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Newtown Cultural Arts Commission
May 28, 2013
Meeting Minutes

The Newtown Cultural Arts Commission held a meeting on Tuesday, April 23, 2013, at the HealingNewtown Arts Space, 5 Queen Street, Newtown, CT.

Members Present: Jennifer Johnston, Robert Rabinowitz, Laura Lerman, Donna Mangiafico, Donna Jennifer Rogers, Robert Kaiser, Donna Randle,

Members Absent: Ted Kreinik,

Guests: Lindsay Kelkres, Sarah Baroody

Jennifer Johnston called the meeting to order at 7:30 PM.

  • Minutes: Minutes of April 23th, NCAC meeting, approved unanimously.
  • Officers Report:
  • Jen Johnston (Chair):
  • Andrea Spencer has been appointed to the NCAC
  • Jen Rogers (Vice Chair):
  • James Taylor!!! Performed on Sunday for Newtown via NCAC and Sandy Hook Promise invite.
  • Robert Rabinowitz (Secretary):
  • Communications need to be organized:
  • Phone
  • Email
  • Websites – Rob will update NCAC website
  • Directory page
  • Donation Page
  • Laura will do a summary for each week
  • Laura will get email account
  • Robert will update HN website link to NCAC and Contributors
  • Treasurer’s Report (Donna Mangiafico):
  • Separate accounts
  • Arts Fest
  • NCAC – HealingNewtown
  • How to differentiate
  • HealingNewtown
  • CityCenter Danbury – July 21st fundraiser/concert
  • Location
  • 5 Queen St has been packed up and moved to storage
  • We have access
  • Newtown Public Works did an amazing job helping us with the move
  • New Location – In discussion with Newtown Congregational Church for use of classrooms and space.
  • Motion by Donna Randle to pay NHS facility expenses for Tennessee Children’s Dance Ensemble out of HealingNewtown Funds.  Second by Andrea Spence. Passed unanimously.
  • (Donations will also be taken at the door)
  • Director for HN – with NEA for consideration
  • Volunteer meetings will start up when in new location
  • Robert R sent out business plan for permanent art center – everyone to read it and send comments back to Robert
  • Workshops/Classes – waiting
  • Arts Festival
  • Terry Sagedy, Chairperson of the Arts Festival Special Committee:
  • Not in attendance
  • Requests everyone please send him potential sponsors
  • Grants/Scholarships:
  • Scholarships: 7 applicants for scholarships.
  • Winners will be announce June 5th at NHS awards ceremony
  • Grants: Donna M sent out revised form – ready to go
  • Laura L will write press release
  • Jen R will put it on NCAC site
  • Newsletter
  • Please send Jen R articles for Newsletter
  • Public Participation:
  • Lindsay – HealingNewtown – Separate volunteer button needs to be added
  • Other Business: None
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:43pm

Next Meeting:  Tuesday, June 25th, 2013, Newtown Municipal Center, Meeting Room 1 at 7:30 PM.