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The Economic Development Commission held a regular meeting Tuesday March 18, 2008 at the Multi-purpose building Sandy Hook, Ct. 06482.  Chairman Chet Hopper called the meeting to order at 7:40p.m.

PRESENT:  Chairman Chet Hopper, Robert Rau, Ted Kreinik, Catherine Adsitt, Monty Frank

ABSENT:  Mitch Bolinsksy, Kim Danziger, Community Development Director Liz Stocker

PUBLIC PARTICIPATION:  Mike Burton of 107 Glen Road Sandy Hook, Ct. 06482 presented his plans (regarding the Business Incentive Program) for expanding 107 Church Hill Road Sandy Hook into a commercial and residential building with two additional commercial buildings.    Mr. Burton stated that his plans include restoring the existing house to as close to its original state as possible (replicating that of a Carriage House) and converting the space inside to office space.  The two additional buildings to be constructed would add 16,000 square feet of office or retail space with two apartments located above.  These additional buildings would replicate a barn.
Mr. Hopper questioned what percentage would be residential.  Mr. Burton responded that approximately 5-10% would be residential space.
Mr. Rau questioned what the projected completion date is.  Mr. Burton figures on the project taking about 5 months or so including demolition. Mr. Burton went on to explain that the only wet lands on the property are along the river.  The street scape in Sandy Hook would be continued into this project for the driveway and parking lot and also would include walking paths to surrounding businesses.
Mr. Hopper stated that the Business Incentive Plan looks at improvements that have added value so it may be better for Mr. Burton to come back and present his plans once the development is closer to being finished, this way the Commission knows what it is assessing regarding the improvements.



A. Introduction of New Members
New member, Monte Frank of 10 Mountain Manor Road, Sandy Hook, Ct. 06482. Mr. Frank is an Attorney with Cohen & Wolf and has experience working with municipalities and commercial litigations such as tax appeals.  Mr. Frank stated that the appeal of working with the Economic Development Commission in Newtown was to serve his community and that he had served on the Economic Development Commission in Ridgefield.  Mr. Frank expressed concern over the possibility of a conflict of interest if Cohen & Wolf were representing the Town in a legal matter.  

New member, Catherine Adsitt of 24 Jo Mar Drive Sandy Hook, Ct. 06482.  Ms. Adsitt works as a Pro-planner in White Plains, NY. She has experience with AICP and has a license to practice planning in New Jersey.  Ms. Adsitt has also had some experience with municipalities.  The appeal of working with the Economic Development Commission was her history of working on an Economic Development Commission in South Amboy New Jersey.  Ms. Adsitt stated that she was impressed by how effective an Economic Development Commission can be to a community and that she is very supportive of community involvement.

Mr. Hopper explained that some issues have not had a chance to be reviewed because of a shortage on time and that the Tech Park project has been all consuming to the Commission.  Mr. Hopper asked if the new members might consider taking on one of the issues addressed in the Commission’s Strategic Plan (see attachment A).

A. EDC Strategic Plan
The Commission reviewed and discussed the Strategic Plan (attachment A).

Having no further business the Economic Development Commission adjourned.
 Mr. Kreinik moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:00p.m.  Mr. Frank seconded.           All were in favor.  

                                Respectfully submitted, Cayenne Spremullo, Clerk