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February 21, 2006
Minutes of the regular meeting of the Economic Development Commission held on Tuesday, February 21, 2006 in the Multi-Purpose Building, Riverside Road, Sandy Hook, CT.  Chairman Hopper called the meeting to order at 7:30p.m.
PRESENT:  Chet Hopper, Brian Aumueller, Bruce Walczak, Joe Hemingway. Robert Rau, Kim Danziger, Chuck Stofko and Tom Long. ABSENT: Ted Kreinik. ALSO PRESENT: Director of Community Development Elizabeth Stocker and realtor Bob Cascella.

Minutes. Upon motion of Mr. Danziger, the minutes of January 25, 2006 were unanimously accepted as amended.

Communications. Ms. Stocker reported that EDC will attend the Rotary and Chamber of Commerce business meeting. She said that the New England Journal of Real Estate will print our half page ad in the spring preview.

Public Participation, Mr. Robert Cascella – Re: Tech Park. Mr. Cascella discussed “Report on the Commercial Real Estate Market, Newtown Economic Development Commission, February 21, 2006.” Topics included Overview, Newtown Buildings, Office Buildings, Commercial Buildings, Land Sales, Building Sales, Curtis Park and Regional Demographics. He said that of the surrounding towns, Bethel and Danbury would provide the most competition for Newtown. He discussed the markets today for industrial, retail, office and land uses. He said there is a good market for industrial condos. Discussion followed about Newtown’s proposed technology park, including the size and number of lots, the price of the land and the fact that an RFP should be requested from commercial brokers. Mr. Hopper said that  the Business Incentive Plan could be offered that could include site improvements. He said there are also some state grants for this site.


Director of Community Development. Ms. Stocker reported under “Communications.”

Meeting with Town Counsel and First Selectman. Mr. Hopper reported that it was the opinion of all that the Economic Development Commission should be designated as the Municipal Development Authority for the tech park. Mr. Hopper will draft of such a document and email it to the Commissioners for their review. Mr. Hopper said it appears we can transfer the monies from the grants. Ms. Stocker said she talked to someone from the State who indicated this also. Mr. Danziger moved that the Economic Development Commission pursue the opportunity to create a Municipal Development Authority. Second by Mr. Hemingway and unanimously carried.

Mr. Danziger suggested that a request for a change of zone for this property only be filed with Planning and Zoning. He will check with the Fire Marshal.

Budget process/results. The request for an additional person was not approved by the Board of Selectmen. The request to increase the budget by $2,500 was approved by the Board of Selectmen..

Old Business

Strategic Plan. Mr. Rau and Mr. Danziger are working to bring new businesses to Newtown. Mr. Rau contacted the Nanotechnology Initiative and a report from the State is coming on how to make Connecticut more attractive to nanotechnology.  He has invited Oscar Behrensohn to join the EDC efforts. He has contacted Western Connecticut State University about nanotechnology and will contact others at the school. He will contact Amy Dent of the Fairfield Hills Authority also.

Mr. Aumueller is working on agriculture and equestrian related businesses with Mr. Kreinik. He is trying to establish a focus group of local businesses and has contacted six speakers for this group. Mr. Hopper suggested involving the Ad Hoc Open Space Task Force also.

Mr. Walczak’s project is to strategically grow commercial and industrial businesses in Newtown. He said that an outreach program should be established. He met with the directors of the Chamber of Commerce and will invite them to the March 21 EDC meeting. Mr. Walczak asked for volunteers to assist him since Mr. Small is no longer on EDC.

Tech Park possible options. A Municipal Development Authority will be pursued as discussed above.

Commercial Realtors’ meeting. An RFP will be issues as discussed previously.

Tech Park – Market Study will be reviewed after the RFP is received.

Biodiesel process. Public Works Director Fred Hurley expressed interest in setting up a trial operation in Newtown. Mr. Danziger would like to see a study on the safety of methanol.  

Adjournment.  Upon motion duly made, seconded and unanimously carried, the meeting adjourned at 9:40  p.m.

Ann M. Mazur, Clerk