Retention (Adsitt, Sharpe, Morey, Howard) – Robert Morey reporting for the subcommittee.  Goals of subcommittee to be town government/business liaison.  Also, act as an advocate for Newtown business owners/decision makers who may wish to locate in Newtown.  Encourage businesses to grow and home businesses to grow “out of the house”.  Subcommittee may facilitate a network with Newtown commercial bankers, SCORE, zoning for One Stop Shopping – Align the Resources businesses may need to succeed.  
ii.     Maximization of potential sites for Economic Development (LaMarche, Bolinksy, Sharpe, Kreinik) This subcommittee has not met, will report at next meeting.
iii.    Facilitate the Maintenance/Development of Agricultural businesses (Thompson, Morey, Howard) Wes Thompson reported for subcommittee.  Handout on accomplishments, focus, planned actions and preliminary agricultural business listings.  An application was submitted to the US Department of Agriculture for a grant to fund the organization/development of a farmers market.
iv.     Alternative Energy – Tech Park (Kreinik, Bolinsky, Thompson) Ted Kreinik reporting for subcommittee.  Feasibility study being bid out for solar energy at Tech Park in conjunction with WSA.  3 bids have come in.  EDC will “own” project.  
v.      Evaluate/Upgrade as needed EDC Marketing aids (LaMarche, Adsitt, Thompson) Martha LaMarche reporting for subcommittee.  First and foremost, subcommittee will establish all materials to be high quality, professional and focused.  Needs will be prioritized in following order: EDC website, Results/Consulting expert, Printed Materials, Advertising.  Bids will be requested for a revised EDC website with a June 30, 2009 contract goal.  
5.      Old Business
a.      Tech Park – as mentioned under Reports.  Also, no word in the status of the Army’s interest in a Newtown site for regional Army Reserve training center.
b.      M-5 Zoning – decision by Planning and Zoning Commission pending
c.      Bachelder – Robert Rau and Liz Stocker met with Associated Refuse, they still have some interest in site.  
d.      Additional old business – Liz Stocker reported that the Housatonic Valley of Elected Officials group committee will be doing a transportation/land use study on curb cuts along Route 25, Route 6.  They will analyze corridor and make suggestions to improve safety.
6.      New Business
7.      Adjournment - Motion for adjournment was made by Robert Morey and seconded by Dan Howard.  Adjourned at 10:16pm

Respectfully submitted by:
Julie Obre, Clerk