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Newtown Cultural Arts Commission
March 26, 2013
Meeting Minutes

The Newtown Cultural Arts Commission held a meeting on Tuesday, March 26, 2013, at the HealingNewtown Arts Space, 5 Queen Street, Newtown, CT.

Members Present: Jennifer Johnston, Robert Rabinowitz, Laura Lerman, Donna Mangiafico, Donna Monteleone Randle, Jennifer Rogers, Robert Kaiser

Members Absent: Ted Kreinik
(Sharon Cohen has resigned from the NCAC.  One position therefore remains open.)

Auxiliary Members Present: Terry Sagedy

Guests: Georgia Monahan & Maka Bakhbava from The Newtowner, Davis Dunivan from The Patch

Jennifer Rogers called the meeting to order at 7:40 PM.

  • Minutes: Minutes of February 26th, NCAC meeting, approved unanimously.
  • Officers Report:
  • Jen Johnston (Chair):
  • Will be reported during HealingNewtown portion of the agenda
  • Jen Rogers (Vice Chair):
  • 1214 Foundation (Performing Arts Center), Theatre Projects Consultants
  • Robert Rabinowitz (Secretary):
  • Voices For Heroes had their CD Release Party – all money raised goes to HealingNewtown.
  • Ives Center Reception
  • Treasurer’s Report (Donna Mangiafico):
  • All bills have been submitted
  • Monster Marketing bill of $21 needs to be paid. Motion to allocate $21 from Arts Festival Fund by Robert Rabinowitz, 2nd by Jen Rogers.  Approved unanimously.
  • Motion for $15 to purchase email Directory from Newtown Chamber of Commerce. Approved Unanimously.
  • Foundation Directory was recommended NEA and Rebecca Harriman – resource to search for grants. Level recommended $60 per month. Motion made to reimburse Robert R for fee. Approved unanimously.
  • Robert, Jen J & Laura L volunteer to search directory.
  • The Newtowner: Georgia Monahan
  • Next Issue (goal to publish before end of April) – special issue: Celebrate Newtown, Life, Arts, childhood – and also commemorate.  Letters of support, local clergy messages, essays, Buddhist monks, local congress people, artwork, poetry from high school students, Sesame St experience at From Broadway With Love, HealingNewtown, faces of Newtown,  reflections on “What Newtown Means To Me”
  • They are looking for sponsors/grants/funds to get free copies for families, first responders, and Sandy Hook Families.  If enough money is raised perhaps even all the households in Newtown.
  • If there are any ideas & suggestions please contact 
  • Request for the Newtowner to use HealingNewtown Arts Space for their meetings.
  • Arts Festival
  • Terry Sagedy, Chairperson of the Arts Festival Special Committee: Things are progressing, sponsorships are coming in.  Took picture with Carol Collins (art contest winner) with her prize money. Met with Bob Geckle – he suggested we be specific and promote the fact that the festival was established last year (before the tragedy).  Robert and Terry put together a business plan for the arts festival.  Terry will circulate it with letter.  Donna R. received email that Peoples Bank that they would sponsor again – not sure of the amount.
  • Business Plan Created
  • Sponsorship package created
  • Week-long Celebration of The Arts culminating in the Arts Festival
  • Arts Festival needs graphic artist to help with calendar and other activities
  • Next meeting Tuesday April 16th, Terry’s House, 7:30pm
  • HealingNewtown:
  • Update from Jen Johnston: We have to move out of our current space much sooner than expected.  We have about 2 to 4 weeks left. Jen J will lead the search for a new space.
  • 501c3 – Ted K, Jen J, Lisa Scails are meeting April 29th to coordinate how to transfer funds from 501c3 to NCAC fund.  Target to compete is June 30th.  Ted is researching how we can accept funds ourselves directly.
  • Volunteer Meetings & Leadership Meetings postponed until Art Space move is worked out.
  • HealingNewtown needs money to stay in operation.  Link has been posted on the Newtown Town homepage.  On Facebook.  And shared by United Way.
  • Random Acts of Music, Friday April 12th, needs volunteers to help at box office and greet people as they come in.  Show starts at 7pm.  Need box office starting 6pm, other volunteers starting 6:30pm.  Jen Rogers to print tickets in advance
  • Jennifer Rogers – Chuck Connollly – did 20 individual portraits to donate.  Wanted to send end of April or early May.  Jen will forward information to Jackie.  He is from Philadelphia and is willing to come up.   Jennifer Johnston responded and let him know they had to wait.
  • Patricia Campbell’s event raised $214 for HealingNewtown.  
  • Neil Heslin (Jesse’s father) was at the space and spoke to Jennifer Rogers and Robert Rabinowitz – he took some art home with him.
  • Robert asked if he should postpone the April 5th set-up.  Jennifer Johnston will let him know by Friday.
  • Hold off printing “property of ncac” stickers.  Table for now.
  • Grants/Scholarships:
  • Scholarships
  • Good response from High School teachers/students to scholarship
  • Motion by Donna Mangiafico to add $93 out of NCAC budget to add to the donation of $407 by Creative Music to create a $500 Arts Scholarship to be given out this year.  Seconded by Robert Rabinowitz.  Passed Unanimously.
  • Grants
  • Grant application is completed
  • Next meeting – review application and develop budgeting procedures, timeline, criteria, how much to budget.
  • Press Relations/Releases
  • Laura continues to send out press releases
  • Working on new template/form for press releases
  • We are in all of the dailies
  • Cultural Arts Center:
  • Michael Baroody, 1214 Foundation
  • Theatre Projects Consultants
  • Newsletter
  • In the works
  • Website
  • Front page has been updated
  • Motion to add auxiliary members Jen Petersen and Sarah Baroody by Laura L, seconded by Donna R – passed unanimously.
  • Public Participation: The Newtowner
  • Other Business: Waiting on Town to appoint someone to the open seat.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:51 pm

Next Meeting:  Tuesday, April 23, 2013, HealingNewtown Arts Space, 5 Queen Street, Newtown, CT at 7:30 PM.