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AUGUST 4, 2009

CALL TO ORDER:   W. Davidson, Chairman, determined a quorum and called the meeting to order at 7:35pm.

Members Present:  W. Davidson –Brookfield, S. Young -Bridgewater, B. Boodry-Brookfield
J. Briody-Bridgewater, R. Carley-Newtown, B. Piepho-Southbury, B. Woerner-Bridgewater,
R. Faanes-Roxbury, S. Howard-Roxbury, A. Niedzielski-Newtown, G. Simmons-Southbury,
S. Ward-New Milford, L. Leaden, New Milford.
Absent Members:  A. Hawley-Brookfield
Also Present:  Greg Bollard-Friends of the Lake

Chairman Davidson discussed with the members that Chris Giordano has resigned from her position as Administrative Assistant for LLA for medical reasons.  Chairman Davidson introduced Diane Cerasoli as Chris’s replacement.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES:  Motion made by S. Young, seconded by R. Carley to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of July 7, 2009 with the following amendment; under the report of the First Vice Chairman, 5th paragraph, should read R. Faanes volunteered to contact the USGS to begin a formal request that their testing include phosphorus, and not LLA is looking for volunteers to contact the USGS to begin a formal request that their testing include phosphorus.  Motion passed unanimously.

CHAIRMAN’S REPORT:  Chairman Davidson stated that he still has not heard from Eleanor Mariani, DEP, Boating Division, because she has not heard from the Coast Guard regarding the use of PFD’s with regard to rowing shells.  Chairman Davidson distributed three copies of a two-year agreement with DEP that he has just signed to support George Knoecklein’s water quality studies.  DEP would fund $12,000 and LLA would fund $8,000 over two years.  J. Simmons will post a copy of the agreement on the members section of the LLA website.  Chairman Davidson circulated photos taken by S. Conant of Newtown showing significant debris that he has seen in the lake.  

Chairman Davidson stated that the board has been trying to come up with a procedure whereby the preliminary minutes will get posted within one week. J. Simmons will post the minutes on the  members’ site.  When minutes are posted, J. Simmons will let the members know.  If you have any additions or corrections, please email Diane Cerasoli @ before the next meeting.  Chairman Davidson stated that the meeting minutes and agenda will be sent via email to the members at the end of the month, the Thursday before the meeting.  S. Ward stated that the minutes should not be abbreviated, and also have a line of reference. A CD of all meetings will be on record.

Chairman Davidson reported that he received notification from G. Bollard that the DEP (in a letter dated July 29, 2009) announcing the availability of the draft for Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) Analysis for Recreational Uses of the Still River Regional Basin document for public review and comment.  G. Bollard strongly suggested for the LLA members to make official comments before the September 10, 2009 deadline. Copies of the proposed TMDL can be obtained from   Further comments will be discussed under new business.

Lake Lillinonah Authority Meeting Minutes – August 4, 2009                      Page Two

FIRST VICE CHAIRMAN’S REPORT:  S. Young stated under new work this month regarding buoys, he has been working with CCA on converting data via GPS coordinates and other sources of information onto the form that the DEP is willing to receive for permits.  He also stated that he has secured through lengthy negotiations some materials for the buoys.  S. Young informed the members that it is required to have stainless steel chain instead of marine cable for the last 4 ft. on the buoys.  S. Young reported that the last two full sets of no-wake buoys have been lost north of the gorge; one in a shallow location and one a little further upstream, near the Grove Street Bridge.  Some people had volunteered to suit up and look for the buoys, but S. Young declined their offer because it would be too dangerous.  L. Leaden stated that the second red buoy from the farmhouse is also missing. S. Young will contact the subcontractor to recover the buoys.

The subject of debris was discussed, questioning if the debris was normal debris or of new origin.  It appears that there have been large pieces of debris with bark on it as well as normal debris.  
B. Boodry stated this is the worst debris he has ever seen.  

Chairman Davidson will speak with Tom Padberg of FLP as to why there is such a rapid increase and decrease in lake level.  B. Boodry stated that he has been to the lake at 11am and the water is normal, but by 5pm the water is way down.  He also stated that the next day at 11am the water was back up to normal level.  This occurred under normal weather conditions.
S. Young stated that have been two treatments of copper sulfate so far.  Also, we have elected not to treat the lake with diquat this year because the milfoil situation seems to be under control.  Perhaps this is a residual benefit form last year’s diquat application.  If we get reports that milfoil is reappearing, we will evaluate the situation and determine if diquat should be used this year.  

SECOND VICE CHAIRMAN’S REPORT:  B. Boodry reported that he has spoken to K. Seeley regarding police reports and that the reports will be posted on the members’ only area, starting with June and July and then when August is available.   K. Seeley is providing a little more detail in his reports of the kinds of infractions that have occurred. There are approximately six patrol people on duty on the lake.  B. Boodry also stated that the number of tickets written is minimal compared to the assists, contacts, and PFD loans.  

Chairman Davidson shared with the members a recent event with a boater speeding at 60mph, carrying no registration or license.  The boater received a $525.00 ticket from K Seeley.

TREASURER’S REPORT:  J. Briody stated that there have been no payments received this month.  Payment is owed from First Light for last year. Net income is -234.4% because of the lack of contributions.  Patrol costs for the last month were $3,700 and this month are $7,600.  The umbrella insurance quote came in at $1,503.00.  Expenses for the month of July were just over $14,000.  Funds are owed from all towns for the 2009-10 budget and from First Light.  There was no further discussion on the Treasurer’s Report.  

NEW BUSINESS:  Chairman Davidson reported that at Exit 9, Housatonic Railroad has proposed   expanding their trash hauling operation.  There are some wetlands there that connect to Pond Brook that connects to Lake Lillinonah.  Chairman Davidson stated no action is necessary at this time and that Attorney General Blumenthal and Representative Murphy are on the case.  S. Ward commented that a letter of concern be sent to the Attorney General.  A copy should also be sent to George Benson, Inland/Wetlands Officer in Newtown.

Lake Lillinonah Authority Meeting Minutes – August 4, 2009                      Page Three

Motion was made by Chairman Davidson, seconded by S. Ward to add to new business the report from R. Faanes on activities that he has been involved in regarding phosphorus and USGS.  Motion was passed unanimously.  Motion was made by Chairman Davidson, seconded by S. Ward to add the discussion of moving the post office box to new business.  Motion was passed unanimously.

R. Faanes stated he has made two phone calls to USGS.  He spoke with Virginia De Lima, Director of Water Quality, regarding increased water testing in a separate site on the Shepaug.  If testing is presently being done it can be moved to another site. Virginia stated she will forward this request to the next person in charge.  R. Faanes will wait for a letter of response.

Chairman Davidson recommended that the post office box be moved from the Roxbury Post Office to the Brookfield Post Office.  There were no objections.

OLD BUSINESS: Chairman Davidson stated he has had no response regarding the PFD’s for rowers from Eleanor Mariani, because she has had no response from the Coast Guard.
Motion was made by B. Piepho, seconded by S. Young to table the Vote on Expenditures for Study of Wake Effects on Shoreline (tabled from June meeting) indefinitely.  Motion was passed unanimously.

S. Young spoke regarding the TMDL analysis that was completed by the DEP in the Still River Regional Basin. S. Young stated that he has been awaiting this analysis for a long time.  It was thought, at one time, that this could not be done since it would be so cost prohibitive to do on Lake Lillinonah. G. Bollard, Friends of the Lake, stated that TMDL is the only mechanism that is going to be done for Lake Lillinonah as far as water quality.  This TMDL will set the backbone for future Danbury sewer treatment plant regulations.  G. Bollard stated this document is the only document that will protect the lake.  Chairman Davidson commented that the DEP is doing a TMDL for the entire state of CT.  G. Bollard also stated that the DEP is so strapped for money that they are using us as the model and making it universal for the entire state.  G. Bollard stated that he felt everyone should be happy that a lot more stricter discharge mandates on the Danbury sewer treatment plants; not only by the CT DEP, but also by EPA standards.  He further stated that Danbury is #6 on the list for funding; basically the cost would be a twenty million dollar job.  S. Ward asked G. Bollard what does Friends of the Lake think about involving the press to get the word out to Danbury citizens who might have some clout on voting.  G. Bollard responded that he has been trying to engage in meetings with the city of Danbury, but his calls have not been returned.  S. Young stated that the critical link is broken between the property owner and the management of their property through the town.  With any new project it is mandated that all pollutants be removed from their parking lots or at the least the best that they can. A blanket acknowledgement of support will be sent.   Chairman Davidson asked any member who has any comments to please forward them to B. Piepho.

Chairman Davidson stated the Friends of the Lake have completed a study of the sand bar.  Information can be obtained from the following website link:

Chairman Davidson discussed what type of thank you and good-bye gift to present to C. Giordano to honor her for her 19 years of service as Administrative Assistant for the LLA.   S. Ward will collaborate with Chairman Davidson.

ADJOURN:  Motion made by S. Young, seconded by S. Ward to adjourn the meeting.  Motion passed unanimously.  Meeting adjourned at 8:45pm.