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The Economic Development Commission held a regular meeting Tuesday February 19, 2008 at the multi-purpose building on Riverside Road, Sandy Hook, Ct. 06482. ~Chairman Chet Hopper called the meeting to order at 7:33p.m.

PRESENT: ~Chet Hopper, Kim Danziger, Robert Rau, Robert Morey, Mitchell Bolinsky, and Ted Kreinik

ALSO PRESENT: ~Also present, Elizabeth Stocker, Director of Planning and Community Development, David Grogins, Town Attorney and several members of the public.

ACCEPTANCE OF MINUTES: ~Mr. Danziger moved to accept the minutes from the January 15, 2008 meeting. ~Mr. Bolinsky seconded. ~Motion carried unanimously.


COMMUNICATIONS:  Ms. Stocker received copies of a report concerning economic development research from the Housatonic Valley Council of Elected Officials dated February 14, 2008.  Also, an article that appeared in the recent Chamber of Commerce Newsletter concerning the EDC was distributed and she announced that Newtown Rotary/Chamber of Commerce Business of the Year Award dinner would be on Monday March 3rd.  She asked if a member of the commission could attend.  Mr. Danziger will be in attendance.

Planning and Community Development Director Elizabeth Stocker reported to the Commission that she is in receipt of three proposals for professional services.  Two proposals were received for the municipal development project plan and one is for the market analysis.  She is expecting a couple more.  The Finance Director informed her that EDC can solicit proposals for professional services excluding engineering or architectural services.  Two proposals have also been received for landscaping architects; these services will be subcontracted by Spath & Bjorklund Associates.

REPORTS: ~Community Development Director Liz Stocker reported to the Commission that there are three proposals that have been received.  Two which are municipal development plan.  One is an HMA possibility and went out to bid.  The Finance Director stated that EDC can illicit a proposal.  Two proposals for landscaping architects.  

Planning & Zoning has three commercial applications, one is a new modern building on Mt. Pleasant Road, the second is for Mathison Floors on South Main Street, and the third is 84 South Main Street, an older home to be converted into office space.  A new building is to be built on this site as well.

Ms. Stocker referenced an article in Friday’s paper regarding Pepsi looking into building a new headquarters in Danbury.  She called the state and Mr. Rosenthal to discuss.  It was stated that the tech park would be a good site for Pepsi. Ms. Stocker will submit and editorial.


A. Tech Park Update - Next Steps

Mr. Danziger had a meeting with staff to help make a decision concerning lot 9.  Mr. Benson and Mr. Sibley were disappointed that the EDC has not addressed the Conservation Commission.  The Conservation Commission wants the reduction of Lots 5, 6 and 10 and to entirely remove Lot 9.  The Commission does not want the storm water management in the open space and they don't want the open space along the northern boundary adjacent to the Commerce Road lots and the sewer treatment facility.  Mr. Danziger asked Bill Carboni to come up with an alternative plan to Lot #9.  Lot #9 was originally designed to support a 60,000 sq. ft. building and parking, it will be reduced to 30,000 sf.  Referencing the Geo Tech report, the swale will not affect the bank.  The bank will still have erosion issues.  The storm water management swale is inadequate, it will need to be larger.  The swale could be kept at the same location, but it will need to be larger.  The acreage of the swale will be removed out of the open space calculation.  Ms. Stocker contacted two landscape architectural firms, Didona & Associates out of Danbury and Kenney & Associates out of Fairfield.  The cost for a rendering of the storm water management area will be $15,000 to $20,000.  Ms. Stocker stated that the market analysis should be done before the Municipal Development Project Plan is completed.  Mr. Danziger motioned for an electronic meeting regarding the market analysis proposals.  Mr. Morey seconded the motion.

B. Tax Assessor re: Personal Property

Mr. Kreinik discussed a meeting he had with the Town Assessor regarding guidelines for processing extensions.  The town does not currently grant extensions.  Mr. Kreinik motioned that the Chair meet with the Assessor to review the issue.  Seconded by Mr. Morey.  Motion carried unanimously


Village Marketplace – Chuck Stofko

Mr. Chuck Stofko from Provocateur Consulting, 18 Chimney Swift Drive, Sandy Hook, spoke before the commission and provided an overview of his Village Market concept.  The Village Market would be a food mall under one roof with individual vendors providing their specialties (i.e., butcher, seafood vendor, baker, grocer, natural food vendor, etc.).  Mr. Hopper asked who the vendors would be accountable to.  Mr. Stofko stated the vendors would report to him and be accountable for quality, cleanliness, etc.  Ms. Stocker noted there is a similar business in Milford called M & M Farms.  

Mr. Stofko stated he would need to raise $6 million dollars for the endeavor.  Ms. Stocker noted that Fairfield Hills may be a suitable location for this type of business.  Mr. Stofko stated that if he could get this store established in Newtown and get it patented, he would like to expand it nationwide and maintain his headquarters in Newtown.  The floor plan of the store would be seamless with vendors’ products determined by UPC codes.  

Mr. Bolinsky asked if the Village Market would be more active in the community than a Stop & Shop or Big Y.  Mr. Stofko stated he would eventually tie the organization closer to the community by providing sponsorship to local teams, initiating summer barbeques, etc.

Ms. Stocker asked for the total square footage.  Mr. Stofko stated it would have a total of approximately 30,000 square feet, with 20,000 square foot used as selling space. He currently has 11 vendors.  Mr. Morey asked if it would be a higher end product with the same dollar value.  Mr. Stofko stated that the value would be relative per pound.  

The commission will discuss this together at a later date.

Discussion with Dave Grogins

Attorney David Grogins was present to discuss the effect the proposed changes to the Town Charter would have on the appointment of the EDC as the Development Agency for the Tech Park and the sale of lots as previously discussed with the Commission.  David does not feel that the proposed charter will have an impact on the Commission should they be appointed by the Legislative Council however he did note that a public hearing will be required before the Commission can sell any of the lots pursuant to a new law passed in 2007 pursuant to PA 07-218.  Mr. Hopper asked about the legalities of the commission self appointing commissioners after 45 days and David said he would have to review the Charter for that.  

Potential Bio Diesel Fuel Plant – Tom Sharpe

Tom Sharpe, from SMT on High Bridge Road, presented information in opposition to a bio diesel fuel plant proposed application to Planning & Zoning.  He stated that the company uses the Jatropha plant, which is poisonous and grown in India and Africa, to create the bio fuel.  He was concerned that they will be using the rail line to transport hazardous material because there are homes that are close to the railroad.  Tanker trucks would also be used and would cause a hazard on the roadways.  The EDC is waiting for a depreciation schedule from the company.  They must show it as worthwhile economically.  They will research the environmental concerns and review additional information from the applicant.  The applicant will have the opportunity to answer questions and provide additional information.  

ADJOURNMENT: ~Having no further business, the Economic Development Commission adjourned the meeting. ~Mr. Danziger moved to adjourn the meeting.   Mr. Rau seconded. Motion carried unanimously.

Meeting adjourned at 10:25p.m.