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Newtown Design Advisory Board
Town of Newtown Connecticut

Meeting Minutes:
Date:25 January 2011
Present: Mr. Reichert, Mr. Strait, Mr. Kowalski – Claris, Mr. Clark – Claris, Mr. Kozlowski – Claris, Mr. Sambade – Hunter Gregory Realty Corp., Mr. Hall Atty.


  • Review and discussion of 164 Mt. Pleasant Rd., Claris Const.
  • Site
  • The proposal consists of a site plan previously approved by the Commission with the new building use remaining within the foot print of the original submission.
  • The DAB would like to see as many trees as possible preserved along the perimeter of the property. This could be accomplished by erecting a snow fence or other barrier at the limit of grading to create a zone of non-disturbance around the perimeter of the property.
  • Building
  • The exterior elevations of the proposal illustrate a building mass that has been articulated by three gable ends projecting from the main building. The main entrance is a further articulation of the overall scheme presenting a smaller centrally located gable end marking the point of entry. The gable end scheme continues around all sides of the building. The design of the elevations uses references to Greek Revival proportions and details that are found on older buildings in town. The design begins with a stone plinth from which rise large corner columns that appear to support the gable. The second floor of the elevations of each gable uses pairs of windows framed by smaller columns continuing the design theme. The first floor uses two banks of three windows to provide maximum light to the interior. Cloth awnings above these windows and the 2nd floor band serve to distinguish each floor as a separate design element. The gable ends are nicely proportioned and permit the viewer to relate to the Greek Revival references while recognizing the structure as a distinctly modern facility.
  • The materials and detailing selected are consistent with the surrounding residential and commercial buildings. The wood columns frame areas of vinyl clad clapboard siding which surround the windows. The gables use the same materials but suitably alter the color. The elevations present an attractive façade to the public traveling on Route 6.
  • Given the careful articulation of the elevations and the references to traditional architectural styles the DAB believes that this proposal will be an asset to the Town and immediate neighborhood. The DAB recommends that the Commission favorably consider the proposal as presented.
Respectfully submitted,

George Reichert DAB- Chairman