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January 16, 2007
The Economic Development Commission held a regular meeting on Tuesday, January 16, 2007 at the Multi-Purpose Building, Riverside Road, Sandy Hook, CT.  Chairman Chet Hopper called the meeting to order at 7:35 p.m.

PRESENT: Chet Hopper, Robert Rau, Tom Long, Theodore Kreinik, Kim Danziger, Robert Morey ABSENT:  Joseph Hemingway   ALSO PRESENT: William O’Neil, Chairman, Planning and Zoning Commission, Sally O’Neil, Chairman, Inland Wetlands Commission, Conservation Commission members Pat Barkman, George Ferguson, and Marj Cramer, five members of the public, one member of the press.

ACCEPTANCE OF MINUTES: Upon motion of Mr. Danziger, the minutes of the regular meeting of 10/17/06 were unanimously accepted as presented.

COMMUNICATIONS: Chairman Hopper received a letter from Conservation Commission  Chairman, Joseph Hovious regarding EDC working with the Conservation Commission on the Technology Park which he shared with the Commission.

PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: Conservation Commissioner George Ferguson informed the Commission that Conservation has had informal discussions regarding The Technology Park. They have received inquiries as to the target industries and tax relief that will be available. He looks forward to working with the EDC on this project
Conservation Commissioner Marj Cramer is concerned that the Technology Park is on the aquifer and the kind of impact unknown industry could bring. Chairman Hopper stated that all aquifer regulations will be adhered to and that covenants will be placed on the properties. Conservation Commissioner Pat Barkman asked if an archaeological study had been done.  Community Development Director Elizabeth Stocker stated that removal had taken place on all areas slated for development.  Mrs. Barkman also asked if the plans had been updated since the presentation to the Conservation Commission had taken place.  Chairman Hopper stated that they had not.
Inland Wetlands Chairman Sally O’Neil questioned if the bridge on the property is estimated at between one and two million dollars what kind of economic projection the properties could bring to the Town.  Chairman Hopper stated the land for the properties will sell from two to three million dollars alone.  The Town will still realize a profit.  The Town will be willing to break even on the profit from the properties for the expectation of taxes. Mrs. O’Neil asked why the properties are being sold as opposed to being leased. Chairman Hopper explained that with covenants it is better to sell.
Sara Middeleer, South Main Street, feels the buildings and parking areas will be too close to the wetlands. She does not feel the engineer for the project was sensitive to the environmental problems of the property. She would prefer all buildings and parking areas to be 100 feet from the wetlands.  Commissioner Danziger stated that the State Legislature conveyed the land to be used for economic development only.  If it is not used for that purpose, it will revert back to the state.  The Commission wants the properties to benefit everyone and to be a legacy for the Town to have in years to come.  Ms. Middeleer asked why the property was zoned M-5 that allows chemicals.  Ms. Stocker indicated that the zoning is the same as Fairfield Hills.  But the bar will be raised for the requirements on these properties.  The Economic Development Commission has been appointed as the Agency for the Tech Park and as such can dictate the zoning.  The Commission will target mid-sized companies and 1 acre zoning.  Mr. Danziger expressed the concern of the Commission to be restrictive with any tenants and that is the purpose of the covenants.
Ms. Cramer asked about LEED certification.  Mr. Danziger stated that no one is qualified at this time but the Commission will be seeking the assistance of consultants.
Mary Wilson (address not given) asked what covenants are being worked on.  Mr. Danziger stated that it is still early in the process.  Town Attorney, David Grogins, is preparing them.
Mr. Ferguson expressed his concern that this is an environmentally sensitive property which is surrounded by schools and prime agricultural land.  Chairman Hopper disagreed with the comparison stating that only one school is close, there is a nearby industrial park and a sewage plant.  But that a change of zone could be considered to be more restrictive.
Ms. Cramer stated that the open space parcel is an awful piece of property.
Ms. Middeleer feels that the engineer’s renderings are horrifying and that an engineer who was more environmentally sensitive should have been used.  Mr. Danziger explained that an application had not been made.  The drawings are a work in progress and not finalized.
Ms. Barkman asked when a finalized document would be available.  Mr. Danziger explained that the Commission is still in the feedback stage and not near to submitting an application.
Ms. Middeleer would like to see the number of lots reduced, the parking moved and the slopes decreased.  Chairman Hopper expressed the need for the Commission to maximize the development for the Town to realize a profit while abiding by all of the zoning procedures.
Planning and Zoning Chairman William O’Neil suggested a steering committee be formed that would include other commissions to keep the lines of communications open.  Mr. Danziger stated that more frequent dialogue will be undertaken.
Bruce Walczak, Glover Avenue, stated that the EDC has an opportunity to involve the community.
Mr. Ferguson asked what state agencies the Commission is working with.  Ms. Stocker said the agencies are the Office of Policy and Management and the Department of Economic and Community Development.  The Office of Policy and Management does land transfers.
Ms. Wilson asked what the next steps are.  Mr. Danziger said it would be determining what the Commission is going to provide and that there is no time frame.

Mr. Walczak stated that the last meeting of the Police Commission addressed two different options for parking in Sandy Hook Center and urged the Commission to lobby to keep the parking spaces.

John Kruzshak of Ever-green Interiors presented a proposal to apply for the Business Incentive Program. (Attachment A)  His business will be located on Turnberry Lane in the Curtis Corporate Park.  It is comprised of 4,000 sq. ft. in a condominium building.  Mr. Danziger moved to review the request for the business incentive program.  Motion seconded and unanimously carried.  Mr. Long will review the plan for compliance.


Community Development Director: Community Development Director, Elizabeth Stocker reviewed the report with the Commission. (Attachment B)


Tech Park: The next meeting will be with Town Officials for further input.  There is a need for more meetings to move the process along.  Emails will circulate to discuss the M-5 zoning.  The Commission will hold a special meeting on Tuesday, January 30, 2007 for further discussion.

Budget:  Mr. Danziger moved to accept the 2007 budget as proposed.  Motion seconded. Commissioners Hopper, Danziger, Rau, Kreinik, Morey – yes; Commissioner Long – no.  Motion carried.


Slate of Officers: Mr. Danziger moved to nominate Chet Hopper as Chairman. Motion seconded and unanimously carried.
Mr. Kreinik moved to nominate Robert Rau as Vice-Chairman.  Motion seconded and unanimously carried.
Mr. Danziger moved to nominate Thomas Long as Secretary.  Motion seconded and unanimously carried.

Mr. Danziger moved to postpone the remainder of the agenda to the next meeting.  Motion seconded and unanimously carried.

ADJOURNMENT: Mr. Long moved to adjourn the meeting.  Motion seconded and unanimously carried.  There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 11:00 p.m.

                                                        Mary Kelley, Clerk