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April 17, 2007
The Economic Development Commission held a regular meeting on Tuesday, April 17, 2007 at the Multi-Purpose Building, Riverside Road, Sandy Hook, CT.  Vice-Chairman Robert Rau called the meeting to order at 7:35p.m.

PRESENT: Robert Rau, Tom Long, Robert Morey,  Kim Danziger ABSENT: Chet Hopper Joseph Hemingway, Theodore Kreinik  ALSO PRESENT: Peder Scott, Mark Christo and Daniel DeBuono of Sports & Entertainment Property Group, LLC, five members of the public, one member of the press

ACCEPTANCE OF MINUTES: Upon motion of Mr. Danziger, the minutes of the regular meeting of March 20, 2007 were unanimously accepted as presented.


PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: Mr. Peder Scott and his associates Mr. Mark Christo and Mr. Daniel DeBuono presented a proposal to the Commission for a Sports and Medicine facility on Mt. Pleasant Road.  The facility will encompass 17 acres on a 37 acre parcel.  The overall goal of the Group is to provide a first class sports facility with all of the amenities and to incorporate health and wellness.  The site was picked for its proximity to I-84, expecting users from neighboring towns also.  His group will employ 20 full time employees in addition to some part time employees.  When they hold weekend tournaments, as many as 50 employees could be needed.  There will be other buildings on the property also requiring additional employees as well a full service restaurant and a food court.  Those buildings will be used for office space, industrial condos or ancillary sports usage.  Membership fees will be based on various programs to choose from.  They are preparing a traffic study.  Peak hours of traffic will be in the PM only, estimated at 500 trips.  Use of the court times and field usage will be at staggered times to prevent an excess of traffic at the same time.  Truck traffic to the buildings will not be allowed during peak times.  Programs will be offered for the whole community, including Senior Citizens.  The Group needs sewage hook-up to the Bethel town line.  The approximate cost to install the pumping station and sewage line would be $3 million dollars.  They have appeared before The Water and Sewer Authority.  The estimated taxes that would be payable to the Town are $730,000. The build out time would be one year from the time of receiving all of the approvals.
Mr. Patrick Napolitano, 13 Whippoorwill Hill Road, asked who would absorb the cost of the sewer extension and ongoing maintenance.  Would the burden be on the taxpayer?  Mr. Scott replied that they are looking for economic usage for the sewer and is not sure how it will be worked out.  Mr. Rau responded that it would be predicated on the expansion of the sewer line for economic development.  Costs would be charged back to the user.  Mr. Napolitano asked if any tax exemptions would be given.  Mr. Scott replied no.
The Commission will take under consideration supporting the project after reviewing the materials provided by the Group.   Mr. Scott will provide a more detailed assessment and the Commission will wait for the input of their absent Commissioners.



Sub Committee Tech Park Zoning:
Mr. Rau and Mr. Morey reported that after doing research they feel broader zoning should be adopted rather than covenants.  The committee will continue their research.

Tech Park Marketing Plan RFQ:
Mr. Long and Mr. Rau reported they interviewed two firms: Data Corp and HMA for market analysis for the Tech Park.  They distributed their analysis to the Commission.  After discussion, Mr. Long moved that the EDC recommend to the First Selectman and the Finance Director the hiring of Data Corp Partners LLC for the market analysis for the Technology Park.  Motion seconded and unanimously carried.

Tech Park Update
Mr. Danzinger reported he made a presentation to the Inland Wetlands Commission with Mr. Carbone.  Environmental issues were addressed and the presentation was well received.  Mr. Danzinger will be making a presentation at the Planning and Zoning Commission meeting on Thursday, April 19, 2007.  He will also be attending the next meeting of the Conservation Commission on Tuesday, April 24, 2007.  Mr. Long expressed the need for a quarterly accounting of the budget.  The other members concurred.


EDC Website
Mr. Long reported that he and Ms. Stocker had met with Jantris for the site lay-out.  There will be three phases: lay-out, look and feel and text.  The site should be completed at the end of June.

Mr. Long reported that there will be an independent film festival in the Danbury area at the end of September.  They are looking for additional sites for the weekend showings.  He will contact Tom Mahoney at the Edmond Town Hall to see if they would be interested in participating.

Mr. Morey moved to adjourn the meeting.  Motion seconded and unanimously carried.  Having no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:40 p.m.

                                                        Mary Kelley, Clerk