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The Economic Development Commission (EDC) held a special meeting on Monday, November  24, 2008.

Present:  Chet Hopper, Catherine Adsitt, Robert Rau, Mitch Bolinsky, John Torok, Ted Kreinik, Robert Morey.

Also Present:  Elizabeth Stocker, Director of Planning and Community Development, and one member of the press. Chairman Chet Hopper called the meeting to order at 7:32 p.m.  

Public Participation:  No Public Participation

Discussion of Armed Forces Reserve Center at the Tech Park site:

Bob Rau explained the request by the First Selectman Borst from last Friday, November 21st.  The request included an indication by the EDC whether or not a follow-up meeting with the Army should held. The First Selectman noted that the Army would build the road into the Tech Park from Commerce Road.  Utilities would need to be included with the construction.  Points discussed included the question of whether or not an Army facility could be considerer economic development.  In addition, the Army facility would mean that all personal property and real estate taxes would be forgone. The First Selectman asked the EDC to consider the question of locating an Arm Reserve facility on the Tech Park land.  He also asked if the EDC opposed BRAC, then they are to indicate why.  Elizabeth Stocker noted that she was informed by Joseph Redlinger of the Army Corp. of Engineers that an appraisal would determine the land sale price.  Elizabeth Stocker pointed out that the value of land increases once a subdivision is approved versus raw land.  

Mr. Bolinsky does not believe that the Army facility is economic development.  The object for this facility needs to be determined.  Do we want/need economic development or de we need a quick injection of revenue?

Can we determine what the penalties would be if the Army causes pollution to the site?  This is an environmentally sensitive site and the federal government does not have a good track record of being friendly to the environment.  This is a noted concern.  

A discussion concerning the price of the land ensued.  Nine dollars a square foot from private companies for the land purchase would be nice however this figure is much greater than the $4.25 used for the economic impact analysis.  In addition, private  
companies would employ people (create jobs) and pay taxes.  Ms. Adsitt questions whether the use meets the commission’s goals.

Mr. Hopper questioned whether the town could afford to permit a tax-free use to occupy prime commercial/industrial real estate when the supply is so limited.

Mr. Bolinsky suggests that the Army look at the Batchelder property as an alternative site.  

Mr. Torok made the following points:

1.      He does not believe this is economic development
2.      No future revenue.
3.      The facility may impact other recreational areas that families enjoy at Fairfield Hills and it is important to support recreation.
4.      No advise from realty sector.
5.      Resents a top down decision without EDC’s input.
6.      No issue with the military facility in Newtown but he is opposed to the location.
7.   Not economic Development – short sited, opposed to the Army taking this site.

Mr. Morey – agrees with Mr. Torok – however there are many unanswered questions and we are in a difficult position.  The long term impacts have not been fully explored.  Mr. Morey is willing to have the Army come here to discuss this with us further.  We have to understand fully what we would be giving up.  Loss of local control over the site and uses is a concern.

Mr. Torok agrees that the loss of local control is an issue.  Would the Army accept restrictions on the use of their land?  Security issues and the impact on the community character are also concerns.  The project design would be exempt from local permits.  

Mr. Hopper believes the Commission needs to determine whether or not the use is economic development.

Ms. Stocker addressed the Commission’s question concerning definition of economic development and suggested the EDC look at the strategic plan, ordinance, etc. The decision is for the EDC to make. Hawleyville and the sewer service for economic development projects was given as an example.
Mr. Kreinik spoke to the issue that local approvals and zoning enforcement would not be applicable to the federal project.  No PILOT funds would be expected from a federal project.

Mr. Bolinsky agrees that we should sit down with the Army to explore their position about the use of facility and include the option for alternative properties in Newtown such as adjacent to Garner Corrections or Batchelder property.  Ted emphasized that this is a one time purchase and no further economic benefits are expected.

Ms. Adsitt believes that we should have a presentation from the Army to permit the EDC to ask questions.  

Mr. Morley believes that the EDC should get an opinion from a realty expert.  He agrees that Newtown should listen to the Army at a meeting.

Mr. Bolinsky believes that the Conservation Commission also needs to be part of the decision to endorse or oppose this option.  

Mr. Kreinik and Ms. Adsitt believe the Town needs to know if the Army ever paid PILOT funds in the past.

Mr. Rau – noted that part of the Commission’s response to the First Selectman should be to indicate the impacts pro & con for this project.

It was the general consensus that the Commission needs more information from the Army and the EDC needs to determine what the value to the Town would be if we host this facility.

Is this economic development?  The Commission needs to decide this.  Several years ago the Commission decided that the elderly housing is not economic development.

An open public forum would be appropriate.  A meeting should be called for by the First Selectman with other boards and commissions and the public invited to learn more about the proposal and to allow for questions and answers.

Mr. Hopper has a lot of unanswered questions including:

        Is this Economic Development or not?
        Is the value of the land correct?  
What kind of impact would the project have on Newtown’s ability to market remaining land?
        Is there a tax advantage for the tech park?
        A discussion of alternative sites should occur.  
        Is a motor vehicle operation safe for the aquifer and trout stream?

Mr. Bolinsky moved the following resolution:

        The EDC considered the First Selectman’s request to consider the question of locating an Armed Forces Reserve Center on 13 to 18 Acres of land (10 acres for the building and parking areas) at the Tech Park.  Because there are too many unanswered questions at this time, the EDC recommends that the First Selectman call for an open public forum with the Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) to permit Newtown’s boards and commissions and the public to learn more about the Army’s proposal and that such a forum provide an opportunity for questions and answers.

The motion was seconded by Robert Morley.  

No further discussion.  The motion passed unanimously.

Mr. Morley made a motion to adjourn.  The motion was seconded by Mr. Bolinsky.  All in attendance voted unanimously.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by:

Elizabeth Stocker –
     Clerk pro tem