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Newtown Cultural Arts Commission (NCAC)
February 24, 2011
Meeting Minutes

The Newtown Cultural Arts Commission held a meeting on Thursday, February 24, 2011 at 7:00 PM at the Newtown Municipal Center, 3 Primrose Street, Newtown, CT.

Members Present: Jennifer Johnston, Donna Mangiafico, Robert Rabinowitz, Jennifer Rogers, and Linda Watson

Members Absent: Martin Blanco, Emily Howard, Rob Kaiser, and Donna Monteleone Randle

Auxiliary Members Present:  None

Guests:  Kate Katcher and Stacey Olszewski

Jennifer Johnston called the meeting to order at 7:15 PM.

The minutes of the February 9, 2011 meeting were tabled as a quorum was not reached.

Officer Reports:
  • Jennifer Johnston discussed the Arts Center at Fairfield Hills currently being considered by the Fairfield Hills Master Plan Review Committee.  Martin Blanco and Jennifer are gathering information to present to them.  Jennifer shared information from the Ridgefield Playhouse, Bushnell, and the Palace Theatre in Waterbury.  Next steps – Jennifer will set up meetings with SCAN, Friends of Music, Town Players, Parks and Rec., Stray Kats, and the Economic Development Commission to discuss what type of Arts Center they envision.
  • Jennifer Johnston is meeting with the Housatonic Valley Cultural Alliance (HVCA) tomorrow to continue discussions about the destination weekend grant (marketing and promotional materials for the regional area). Jennifer is working on a creative clusters meeting – networking forum for artists.
  • Linda Watson reviewed the NCAC Financial Report.
  • Jennifer Rogers talked about the NCAC Newsletter.  She asked everyone to send her information to include in the Newsletter each month.  Jennifer Johnston will send her information about the HVCA.  Jennifer Rogers asked if the NCAC could use the emails obtained with PayPal charges for tickets to shows, like the Flagpole Radio Café.  Jennifer Johnston will check to see if we can include a box for people purchasing tickets to check off if they would like to receive news and information from the NCAC.
Review of Bylaws:
Donna Mangiafico shared information about several positions in the Bylaws that may need to be changed or eliminated.  There was discussion about including the Treasurer position as an elected position along with Chairman, Vice Chairman, and Secretary and eliminating the other (nonelected) positions until they are deemed necessary.  NCAC members were asked to review the bylaws and this topic will be on the March agenda for discussion and possible vote to amend.

NCAC Position Available:  
Emily Howard is planning to resign, but has not officially submitted her resignation.  Jennifer Rogers will include this open position in the next Newsletter and Jennifer Johnston will follow-up with Emily.  Linda Watson would like to step down from the Treasurer position to pursue a more creative role on the NCAC.  She offered to continue in her role as Treasurer until a new Treasurer takes the position.

Programs and Events:

Flagpole Radio Café
  • Jennifer Rogers announced that the March 19 show featuring Christine Lavin is not to be missed.  In addition, Ms. Lavin would like to hold a knitting circle before the show.  This will be set up in the Alexandria Room.  Jennifer will add this information to the NCAC Newsletter.
  • A reception in the Alexandria Room before the shows was discussed.  Robert Rabinowitz offered to have his band play.  It was agreed to organize a reception before the May 21st show.
Arts Festival
  • The March 4th Arts Festival Meeting agenda was discussed.  Topics to include are naming the Event, Timeline, forming Subcommittees, Artwork Contest Guidelines, and recruiting volunteers. Also, Jennifer Johnston offered to contact The Fairfield Hills authority about holding the event at Fairfield Hills August 24-25-26, 2012 or September 14-15-16, 2012.
Website – Events Calendar:  
Jennifer Rogers asked for information and events to post.  Further discussion was tabled until Rob Kaiser is present to provide an update.

Public Participation:  
Kate Katcher shared information about the next Stray Kats Theatre Company performance “In The Middle of Nowhere” scheduled Friday, March 11th, 7:30 PM in the Alexandria Room.

Other Business:
  • Robert Rabinowitz shared the feedback he received regarding NCAC Grants.  There was discussion about the number of grants to offer and the amount ($500 would be minimum).  It was agreed that the NCAC should plan for investment, but in the meantime, offer $2000 annually.  There was also discussion about limiting applications to just individual artists or nonprofit arts organizations and the pros and cons of both.  It was agreed not to limit the applications.  Robert will make changes to the application and forward it out for comment.  Grants will be on the agenda at the March meeting.
  • Jennifer Rogers shared information about grants that are available to artists and arts organizations and will include information in the newsletter.
Next Meeting:
The next meeting of the NCAC is scheduled on Thursday, March 24, 2011, 7:00 PM, Meeting Room 1, Newtown Municipal Center.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:37 PM.

Respectfully submitted,
Donna Mangiafico
Our Mission:  To create a greater awareness of the arts in our community through educating, enhancing, and promoting diverse cultural opportunities for Newtown.