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Newtown Cultural Arts Commission (NCAC)
February 11, 2010
Meeting Minutes

The Newtown Cultural Arts Commission (NCAC) held a meeting on Thursday, February 11, 2010 at 7:00 p.m. at the Newtown Municipal Center, 3 Primrose Street, Newtown, CT.

Members Present:  Martin Blanco, Emily Howard, Jennifer Johnston, Rob Kaiser, Donna Monteleone Randle, and Jennifer Rogers
Members Absent: Donna Mangiafico, Linda Watson
Auxiliary Members Present:  None

Guest:  Kate Katcher, Karen C. Pierce, and Robert LaPorta

Jennifer Johnston called the meeting to order at 7:12 p.m.

Jennifer Johnston introduced prospective new member, Robert LaPorta, director of MSR Classics (music label), and Karen Pierce, from the Board of Managers of the Edmond Town Hall.

The minutes of the January 28, 2010 meeting was approved as written.

Programs and events were discussed:

  • The January 30, 2010 Whiffenpoofs concert was discussed.  Martin Blanco reported that not only were the concert costs covered, but we made enough money to also cover the remaining costs of the December 5, 2009 Flagpole Radio Café.
  • Martin Blanco also reported that there were 200-225 people in attendance at the February 6, 2010 Flagpole Radio Café, which most likely took about $600-700 loss, even with the $200 donation from Savings Bank of Danbury, although the final accounting had not been given to him yet.  Part of the expenses for this show were advertising expenses for ads placed in all Hersam-Acorn papers (Redding Pilot, Ridgefield Press, etc.), which accounted for another 10 tickets sold.
  • A great quality sound recording was made and later broadcast on WPKN on Wednesday, February 10th at around 7:15 p.m.  
  • During the NCAC Arts News segment of the show, it was pointed out that the Edmond Town Hall was going to be the place to go for many great arts events this spring.  Martin noted that some members of the Board of Managers were in the audience for the show.
  • Emily Howard asked if Andrea’s Bakery was thanked in the program (for their tasty treats they provided for the arts meet and greet).  Jennifer Rogers responded that it was an oversight, but that it would be included in the next one. Martin said that their logo could be put up on our web site.
  • Donna Monteleone Randle presented a fundraising idea for the NCAC:
  • Her idea was to present a concert in late September or early October, enlisting the help of her friend, Tim McGrath (a professional guitarist), which would give the public an opportunity to play with a professional band at NHS.
  • Announcements would go out prior to the May/June auditions.  Anyone who would like the opportunity to sit in with ‘the band’ for the concert is welcome to audition with his or her favorite song.  Twenty or so would be selected to then play with ‘the band’ for the concert.
  • During the actual concert, each song would feature at least one of these ‘winners’, giving them a chance to shine on a main stage in front of their family and friends.  It was noted that each member of the public would account for several audience members.
  • Additional funds could be collected by selling prepackaged items in the lobby (water, GS cookies, T-shirts, etc.), perhaps even by other groups.
  • Donna M.R. crunched some numbers and shared that there was the potential to raise a few thousand dollars during this event.  She will be forwarding her worksheet to the commission members prior to the next meeting.
  • Potential problems were discussed, including the lead time needed to advertise the auditions, the need for rehearsal time with the band, the need for a running crew and stage manager, logistical problems with rotating in new players during a concert, and sharing the funds raised with other organizations in town.
  • Jennifer Johnston said that a committee should be formed to discuss it in further detail and asked if there were volunteers.
  • Rob Kaiser handed out fliers for the recycled art competition in honor of Earth Day, April 24, 2010.  Since it says an entry form would be available from the NCAC web site, he needs to forward that file to the web master, Richard Gaines.
  • Said he spoke to an art teacher at Hawley School, who said that such projects could not be added to the student curriculum at this point, however other members suggested that he get the word out to all schools anyway so that perhaps some would want to offer an after school activity for interested students to participate.  
  • In previous years, he has tried various ways to incorporate competition into the event, which has not worked out.  This year he is going to have the recycled art on display only.  
  • Jen Rogers offered to send out her Publicity Checklist she has been compiling for others to use, noting that it will never be finished and that members should suggest additions as they discover them.
  • Kate Katcher reported we have sold less than 20 tickets for the February 18, 2010 Love in the Afternoon Play With Your Food luncheon and performance.  She asked that members send out a reminder email to their lists ASAP, and again on Monday or Tuesday since the deadline for ticket purchases is Wednesday, February 16th.
  • A motion was made, seconded, briefly discussed, and unanimously approved to accept as our new ticketing agency.  
  • Jennifer Johnston said that she would call Steve Walsh at to finalize the deal on Friday.  
  • Jennifer Rogers requested that members compile their email list of people they usually send out notifications to, and forward it to her (in a CSV file) to be imported into the NCAC database for an initial marketing email. This email would announce our new ticketing service for their convenience, remind them of upcoming shows, and give them an opt-out option.  She also reminded members that specific access to this marketing list could be given to members as needed. Donna M.R. said that she would immediately send out an email to her list asking for those who want to be included prior to forwarding the list to Jen Rogers.
Jennifer Johnston discussed the Edmond Town Hall Ad Hoc Committee with contributions from Karen C. Pierce.  
  • Karen said that she had heard that the Ad Hoc meeting scheduled for Thursday night, February 18th, 2010 was tabled for now, in light of the pending OSHA report on building problems (lead in flaking ceiling paint over balcony of the theater).  Jennifer Johnston and Martin Blanco, who are on the ad hoc committee, had not been notified of this.  It was asked if this was just a postponement of the meeting or if the Ad Hoc committee was permanently disbanded.  Karen was unsure of the future of the Ad Hoc committee.  Jennifer Johnston voiced her concerns that this effectively shuts down the open line of communication between the town’s interested parties and the Board of Managers.
  • Karen said that the BOM were looking into starting work on the building’s physical problems prior to the OSHA report coming out, which might help eliminate some penalties.
  • Karen mentioned there are funds that can be applied for (from the Gates Foundation, for example), but the work would have to be done first, then an application made for covering those costs.  A fundraising effort would need to be made for the Edmond Town Hall renovations and new equipment (i.e. a digital projector – Jen Rogers suggested an HD digital projector for Live from the Metropolitan Opera simulcasts).  Jen Rogers suggested that the NCAC could help out with such an effort, all agreed.  Kate Katcher said that The Foundation Center would be a good resource to look for potential foundation moneys to be applied for, and that Bridgeport has bought into it and anyone can use it if they went [where?] in person.
  • Jen Johnston asked members of the NCAC for their ideas for programming at the Edmond Town Hall.  Martin asked if this was a moot point now, but verbally shared some of the ideas he had compiled in his report, such as, showing a foreign film series, a classic film series, an animation film series (seeing that we have a few animators from Blue Sky living here in Newtown), among others.  Jen Johnston would still like the NCAC members to forward their ideas to her to compile if ever or when ever the BOM would like our input.
  • Karen stated that there might be all day Saturday [workshops] (my word for lack of a better one) in which planning for the ETH would be thoroughly discussed.  Jennifer Johnston wondered if anyone other than BOM members would be welcome to participate, and Karen said that she hoped so.
  • Field trips to Playhouses and Arts Centers in other CT towns, such as Thomaston, Norfolk and Old Saybrook will still be scheduled by the NCAC for the edification anyone interested.
Having no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 9:30 p.m.
The next meeting will be held on Thursday, March 11, 2010, 7:00 p.m. at the Newtown Municipal Center, 3 Primrose Street, Newtown, CT.

Respectfully submitted,
Jennifer Rogers
Vice Chair
Our Mission:  To create a greater awareness of the arts in our community through educating, enhancing, and promoting diverse cultural opportunities for Newtown.