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The Economic Development Commission held a regular meeting Tuesday January 15, 2008 at the multi-purpose building on Riverside Road, Sandy Hook, Ct. 06482.  Chairman Chet Hopper called the meeting to order at 7:35p.m.

PRESENT:  Chet Hopper, Kim Danziger, Robert Rau, Robert Morey

ALSO PRESENT:  Liz  Stocker, Community Development Director

ABSENT:  Ted Kreinik

ACCEPTANCE OF MINUTES:  Mr. Danziger moved to accept the minutes from the November 13, 2007 meeting.  Mr. Rau seconded.  Motion carried unanimously.


COMMUNICATIONS:  As a communication to the EDC, a letter was received by Mr. Hopper November 26, 2007 from Candlewood Valley Chapter Trout Unlimited regarding the proposed Technology Park (see ATTACHMENT A) followed by Mr. Hoppers response letter (see ATTACHMENT B).

As an additional communication, Mr. Hopper addressed the Commission regarding the Budget meetings to be held January 24, 2008 in the Multi- Purpose building at 7:30.

Community Development Director, Liz Stocker had no additional communications.

REPORTS:  Community Development Director Liz Stocker reported the Commission that she had received a Draft of the Traffic report regarding the Tech Park, the proposal for the landscaping plan and that she had spoken to Financial Director, Mr. Ben Spragg regarding filing for the Small Town Assistance grant to be applied toward either the Tech Park or the Fairfield Hills Project.

A. Tech Park Update – Next Steps
Mr. Danziger had nothing new to report after the holidays.  Next steps for the Tech Park plans are tabled until the February meeting.

B. Old Projects tabled in Past – R. Rau memo
Mr. Hopper suggested tabling this discussion item again until the EDC has additional members to fill vacancies.

C. Tax Assessor Re. Personal Property
Mr. Hopper updated the commission on an issue Mr. Kreinik had discovered regarding filing Personal Property declarations with the town Assessors Office however, wanted to table the issue until Mr. Kreinik could be present to discuss the issue.

D. Budget meeting January 24, 2008 at 7:30p.m.
Mr. Hopper updated the commission regarding the upcoming meeting to discuss budget requests with the First Selectman.

A.  Election of Officers.
The commission re-nominated the existing slate.  Mr. Hopper for Chairman, Mr. Rau as Vice Chair, Mr. Kreinik as Secretary.  All votes carried unanimously.  

Mr. Danziger suggested to the Commission two interested parties to fill current vacancies.  The Economic Development Commission currently has two Democratic vacancies and one Republican vacancy.  Mr. Danziger suggested Newtown residents, Dr. Kevin Braun and Sybil Blau.  Mr. Hopper accepted his suggestion and requested for each to submit a letter to the Commission expressing their interest.

ADJOURNMENT:  Having no further business, the Economic Development Commission adjourned the meeting.  Mr. Danziger moved to adjourn the meeting.
Mr. Rau seconded. Motion carried unanimously.

Meeting adjourned at 8:45p.m.

                                        Respectfully Submitted, Cayenne Spremullo, Clerk