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October 16, 2007
The Economic Development Commission held a regular meeting Tuesday October 16, 2007 at the multi purpose building, Riverside Road Sandy Hook, Ct. 060482.  Chairman Chet Hopper called the meeting to order at 7:35.

PRESENT:  Chairman, Chet Hopper, Tom Long, Kim Danziger, Ted Kreinik, Robert Rau, Mitch Bolinsky

ALSO PRESENT:  Liz Stocker, Community Develop Director

ABSENT:  Joe Hemingway, Robert Morey

ACCEPTANCE OF MINUTES:  Mr. Danziger moved to accept the minutes of September 18, 2007.  Mr. Rau seconded motion, all were in favor.

COMUNICATIONS:  Mr. Hopper discussed an email Ms. Liz Stocker had received from Cowlis Andrews of CEPA, Connecticut Environmental Protection Agency, regarding the Tech Park plans.


REPORTS:  Salute to Business – 2007
Mr. Hopper reported that the Salute to business, honoring local business Black Swan was a success.  An article in The Newtown Bee can be expected out the week of October 22, 2007.

Community Development Director – Liz Stocker
Ms. Stocker continued to recommend that the EDC move ahead with marketing plans regarding the Tech Park.  Ms. Stocker presented an packet from CERC, a group that would help to identify the types of companies that would best be located on the property and to find a way to reach those companies.  Ms. Stocker stressed that CERC would complete the study needed to move on with the project, and that the Municipal Development Plan is a vital part of the whole.
OLD BUSINESS:  Tech Park Update
The EDC went into executive session at 7:45p.m.
Mr. Danziger moved to return to regular session at 7:50p.m..  Mr. Kreinik seconded motion, all were in favor.
Mr. Danziger discussed the findings of the GeoTech study on the Tech Park property.  They found that there is an eminent threat that the bank will collapse regardless of building and construction is initiated.  Mr. Bolinsky questioned if it would be in everyone’s interest to remediate that problem.  Mr. Danziger, in agreement went on to say that GeoTech should complete their observation and quantify their results and offer remediation possibilities.  Mr. Danziger said that either way the money would have to be spent on the survey, regardless of the findings.  Ms. Stocker added that the conditions have to be presented as they exist as well as proposed.  Mr. Danziger stressed that the bank will need physical remediation.  Mr. Bolinsky questioned if it is possible to be expenditure neutral and have the recharge area be diverted to a more stable area.  Mr. Danziger responded that while that is possible, by the time that is done that problem may as well have been fixed as it was originally.  Mr. Kreinik added, why not leave everything as is and put the Tech Park on hold for now and not let the EDC take the heat if the bank collapses as the EDC has done all possible to look after the environmental soundness of the Tech Park property.  Ms. Stocker responded by asking, why would the EDC spend funds on a CEPA report if the project were to be put on hold.  Mr. Danziger added that through CEPA the EDC is covering all bases and doing the best job possible.  Mr. Kreinik agreed that the EDC has done all studies required to the best ability it knows how.  Mr. Kreinik questioned if the environmental effects come back too adverse to proceed what would the plan of action be.  Ms. Stocker responded that if that were the case the problem would have to be mitigated. Ms. Stocker also added that the CEPA report is not required if state grants are not used.  Mr. Danziger stated that it may be a good idea to request the advisory opinion of the town attorney, David Grogins regarding the CEPA email to clarify multiple statements such as the “Sponsoring Agency” as well as 27 other sections mentioned.  Ms. Stocker added that the environmental protection is one of the main goals of this project and the EDC has and will take the appropriate actions to see that it remains that way. She went on to say that an evaluation can be to the town’s benefit.  Mr. Long agreed that some advising on the part of Mr. Grogins could be helpful.  Mr. Danziger added that the town would not want to potentially loose $300,000 for not spending $50,000on a CEPA study.  Mr. Hopper agreed that it would be wise to go ahead with the GeoTech study thus showing the wider public that the EDC has the best interest if the town at hand.  Mr. Kreinik added that the EDC pay for the GeoTech study with two possible outcomes, build or not build.  Mr. Hopper commented that after the study, the EDC hands over mitigation solutions to the Conservation Commission.  Mr. Danziger was in agreement that the town should be responsible for remediation efforts.  Mr. Kreinik suggested that the EDC respond the public concern by issuing a statement explaining that the EDC has decided to fund an environmental study of the Tech Park property.  Ms. Stocker continued by saying that the EDC may want GeoTech to present their findings to the commission at a meeting that would be open to the public to make the public aware that the EDC does share the environmental concerns and are doing what they can.  Ms. Stocker stated that the commission may want to get a second opinion regarding the bridges, suggesting and agency known as TPA to formulate their professional opinion yet nothing binding.  Mr. Danziger added that the State does their own independent evaluation regardless of what the Army Cor. Of Engineers finds, the conclusion will be at he discretion of the EDC and in agreement that a separate opinion may be in the best interest realistically and time wise.  Mr. Hopper was also in agreement the GeoTech study should get under way and an advisory opinion from David Grogins would be helpful.  

NEW BUSINESS:  Mr. Hopper discussed the new budget, which is to be submitted by November 21, 2007.  Ms. Stocker added that because the commission has the funds to begin marketing the Tech Park it should be started and the funds used.  If the new budget increases with funds remaining it is unlikely that the commission will get more money for next year having not used all it was allotted the previous year.  Ms. Stocker suggested a municipal development planner.  Mr. Bolinsky moved that Ms. Stocker should have the freedom to entertain bids for a municipal development planner.   Mr. Kreinik seconded.  Motion carried.
Mr. Rau discussed issues having been overlooked since most time has been devoted to the Tech Park, issues such as promoting agriculture in town, signage and brown fields.  Mr. Danziger added that at this point it is not so much that the issues don’t want to be addressed as much as members having a personal interest enough in the matters to investigate fully and suggested that the issues be drawn up in email form so that everyone knows what needs to be addressed.  Mr. Hopper was in agreement.  
Mr. Rau questioned where the issue of Commercial Realtors was left.  Mr. Hopper responded that Mr. Morey is in the process of investigating.  

ADJOURNMENT:  The Economic Development Commission, having no further business, Mr. Danziger moved to adjourn.  Mr. Kreinik seconded.  

Meeting adjourned at 9:35p.m.

        Respectfully Submitted,                 Cayenne Spremullo, Clerk Pro Tem