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June 19, 2007
The Economic Development Commission held a regular meeting on Tuesday, June 19, 2007 at the Multi-Purpose Building, Riverside Road, Sandy Hook, CT.  Chairman Chet Hopper called the meeting to order at 7:35 p.m.

PRESENT: Chet Hopper, Robert Rau, Robert Morey, Kim Danziger, Ted Kreink ABSENT: Tom Long, Joseph Hemingway ALSO PRESENT: Don Klepper-Smith and Todd Martin (Data Corp.), Trisha Farin (Jantris Marketing) one member of the public

ACCEPTANCE OF MINUTES: Mr. Rau’s motion to endorse the concept as presented by Mr. Ralph Freer, the decision is that of the Board of Managers was seconded by Mr. Kreinik.  Mr. Morey moved to adjourn the meeting.  Upon motion of Mr. Danziger, the minutes of the regular meeting of May 15, 2007 were unanimously accepted with corrections.

COMMUNICATIONS: Mr. Hopper informed the Commission that the EDC’s budget had been accepted.  
Mr. Hopper presented a proposal for an ad in the New England Real Estate Journal.  Mr. Kreinik wants to make sure that future ads have the new web site information.  Mr. Kreinik moved to accept the purchase of an ad for the July EDC issue for $450.00.  Motion seconded and unanimously carried.
Mr. Kreinik moved to inform Elizabeth Stocker, Community Development Director to notify the Commission 90 days in advance for requests for print ads for any publications.  Motion seconded and unanimously carried.

PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: Mr. Mitch Bolinsky, 3 Wiley Lane inquired as to why ads were not planned in advance and budgeted for. Mr. Kreinik and Mr. Hopper explained that it had been the policy in the past to schedule regular ads but that the Commission had not received good results and was looking to go in a different direction with use of their web site.



EDC Web Site
Ms. Trisha Farin, Jantris Marketing presented web site sample designs.  Mr. Hopper questioned if the EDC could view the web page in progress as it is being designed.  Ms. Farin will set up a link only for EDC members.  Mr. Kreinik would like the Commission to be able to give input as it progresses.  Mr. Hopper would prefer the web page be a full screen page.  Ms. Farin stated that it is a format preference which can be changed and she will change it to a full screen layout.  Mr. Hopper would also like to add mapping.  Mr. Kreink questioned who will be making the changes to the site.  Ms. Farin will make the changes Ms. Stocker gives her from the Commission.  Mr. Kreinik asked if a blog could be added.  Ms. Farin will investigate that possibility.

Tech Park Marketing Plan
Mr. Don Klepper-Smith and Mr. Todd Martin from Data Corp gave the Commission background information on his team.  Mr. Martin is an economic advisor to People’s Bank, he is an adjunct professsor at Fairfield University and a consultant for CERC, Massachusssetts Bankers Association and the Connecticut Bankers Association.  Mr. Klepper-Smith is a high profile researcher, is an economist for SNET, he is one of four economic advisors to Governor Rell and is an economic analyst for Channel 8.  Their associate Brian Miller is one of the top Land Use advisors in the state.
Mr. Klepper-Smith explained the steps that will be undertaken to develop a viable marketing plan.
1.      Access the attributes, strengths and weaknesses of the site by doing an on site visit of the parcel.
2.      Do a standard macro analysis of the region at large.
3.      Targeting businesses through avenues such as CERC on their site finder.
4.      Analyzing the fiscal impact of the development.
5.      Interpreting the data and how it feeds into the plan.

Mr. Klepper-Smith stated that this approach was formulated after meeting with Mr. Rau.  Mr. Hopper said that Mr. Rau’s comments were very important because he has been very involved in this aspect of the Tech Park.  Mr. Klepper-Smith asked if the concept made sense.  Mr. Danziger stated absolutely and he is glad that Mr. Rau gave them prior input.  This approach will help with the many questions EDC gets.  The information for the Tech Park can benefit the whole town.  Mr. Klepper-Smith asked for basic information on the parcel.  Mr. Danziger said it has pros and cons.  Pro is the location and the ability to design a connector road to exit 11.  Con is the topography which includes wetlands and uneven lot sizes.  There is the potential for 10 lots on the 34.6 acres.  Another con is the proximity to a trout stream that the town is trying to protect.  Mr. Klepper-Smith feels this information is helpful to the process.  Everything has to be weighed and customized for Newtown.  Mr. Danziger stated that the parcel is an attractive site with views which was given to the town by the state independently from Fairfield Hills.  Mr. Klepper-Smith said the property without a structure makes it a much easier process.  The survey needs to be brief and to the point.  Mr. Kreinik explained that the businesses that purchase sites will have a shared condo approach to maintenance.  Mr. Klepper-Smith wants each Commissioner to prepare 10 questions for the survey that will be sent to commercial real estate brokers, economists, architects and other professionals who are knowledgeable in this area.  The survey questions should be sent to Mary Kelley, EDC clerk, who will submit them to Data Corp. The finalized survey needs to be delivered to Ms. Stocker and the formulation of a contact list is key.  Mr.  Danziger explained that the sites will be sold shovel ready with EDC taking care of the permitting process up front.  Mr. Rau stated that the lots need to be maximized to receive the most tax revenue.  Mr. Kreinik stated that some leg work has been done.  The types of businesses the Commission is looking to attract have been identified through the zoning regulations.  Mr. Morey asked how the survey will be formatted.  Mr. Klepper-Smith explained that “like it scaling techniques” will be used.  Mr. Rau asked if zoning changes or covenants should be implemented.  Mr. Klepper-Smith will defer that question to Mr. Miller whose expertise is land use planning.  Mr. Morey asked how they will make the survey attractive for responses.  Mr. Klepper-Smith replied that the contact list from Ms. Stocker is key.  Mr. Hopper asked if Data Corp can help with the contact list and Mr. Klepper-Smith replied that they can.  Mr. Kreinik asked what the time frame involved is.  Mr. Klepper-Smith expects to have the process completed for October.  Mr. Danziger requested a “heads up”  if further work needs to be done and that there could be room to increase the budget if needed.

Tech Park Update  
Mr. Danziger met with the Steering Committee on June 19th.  Representatives from the Planning and Zoning Commission and Conservation Commission as well as town employees were in attendance.  The Conservation Commissioners want the line redrawn which would eliminate lot 9 and affect lots 5 and 6.  Data Corp will represent the EDC when the presentation is made to the Board of Selectmen who will approve the final plan for the Tech Park.  

Salute To Business 2007
Mr. Hopper reminded the Commissioners that the Salute to Business will be in October and they need to approve a theme so that businesses can be chosen for recognition.


EDC Phone Problem
Mr. Hopper informed the Commission that the automated phone system that Ms. Stocker now has is inadequate.  He will speak to the First Selectman to see if something can be worked out.

Budget 2007/2008
The Commission would like the entire budget to be held in-line for the future needs of the Tech Park.

Mr. Danziger moved to adjourn the meeting.  Motion seconded and unanimously carried.  Having no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:35 p.m.

                                                        Mary Kelley, Clerk