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September 18, 2007
The Economic Development Commission held a regular meeting on Tuesday, September 18, 2007 at the multi-purpose building, Riverside Road, Sandy Hook, CT. 06482.  Chairman Chet Hopper called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

PRESENT: Chairman; Chet Hopper, Kim Danziger, Joe Hemingway, Robert Rau, Ted Kreinik, Mitch Bolinsky
ALSO PRESENT: Liz Stocker, Community Development Director
ABSENT: Tom Long, Robert Morey

ACCEPTANCE OF MINUTES:  Mr. Hopper submitted changes to the minutes of August 21, 2007. The Community Development Director’s report should have been listed as a separate recommendation and not as a part of Public Participation.  Under EDC Website – Suggestions and Finalize, a correction was made regarding Ms. Stocker having spoken to Jan Andras, this should have been Jantris Marketing firm.  Final correction was made under Tech Park Update – Comparison of proposed compromise map where in the last sentence, Ms. Stocker’s name was spelled incorrectly as Ms. Stoker.
Mr. Danziger moved to accept minutes as amended.   Mr. Kreinik seconded. All in favor.

PUBLIC PARTICIPATION:  No members of public attended.

REPORTS:  Community Development Director, Liz Stocker reviewed a meeting she attended earlier that day at Lyman Orchards in Middlefield, CT. The theme of the meeting was the relationship between Economic Development and Agriculture, which Newtown has had an interest in.  Ms. Stocker also discussed the Fall Preview, an email was sent around and to be published next week.  Additionally, invitations to this year’s
Salute to Business, have gone out.  Ms. Stocker also gave updates regarding  progress with Planning and Zoning Commission zoning regulation changes, the proposed Sports Complex zoning amendment, Grace Christian Fellowship application to build a new church on Covered Bridge Road and 5K Enterprises having begun construction on a new garage facility on Edmond Road for Contractor/ Construction Equipment, also Eton Center (the former Grand Union plaza) are currently before the Inland/ Wetlands Commission however no real advancement in a possible new lessee.
Ms. Stocker updated the Commission on progress with Jantris Marketing pertaining to maintenance of the website.  The website is currently up and running.  Ms. Stocker suggested to the Commission that in the future, Jantris would also be able to offer an E-Newsletter if that was an interest the Commission wanted to pursue.
Ms. Stocker submitted to the Commission two Contractual Service Budget for Fiscal Year 2007 – 2008 as well as Fiscal Year 2006 – 2007 for comparison purposes (see Attachments A & B).  Ms. Stocker stated that she did not support the discontinuation of running advertisements in the NEREJ especially with the up coming Tech Park.
Mr. Danziger added that the Commission may need to refocus what is being advertised and who is being targeted as the next step with the Tech Park will be to hopefully reach a consensus with the Conservation Commission and then to hire a graphic designer to promote the Tech Park by an artistic rendition.  Mr. Kreinik said that the Commission may want to quantify the responses from the NEREJ, to find out if the advertising has been and will be worth while.  Ms. Stocker restated that she would be hesitant to discontinue running the ads in the Journal as time gets closer to advertise for the Tech Park.  Mr. Kreinik added that it may be worth while to do some investigating on what it may cost the Commission to put forth a three dimensional artists rendition of what the Tech Park will look like from varying angles and that would be available for viewing to anyone, anywhere who has a computer connection.   Mr. Danziger stated that if a consensus can not be reached, the chances for the Tech Park even moving forward will be small.  However, if a consensus can be reached, then the marketing plan should then go forward.  Mr. Hopper requested figures regarding what a three dimensional computer graphic might cost as a marketing approach. Mr. Kreinik suggested that Newtown resident, Brendan Baker ( who flies over Newtown frequently as well as takes aerial photos, may have photos of the Tech Park area available, which may be useful from a marketing standpoint.
In addition to the Fiscal years budget figures, Mr. Hopper suggested adding an assistant who would be responsible for gathering information on other possible projects in Town that may be getting pushed to the way side as the current members do not have the extra time to devote to researching and investigating issues.  Mr. Rau added that the Tech Park does seem to be all consuming to the Commission as other issues are getting overlooked.  Mr. Danziger, in agreement added that projects and ideas for the Town are easy to discuss once a month, but harder to get projects off the ground (as members have limited time otherwise).  Mr. Hopper commented on the possible future expansion of the Hawleyville sewerline (for the proposed Sports Complex).  Once the sewer is expanded, it will open the opportunities for more projects to continue in the same area.  Mr. Kreinik added that the Commission’s primary focus is for policy, not execution.  Mr. Hopper concluded that, the impediments of projects and business need to be looked at in order to make real progress, will be included in the agenda for the next meeting as well as a position for an assistant to look into the impediments.

Tech Park Marketing Plan – Update – Town’s Position
Mr. Hopper said that he had spoken with Town Attorney, Mr. David Grogins and said it would be okay to terminate as is.  

Tech Park Update – Discussion of Proposed Compromise Map
Mr. Danziger stated, in regards to moving forward, a general consensus should be reached between all commissions as the discrepancy with conservation still remains unresolved. Lot 9 as the compromise, the conservation commission has pointed out that lots 5 & 6 for possible concession based on the walk through of the property.  A stone wall (in the woods) could be seen and viewed as the boundary line, this area is to be mapped out by the Town’s GIS Department.  The idea that Lot 9 is the compromised lot while keeping it a reserve lot for the future seems to be understood by participants.  The Water Treatment issue remains a difficulty in working with the Conservation Commission. Mr. Danziger continued to say that Spath & Bjorkland are to hire a Geo Tech to look into the bank in order to have the scientific data to prove that the bank will be stable.  Contrary to what Conservation has been stating.  Ms. Stocker added that there was a suggestion to have trees planted around the water treatment area to improve the view aesthetically.
Mr. Hopper went on to say that he had located an article on the Newtown Bee as well as an online survey ( prepared by Mr. Paul Tannenbaum as incorrect information was supplied by one Mr. Jim Belden where the Tech Park plans have been misrepresented.  Mr. Kreinik suggested that the EDC respond to Mr. Tannenbaum privately in respect to the misrepresentation.  The Commission discussed concerns over possible results the survey might generate thus giving the EDC a unfavorable interpretation and a letter written in response would depict great opposition to the survey based on the falsification of facts gathered.  Essentially the EDC wants to reduce the credibility of the survey based on the skewed facts.  In conclusion, Mr. Hopper is to issue a letter sent privately to Mr. Tannenbaum regarding the online survey.

NEW BUSINESS:  No new business.

ADJORNMENT:  The Economic Development Commission, having no further business, Mr. Danziger moved to adjourn.  Mr. Hemingway seconded, unanimously carried.

Meeting adjourned at 9:40 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,                         Cayenne Spremullo,   Clerk Pro Tem