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Newtown Cultural Arts Commission
May 22, 2012
Meeting Minutes

The Newtown Cultural Arts Commission held a meeting on Tuesday, May 22, 2012, 7:30 PM, at the Newtown Municipal Center, 3 Primrose Street, Newtown, CT.

Members Present: Sharon Cohen, Jennifer Johnston, Ted Kreinik, Donna Mangiafico, Donna Monteleone Randle, and Jennifer Rogers

Members Absent:  Rob Kaiser, Robert Rabinowitz

Auxiliary Members Present:  Martin Blanco

Guests:  John Wisnieff

Jennifer Johnston called the meeting to order at 7:35 PM.

Minutes:  The minutes of the April 24, 2012 meeting were approved with the following amendments:  

Jennifer [Rogers] spoke with [Amy Ben-Kiki of]~AMS Marketing and Research~who may offer assistance developing a survey relating to arts wants/needs in Newtown.

Jennifer Rogers discussed the need to follow-up with people who contacted the commission through our website last year.  Jennifer Johnston has the information and will follow-up.

It was agreed that the NCAC obtain the tax ID information for purchasing materials and processing donations.

Officer Reports:  Amy Ben-Kiki met with Jennifer Johnston and Jen Rogers.  Jen Rogers distributed a draft of survey questions for comment.  The surveys and market research are meant to ascertain arts-related wants/needs of the artists, arts groups, and the general public.  It will also help to determine the feasibility of establishing a Cultural Arts/Performing Arts Center in Newtown.  Three proposals from AMS Marketing and Research were mentioned - Consultant, Phase 1, or Whole Package.  These proposals will be presented in the coming weeks.

Jennifer Rogers suggested checking with the Town Clerk on when NCAC Member terms end.  It appears that too many members’ terms are ending in 2013.

Treasurer Report: Donna Mangiafico shared the Financial Report from the Newtown Finance Office.  She also reviewed pending income and expenses.  Jennifer Johnston will transfer PayPal funds to the NCAC Savings Account to cover the pending expenses.

The NCAC voted unanimously to appropriate $682 to Keno Graphics for Newtown Arts Festival poster printing and $668 to Monster Marketing for flier and banner printing.

Newtown Cultural Arts Center:  Ted Kreinik explained that the purpose of the surveys is to determine if there is demand first.  If there is, then we should ask more questions relating to specific needs (how big, what type of space, etc.).  The Newtown Cultural Arts Center subcommittee will complete the survey and schedule a meeting in June.

Programs and Events:
  • Flagpole Radio Café – Martin Blanco announced that Season 4 has ended.  The fundraising goal with Stratton Faxon was reached.  He also received a generous gift from the Newtown Rotary Club.  Martin will let the NCAC know about Season 5 performance dates in the coming months.  He also related that the Flagpole Radio Café would participate in the Newtown Arts Festival in September.
  • Pre-show Receptions – Discussion was tabled
  • Newtown Art Festival – Donna Mangiafico announced that the website has been published.  Donna Monteleone Randle and Sharon Cohen expressed the need for additional volunteers for fundraising and promotions.  Jennifer Johnston asked for specific roles that need to be filled in order to recruit help.  Jennifer Johnston reported that the Global Voice-Newtown High School will help – Kate Bartell is the Chairperson.
Newsletter:  Jennifer Rogers asked NCAC members to send her information for the June newsletter.  The deadline to submit information is Thursday, May 24, 2012.  Sharon will submit information about the Newtown Arts Festival.  Donna Mangiafico will contact Stacey Olszewski and ask her to prepare a call to artists.

Grants:  Discussion was tabled.

Website: Jennifer Rogers shared information about the website.  It was suggested that an Art-Connect page dedicated to connecting the public with artists be added.  Sharon Cohen offered to help with that.

Public Participation: Information about NCAC appointment and participation at the Newtown Arts Festival was shared with John Wisnieff of the Newtown Juggling and Circus Arts Club.

Other Business:  None

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.

Next Meeting:  Tuesday, June 26, 2012, 7:30 PM, Meeting Room 1, Newtown Municipal Center