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The Economic Development Commission held a regular meeting Tuesday April 22, 2008 at the Multi purpose building in Sandy Hook, CT. 06482.  Chairman Chet Hopper called the meeting to order at 7:49p.m.

PRESENT: Chairman Chet Hopper, Catherine Adsitt, Monte Frank, Robert Rau, Ted Kreinik and Robert Morey

ALSO PRESENT:  Community Development Director, Liz Stocker

ABSENT:  Mitch Bolinsky

ACCEPTANCE OF MINUTES:  The minutes of the regular meeting held March 18, 2008 had a few changes before accepted.  Under members Absent, Robert Morey should be listed and for members Present, Community Development Director Liz Stocker should be listed as ALSO PRESENT as she is not a member of the Commission.

COMMUNICATIONS:  Ms. Stocker addressed the Commission regarding, Golden Glow a local business having an open house through the Chamber of Commerce (Attachment A), a letter received from the Land Use Academy (Attachment B) and the Connecticut Conference of Municipalities workshops and programs (Attachment C).


A. Director of Planning and Community Development
Ms. Stocker reviewed current projects scheduled with the town concerning Economic Development issues.

A. Review of Tech Park Proposals
Chairman Chet Hopper distributed to the Commission members spreadsheets on the current Tech Park proposals.  The Commission reviewed and discussed the information.  Mr. Hopper stated that the figures used were very rough, preliminary figures for comparison and informational purposes only. The information in weeks to come will be more accurate.
Mr. Hopper stated that the ultimate plan for the Tech Park would be to have it built up and to have lots sold within ten years.  This plan is in comparison to the Curtis Park (construction and lot sales) located on Toddy Hill Road, Sandy Hook, CT.   The estimated tax figures represent that of Real Estate only as the Personal Property tax would be dependant on whom (or what company) occupies the space.
Mr. Frank had some suggestions for the spreadsheet figures, stating that the interest on the infrastructure costs would need to be included so as to get a better idea of the total costs involved, also that it may be a good idea to consider selling off the lots sooner than later in order to get revenue in to the Town, thus leaving more of the planning and developing aspects up to respective parties.  


Ms. Stocker presented to the Commission a memorandum from Harrel-Michalowski Associates (Attachment D) citing page 3 regarding comparable cost per square foot, value and subsequent taxes.  These figures will be the basis for solidifying the now rough estimated costs as represented on the spreadsheets Mr. Hopper presented.

B. EDC Strategic Plan
The Commission decided to hold a special meeting planned for Monday May 12, 2008 at My Place Restaurant for 7:30a.m. This meeting has been specifically designated for the
Economic Development Strategic Plan which has not been allotted the time it needs for discussion and planning.  

Mr. Kreinik presented to the Commission a proposal for Clean Energy in Newtown (Attachment E).  

Having no further business the Economic Development Commission adjourned the meeting.  Mr. Kreinik moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:45p.m.  Mr. Morey seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

Cayenne Spremullo, Clerk