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Newtown Cultural Arts Commission
January 28, 2014
Meeting Minutes

The Newtown Cultural Arts Commission held a meeting on Tuesday, January 28, 20135, at the Newtown Municipal Center, Meeting Room 1.

Members Present: Robert Rabinowitz, Donna Mangiafico, Donna Jennifer Rogers, Laura Lerman, Andrea Spencer, Jennifer Johnston Cebry, Donna Randle, Ted Kreinik, Robert Kaiser

Members Absent: None
Auxiliary Members: Linda Parsloe, Lindsay Kelkres, Terry Sagedy, Maureen Trotto
Guests: Valerie Culbertson (Director, HealingNewtown), Beth Young (Town Players), Pat Llodra

Jennifer Johnston Cebry called the meeting to order at 7:30 PM.

  • Minutes: Minutes of December 19, 2013, NCAC meeting, approved unanimously
  • Officers Report:
  • Jen Johnston Cebry (Chair):
  • Working with Scan to set up art display at Masonicare
  • Jen Rogers (Vice Chair): None
  • Robert Rabinowitz (Secretary): None
  • Meeting Room 1 at Newtown Municipal Center has become too small.  Future meetings will be held at NCAC/HealingNewtown Offices, Lower level Newtown Congregational Church, 14 West Street, Newtown
  • Treasurer’s Report (Donna Mangiafico):
  • HealingNewtown had $3000 anonymous donation
  • Friends of the Arts School donation to HealingNewtown (Strings for Newtown) $1130
  • We continue to pay Director out of HealingNewtown funds while waiting for COA to release NEA grant money to us.
  • $305 in merchandise sales this month for Arts Fest.
  • First $500 sponsor for Arts Fest came in from Two Loons
  • Art Fest start-up money has been allocated
  • Motion to reimburse Rob K $37.22 for graphics/printing by Donna R.  Jen R second.  Passed unanimously
  • Motion to allocate $420.88 to reimburse Joy Hoffman for art supplies by Donna R, seconded by Jen R – money to come from HealingNewtown funds.  Passes unanimously.
  • HealingNewtown
  • Update by Valerie C – classes have been scheduled, announcements in Newtown Bee
  • Possibility of moving from classes to workshops (single workshops as opposed to ongoing classes)
  • We will be scheduling an American Girl Mother’s Day Tea
  • We need a new name/brand – as we move past healing and on to business as usual.
  • Terry Sagedy has offered to volunteer his professional services to run an “envisioning session” to plan where we’re heading and to “rebrand” ourselves
  • Laura & Valerie have been working on inventorying all the items in the warehouse
  • Grants:
  • HK Consulting has been hired to help HealingNewtown with the writing and applying for grants and will be holding interviews with key stakeholders to start the process.  All documentation from previous activity has been provided to HK.
  • Pat Llodra wants us to seriously consider Plymouth Hall as a possibility for the future Newtown Cultural Arts Center
  • 2013 Arts Festival
  • Terry & Donna are working on Thank You letters.  Jen Petersen is working on volunteer thank yous.
  • 2014 Arts Festival
  • Permit for Fairfield Hills grounds has been obtained
  • 9 day festival is planned from Sept 6 to Sept 14
  • Linda P has created a new sponsorship brochure
  • Linda Watson will handle existing sponsors and Donna R will work on new sponsors
  • Festival days start on September 6th with an event that Saturday evening.
  • We will again have a Children’s Art Party, lead for this will again be Linda Watson
  • Discussion of holding a play writing competition
  • Discussion of a film competition (high school and college students)
  • Discussion of use of various Fairfield Hills buildings during the festival
  • Friday night we will again have the Rooster Ball
  • Kickoff meeting for this year’s Festival will be Tuesday February 4th, 7pm at HealingNewtown Offices
  • Arts Contest deadline is February 15th.   Prize this year is $750.
  • 2014 NCAC meeting calendar
  • Meetings will be the 4th Tuesday of each month
  • Robert to look into bigger meeting room
  • Next Meeting Tuesday January 28th
  • Elections of NCAC Officers
  • Jen J, after 10 years as Chairperson of NCAC, is stepping out of role of Chairperson and recommends Laura L for the role.  Donna R also recommends Laura.
  • Donna R nominates Laura L for Chairperson, Robert R seconds.  Approved unanimously.
  • Donna R nominates Jen J for Vice Chairperson, Robert R seconds. Approved unanimously.
  • Donna R nominates Robert R for Secretary, Laura L seconds. Approved unanimously.
  • Election of other Positions
  • Laura L nominates Donna M for Treasurer, Ted K seconds.  Approved unanimously
  • Scholarships – recommendation by Scholarship Committee (Donna R, Andrea S and Laura L) recommend two $1000 scholarships (Last year was a $1,000 and a $500 scholarship) – money to come from 2013 Arts Festival proceeds.
  • Rob K moves that we allocate a minimum of two (2) 1,000 scholarships to come from the proceeds of the 2013 Arts Festivals.  Jen R seconds.   Approved unanimously.
  • Newsletter & Website:
  • Newsletters have been coming out twice monthly
  • Public Participation:
  • None
  • Other Business
  • Maureen is meeting with Lee Keylock (NHS) to discuss Poetry Slam
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:38 pm

Next Meeting:  Tuesday, February 25, 2014, NCAC/HealingNewtown Offices, Lower level Newtown Congregational Church, 14 West Street, Newtown at 7:30 PM.