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Newtown Cultural Arts Commission
July 23, 2013
Meeting Minutes

The Newtown Cultural Arts Commission held a meeting on Tuesday, July 23, 2013, at the Newtown Municipal Center, Meeting Room 1.

Members Present: Robert Rabinowitz, Laura Lerman, Donna Mangiafico, Ted Kreinik, Jennifer Johnston Cebry, Donna Jennifer Rogers, Robert Kaiser, Donna Randle,

Members Absent: Andrea Spencer

Auxiliary Members: Linda Parsloe, Terry Sagedy

Guests: None

Jennifer Johnston called the meeting to order at 7:39 PM.

  • Minutes: Minutes of June 25th, NCAC meeting, approved unanimously.
  • Officers Report:
  • Jen Johnston Cebry (Chair): Just returned from her honeymoon.  Congratulations Jen!
  • Jen attended the Big Time Rush concert and thanked producers, staff, and performers for bringing the show to Newtown
  • Jen Rogers (Vice Chair): Just returned from vacation,
  • Robert Rabinowitz (Secretary):
  • Attended Random Compassion Concert
  • Worked Big Time Rush organizing
  • Managed Housewarming at new HealingNewtown location
  • Treasurer’s Report (Donna Mangiafico):
  • Some donations have come in
  • HealingNewtown funds have been transferred from CAWC to NCAC
  • Arts Festival finance report
  • Arts Festival
  • Terry Sagedy, Chairperson of the Arts Festival Special Committee:
  • 8 days of Art Music and Joy!
  • Broadway Sings for Newtown – Walnut Hill Community Church
  • Rooster Ball
  • Children’s Art Party at NYA
  • Play Reading
  • “Youth” a new film by Max Galassi: Newtown Congregational Church
  • Violin & Cello recital
  • SCAN art show at Municipal Center
  • Sponsors have been coming in, but we still need more
  • Send Donna M Arts Festival info for Web Site
  • Newtown Cultural Arts Center
  • We need to put in letter of intent for the location to Fairfield Hills Authority – Rob K and Laura L will draft the letter
  • Robert R sent out business plan for permanent art center – everyone to read it and send comments back to Robert
  • HealingNewtown
  • HealingNewtown has moved into its new location at Newtown Congregational Church
  • Jackie to hang artwork in hallways and Great Room
  • Great Newtown Reunion: need names for guest list
  • Art & Music Therapy program is a go, sponsored by Optum/United Health
  • HealingNewtown sandwich board would be good
  • Rob to make NCAC/HN sign for church
  • Director - Laura to contact Rod & Evan, Laura to start advertising for Director
  • Grants/Scholarships:
  • Grants have been received and subcommittee is meeting to select
  • Grants committee is Andrea, Donna R and Laura
  • Newsletter:
  • Lindsay Kelkres is helping Jen R with newsletter and calendar
  • Website:
  • Jen R & Rob K has updated the NCAC website
  • Mailboxes and folders are updated
  • Donate Button
  • Volunteer Button
  • Random Acts of Music
  • Press & Publicity:
  • Laura L gave update on activities over past month
  • Newsletter & Website:
  • No update
  • Jen to coordinate with Laura about press releases/newsletter
  • Rob will update NCAC site
  • Public Participation:
  • Linda P – when will arts festival posters be available for sale?  A: probably mid-August
  • Other Business:
  • Motion by Donna Randle to vote in Richard Monckton as Auxiliary member, 2nd by Laura Lerman – passed unanimously.  Richard will be Head of Security for Arts Festival.
  • Motion by Laura Lerman to fund $100 dollars for Labor Day Parade application, Donna R 2nd – passed unanimously.  Rob K to handle application.
  • Donna M motions to disperse $6,000 to PB Entertainment for services related to Broadway Sings for Newtown, $3,000 now at $3,000 night of – to come out of HealingNewtown funds. Jen R seconds.  Passed unanimously.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:35pm

Next Meeting:  Tuesday, August 27, 2013, Newtown Municipal Center, Meeting Room 1 at 7:30 PM.