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Newtown Cultural Arts Commission
August 28, 2012
Meeting Minutes

The Newtown Cultural Arts Commission held a meeting on Tuesday, August 28, 2012, 7:30 PM, at the Newtown Municipal Center, 3 Primrose Street, Newtown, CT.

Members Present: Jennifer Johnston, Ted Kreinik, Laura Lerman, Robert Rabinowitz, Donna Monteleone Randle, Donna Mangiafico, Jennifer Rogers, Rob Kaiser, Sharon Cohen

Members Absent:  None

Auxiliary Members Present:  Paul Mangiafico

Guests:  Patrick Milano and Seth Barrett

Jennifer Johnston called the meeting to order at 7:40 PM.

Minutes:  The minutes of the July 24, 2012 meeting were approved as written.

Officer Reports:  
  • Jennifer Johnston (Chairperson): None
  • Jen Rogers (Vice-Chairperson): None
  • Donna Mangiafico (Secretary): Resigning as Secretary to be able to devote more time to being Treasurer.
  • Donna M proposes that Chairperson & Vice Chairperson positions be reviewed and updated. Donna sent out the by-laws for everyone to review with the recommendation that the roles be better defined.  Goal is to amend the by-laws before the end of the year.
  • Sharon C suggests we review our mission and goals as well.  Everyone agrees.
  • Robert to include these in Agendas going forward.
Officer Elections (3 months – regular annual election to be held January 2013):
  • Donna Randle nominates Robert Rabinowitz for Office of Secretary (NCAC), Rob Kaiser 2nd.  Passed unanimously.
  • Robert Rabinowitz nominates Jen Johnston to continue as Chairperson.  Laura L seconded.  Passed unanimously.
  • Ted K nominates Jen Rogers for Vice-Chairperson, Donna M. seconds. Passed unanimously.
Appointment of Treasurer:
The Donna Randle nominates Donna Mangiafico for position of Treasure, Ted Kreinik, seconds – passed unanimously.

Treasurer Report (Donna Mangiafico):
  • NCAC needs to move funds from NCAC Savings to Arts Festival (NAF).  Donna M will make the request to Town Finance Office to move $6,000 from NCAC Savings to Arts Festival account to cover monies raised for the Newtown Arts Festival.
  • Note: it is in our charter that NCAC has a separate gift fund from our operating account.
  • We are in the Town Budget to receive $2,000 for 2013.
Labor Day Parade (Rob Kaiser, Chair for Parade):
  • The Theme for the NCAC Parade Float was discussed.  Recommendations were to include the Newtown Arts Festival Date(s) and Fairfield Hills and the phrase “Vibrant Arts For A Healthy Community.”  The top of van will include a large “blow up” of Ram Pasture winning artwork.  Rob Kaiser will send a mock-up of the float in the coming days.  The Queen Street banner will also be used – carried by marchers in front of the float.
  • NCAC booth for Labor Day Parade will be “manned” by Jen R, Robert R, and Sharon C.
  • Marching is Jen J, Paul M, Rob K, Donna M
Newtown Arts Festival – Paul Mangiafico:
  • Arts Festival – Mission to help promote Arts in Newtown
  • Everything is coming together and we are heading into the Festival with a balanced budget.
  • Very inclusive of all the arts and genres as possible – bring arts together with patrons.
  • – Web site is up and running with all information on activities, events, performances, workshops, lectures, theatre, dance, etc…
  • Over 40 vendors + food vendors.
  • 10 community corner participants
  • 13 Committees - Every committee is pushing forward on schedule.
  • (Paul passed out “preliminary site layout” diagram)
  • Dry run for Festival will be September 5th – all committee chairs and team leads and George Benson and Pat Llodra will be in attendance.
  • Night shift volunteers being requested to keep eye on Festival Site Friday and Saturday night.
  • Inclement weather plans being put in place – (evacuation, if necessary go to Municipal Center and Reed School).  
  • Festival is 3 acres – comfortable number of people for 3 acres is 2,500 – maximum is 5,000.
  • Parking – 500 spaces.
  • If we know in advance weather is going to be very bad everything will be moved into the Reed School (across the street from Fairfield Hills).
  • This Festival is planned to be a continuing yearly event.  Permits for 2013 have already been signed and obtained – September 21st & 22nd 2013).  We need an Event Organizer for 2013, the person doesn’t need to be a member of the NCAC but the NCAC will need to appoint the Event Organizer.
  • Recommendation – one person in charge of “Arts,” another person in charge of Support/Operational.
  • Jen R:
  • Hot Air Balloon – expecting confirmation any day.  Tethered rides will be provided for a donation.
  • Flash Mob – “scheduled” for Saturday  - more people needed
  • Donna R:
  • Met with HS Civics/AP teacher to get volunteers for community corner – and they will get community service hours.  Paul should also get in touch for volunteers for other areas.
  • Sharon C:
  • Has invited people from press to attend.  Whoever is running ticket booth needs to know to let anyone with a press pass in.  It would be good to take down their names and who they write/broadcast for at the gate.
  • Laura Lerman volunteered to organize the gallery in the Municipal Center for the Newtown Arts Festival.
Grants and Scholarships:
  • Suggestion -> NCAC should recognize town arts organizations in some way, even if there is no money attached
  • After the Arts Festival Grants and Scholarships will move up to the top of the NCAC agenda.  We need to move ahead and create a process and program for providing this type of support to the arts in our community
  • We need define our budget and a standard process for this.
  • How do we fairly work with/sponsor all the arts organizations in town?
  • What do organizations need?  1) a place to practice 2) a place to perform 3) money for publicity and advertising.
  • Possibilities:
  • Small Grant(s)
  • Youth Scholarship(s)
  • Artist Scholarship/Residency
  • Public Space (i.e.: sculpture garden)
  • How do we create a SUSTAINABLE fund?
  • If, for example, we wanted to give a $500 arts scholarship every year, that would require $25,000 up front into a trust fund.  But we have to keep in mind that a Trust Fund, once established, is very hard to change/revise.
  • The town has a grants writer, Elizabeth Stocker (Director of Economic and Community Development), who we should request help write grants to bring money into the NCAC on behalf of the town.
Promotion of the NCAC Brand:
  • Sharon C: How do we promote NCAC going forward (after the Arts Festival).  How do we do this in relation to other groups in town.  Suggestion  we need to talk to town arts organizations about how we all can work together.
Flagpole Radio Café:
  • The next Flagpole Radio Café season is expected to begin after January 2013.
Next month’s NCAC Agenda:
  • #1 item needs to be Grants and Scholarships
  • #2 Item should be By Laws
  • #3 Item should be Cultural Arts Center
Public Participation:  None

Meeting adjourned at 9:54 pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Robert Rabinowitz
Secretary, Newtown Cultural Arts Commission