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Juy 17, 2007
The Economic Development Commission held a regular meeting on Tuesday, July 17, 2007 at the Multi-Purpose Building, Riverside Road, Sandy Hook, CT. 06482.  Chairman Chet Hopper called the meeting to order at 7:35 p.m.   

PRESENT:  Chet Hopper, Robert Rau, Robert Morey, Kim Danziger, Joe Hemingway.
ALSO PRESENT:   Liz Stocker, Community Development Director
ABSENT:  Ted Kreink, Tom Long

ACCEPTANCE OF MINUTES:  Mr. Hopper reviewed and asked the Commission if there were comments on the minutes of June 19, 2007.  There were no comments.  Mr. Rau moved to accept minutes and were unanimously accepted.

COMMUNICATIONS:  Ms. Stocker shared with the Commission that Washington Mutual would be holding an open house at their location on South Main Street on July 26, 2007 from 12 – 6 p.m.
The Memo from Lilla Dean was presented to Mr. Hopper regarding Whippoorwill Hill Road residents applying to Planning And Zoning opposed the Sports Complex proposal.
The Commission discussed their position to the Sports Complex proposal and concluded that the Complex is important to the Economic Development to the town in the future and the expansion of the sewer line from Hawleyville.
Mr. Danziger moved to write a letter to Planning And Zoning stating that the EDC opposed the motion to rescind the special exception of the Sports Complex on Mt. Pleasant.   Motion was seconded and unanimously carried.

REPORTS:  Ms. Stocker commented on the Homepage, that photos would be updated.  Mr. Rau commented that the links on the website are not always working.  Ms. Stocker said that she’d look into it.  Ms. Stocker also commented on Fairfield Hills being sought out for a possible setting for the filming of a movie in the near future.  She stated that using the FFH campus for such events would bring revenue to the town and to local businesses as well.  Mr. Danziger asked if these items discussed were anything the Commission would want to pursue.  Mr. Hopper said that he’d begin writing a letter to the Fairfield Hills Authority regarding the possibility of the Fairfield Hills campus as a movie set expressing the Commissions position is that it would be an economic advance to the town to do so.  Mr. Danziger moved to have the letter written to the Fairfield Hills Authority to endorse filming at FFH.  Motion seconded and unanimously carried.


Tech Park Marketing Plan  
The Commission discussed the proposal from DataCore, the phases of the plan and what is really important to the project.  Mr. Hopper said that the Commission needs to decide what the bottom line will be and what part of Phase three should be kept.
Mr. Danziger questioned, how dowetarget specific industries, getting back on track as the proposal doesn’t seem to answer the main points to the project.  Ms. Stocker then questioned, Is the product suitable to the market and is there a market for the product?
Mr. Danziger added, as Southbury attracted IBM to their Tech Park, would we be able to attract large scale businesses on a national level for what we are able to offer (land wise), How do we target the large scale commercial companies?  Mr. Morey then added that the use of Commercial Real Estate Brokers would hold the listings, and depending on the need, one or more companies may list lots simultaneously.  Activities and progress would be monitored regarding the sale of the lots.  Mr. Hopper then said that at this point, going back to DataCore and explaining what phases are most important to the project is the plan of action.

Tech Park Update Comparison of Conservation Map to Original
Mr. Danziger presented maps and discussed that the Conservation Committee took out lots 9.  Mr. Danziger stated that a possibility would be to present to Conservation restoring Lot 9 however naming it a “conditional life” lot, meaning that after developing all other lots, lot 9 may be handed over for direction by Conservation.  Essentially Mr. Danziger said he was looking for a consensus from the EDC that Conservation needs to come to more of a compromise with regards to the lots.    Mr. Hopper questioned, if the area for development is less than 37 acres, when lot lines are adjusted does that mean more open space?  Mr. Danziger answered, the lots will still encompass the 37 acres including the open space area.  Ms. Stocker then discussed the possibility of other road development options.  Mr. Hemingway moved to agree on compromise to open space.  Motion seconded and unanimously carried.

EDC Website – Suggestions and Review
Mr. Hopper mentioned that previously Mr. Tom Long had made comment to the photos on the website all including some “church-like” building (the town Meeting House) and the Flag pole.  Mr. Hopper stated that these two images seem to represent the town and should be on the website.
No other discussion on the Website as it was discussed previously.

Budget 2007/8
Mr. Hopper discussed the funds available to the EDC based on the new budget beginning July 1, 2007.  He said the issue of the inadequate phone system has been brought up to the First Selectman and they are working on resolving the issue.

Salute to Business 2007
The Commission discussed local businesses who have rebuilt such as Black Swan, Rock Ridge Country Club, Church Hill & Queen, The Red Brick Tavern and The Holcomb House.   The Commission seemed to be considering Black Swan and/or Rock Ridge Country Club at the 2007 Salute to Business to be held October 4, 2007 at Rock Ridge Country Club.

Ms. Stocker discussed the notes forwarded from the Town Engineer’s comments on drainage.

Mr. Hemingway moved to adjourn the meeting .   Motion was seconded and unanimously carried.  Having no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:35 p.m.

                                                        Cayenne Spremullo, Clerk Pro Tem