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Newtown Design Review Board
Town of Newtown Connecticut

Date:   25 May 2010
Time:            7:00 pm
Location:       Town Offices Fairfield Hills – Conference Room 3


  • Introduction of new members and discussion of DRB procedures & operations.
  • Review and discussion of 47-49 South Main St.
  • Site: The DAB has reviewed the site plans and the minutes of the June 2005 meeting with the applicants. The plans reflect substantial landscaping that will enhance and improve the streetscape. There remains a substantial amount of parking adjacent to Main St. due to the steep grade restrictions. The border is landscaped extensively and should serve to screen the parking. The DAB recommends the addition of three shade trees at the corner to where the present proposal shows eight trees. Although we would prefer to move more of the parking to the east side of the building we understand that the grades restrict the placement of the building and parking.
  • Building: The applicants have reacted positively to the recommendations of the DAB and incorporated our suggestions in this proposal. The west elevation includes a gable end to help break up the mass of the building and add elements that relate to residential structures in the immediate area. The south-west corner of the building includes a tower that effectively helps the building turn the corner and act as a gateway to the Fairfield Hills property. The walks are covered with an overhang which introduces a horizontal element to the elevations on the west and south sides of the building effectively reducing the vertical massing of the building. The finishes reflect the nature of the surrounding residential structures and are appropriate for this location.
The DAB recommends that the P & Z Commission favorably consider the application as presented.

George Reichert
Chairman - DAB