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Newtown Cultural Arts Commission
September 24, 2013
Meeting Minutes

The Newtown Cultural Arts Commission held a meeting on Tuesday, August 27, 2013, at the Newtown Municipal Center, Meeting Room 1.

Members Present: Robert Rabinowitz, Donna Mangiafico, Ted Kreinik, Jennifer Johnston Cebry, Donna Jennifer Rogers, Robert Kaiser, Donna Randle, Laura Lerman

Members Absent: Andrea Spencer,
Auxiliary Members: Terry Sagedy, Linda Parsloe, Lindsay Kelkres
Guests: Maureen Trotto, Patrick Kearney

Jennifer Rogers called the meeting to order at 7:30 PM.

  • Minutes: Minutes of August 27, 2013, NCAC meeting, approved unanimously.
  • Officers Report:
  • Jen Johnston Cebry (Chair): October 17th is Housatonic Valley Cultural Arts Awards breakfast – they are doing a special recognition to NCAC, Jen J and Donna M will attend.  Jen J wants to thank everyone for a very successful Arts Festival week
  • Jen Rogers (Vice Chair): None
  • Robert Rabinowitz (Secretary):
  • Donations for NCAC and NHS – Remo, Spectrasonics, Cases By Source
  • Treasurer’s Report (Donna Mangiafico):
  • Arts Festival Accounting report – everything in the black!!!
  • Broadway Sings For Newtown accounting report
  • Rooster Ball accounting report
  • Fund Dispersal;
  • Motion to approve $299.97 reimbursement to Robert Rabinowitz for DMX Lighting Motion by Jen J, 2nd by Laura, approved unanimously
  • Motion to approve $300 from NCAC to pay Main Street Music for recordings from the Arts Festival by Donna Randle, 2nd by Jen R approved unanimously
  • Motion to reimburse Hanna Rohrs for weaving supplies to come out of Healing Newtown budget, Motion by Laura, 2nd by Donna R, approved unanimously
  • Arts Festival (Terry Sagedy, Chairperson of the Arts Festival Committee)
  • Thank you to everyone for all their efforts on behalf of the Arts Festival
  • From the Kids Party to Sunday afternoon this has been a remarkable experience filled with so many moments of joy. We set the bar really high for the county, the state, and ourselves.  It couldn’t have gone any better.
  • Donna M suggests we increase prize for Arts Contest to $750
  • Donna M suggests we start planning for this coming year’s scholarships & grants – Laura L has updated forms/applications
  • Donna R suggests 2 scholarships this coming year until June 1, 2014
  • Festival site will remain up all year including sponsor information
  • Laura L will reserve Municipal Center for next year’s Art Festival
  • Laura L will look into getting Municipal Center in June or July to put on a show of this year’s arts festival photos
  • Discussion of thanking volunteers
  • Each lead should prepare a list of people to thank and send to Terry & Jen J
  • A comment from a Festival Attendee:
  • “I think since December this is the first day I felt peace.”
  • 2014 Arts Festival 1st meeting will be held in October
  • Newtown Cultural Arts Center
  • Rob sent NCAC a suggested letter of intent for Stratford Hall
  • Jen J suggested we approach GE Capital to call a meeting of all interested parties
  • HealingNewtown
  • Jackie & Jen hung some of our artwork, still in progress
  • IKEA Art tables have been moved into HN
  • Joy of Art continues on Wednesdays
  • Weaving workshops on Monday nights
  • Big upcoming event “Chill & Spill”
  • Discussion of a big “pay it forward” type of art event
  • Director: We ended up with 6 finalists, one took another job…  5 are left.  We have reached out to all 5 finalists and let them know it has changed to a part time job.  Laura L, Rob K, and Rob R will start doing interviews
  • We are waiting to hear from United Health re: financing for the Arts Camp
  • Press/Marketing
  • Continuing to do press for HealingNewtown
  • Send festival pics to Laura
  • We are in every daily in the state, every weekly, Bee, Patch, Hamlethub
  • Newsletter & Website
  • Working on the next one – terry will send info on festival – info on Remo and other donations
  • Public Participation:
  • Other Business
  • Patrick Kearney - said he heard from everyone how great the festival was.  He owns Queen St gifts and offered to sell some of our merchandise for us.
  • Maureen Trotto – Thursday night (Broadway) was “spectacular” and very moving.  Creative Group – designers – toy invention – theatrical design & directing.  
  • Terry: NYA is having a gala. They would like to borrow our equipment.
  • Jen R discussed possibility of film festival with Edmond Town Hall and tie it into raising money for a blue ray projector for Edmond Town Hall
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:28 pm

Next Meeting:  Tuesday, October 22, 2013, Newtown Municipal Center, Meeting Room 1 at 7:30 PM.