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JULY 7, 2009

        William Davidson, Chairman, determined a quorum and called the meeting to order at 7:30 PM.
        William Davidson – Brookfield           Ross Carley – Newtown
        Brian Boodry – Brookfield                       Sharon Ward – New Milford
        Ron Faanes – Roxbury                    Jerry Simmons - Southbury
        Shannon Young – Roxbury                 Bryan Piepho - Southbury
        Art Niedzielski – Newtown                       Bernd Woerner – Bridgewater
        Joe Briody – Bridgewater (arrived 9:00 PM)
Not Present:
        Linda Leaden – New Milford                      Sara Howard – Roxbury
        David Kendall – New Milford             Alexis Hawley – Brookfield
Also Present:
        Jeff Tinsley – Friends of the Lake              
Larry Marsicano – Executive Director, Candlewood Lake Authority
        William Davidson introduced Larry Marsicano, Executive Director, Candlewood Lake Authority who would speak to the LLA regarding water testing for human safety and milfoil control.
        Motion by Ross Carley to move presentation by Larry Marsicano to be considered before Officer Reports.  The motion was seconded by Art Niedzielski and carried unanimously.
        Regular Meeting Held June 2, 2009
        There were no corrections to the minutes of the Regular Meeting held June 2, 2009 noted.
        Motion by Ross Carley to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting held June 2, 2009 as presented.  The motion was seconded by Shannon Young and carried unanimously.
        William Davidson reviewed the procedure begun last month that provides for the Secretary to send a draft of the minutes to Jerry Simmons who will post the draft on the members’ private website. The members will then be notified that the minutes are available for review.  Any changes or suggestions should be sent to the Secretary.

        Larry Marsicano
        Water Quality
        Larry Marsicano was introduced as the salaried Director of the Candlewood Lake Authority.  He reviewed his background.
        Water quality monitoring was begun in 1982 on Candlewood Lake.  He said that the collection of data as key to water quality.  Area students are active in Lake research during their summer vacation.
        There are 17 sites involved in the e-coli bacteria monitoring program.  Water samples are collected from the shore which is considered more accurate that from 5-6 feet out from shore with a boat.  New Fairfield Senior Center members who have been trained in collecting water samples drive around the Lake and collect samples.  They deliver the samples to Hydro-Technologies in New Milford for analysis.  The results are sent via fax to CLA and the Senior Center.
        Water samples are collected at some town beaches.  If samples are determined to be consistently high rather than related to a weather event then an investigation will be launched.
        Ross Carley asked if there was ever an edict against the use of fertilizers.  Mr. Marsicano responded unfortunately no.
        Shannon Young asked how long does it take to get collection results.  Larry Marsicano said that the samples are collected on Tuesday and results are available late on Wednesday.  Sites are tested beginning mid-June until Labor Day.
        Bryan Piepho noted that LLA did spot testing for over ten years and found very few high readings.  The high readings were probably the result of geese in the area.
        Invasive Aquatic Weeds
       Mr. Marsicano described the problem as beginning in the 1970’s with research taking place in the 1980’s.  
        A deep drawdown, which was not favored by the DEP, has been found to be effective in controlling milfoil.  A ten foot lowering of Candlewood used 1985-1995  was reached by January 1 and kept for 60-90 days.  By 1995-2000 the lowering was done every three years.  It proved to be not as successful in weed control.
        Native weevils are currently being stocked to attempted milfoil control.  The milfoil levels in the sites where weevils are still remain high.  It has been shown that the fish did not consume large amounts of weevils.  The stock sites have shown some stem damage but have not controlled the milfoil as yet.  Research is trying to find out how to stock weevils to achieve successful reproductive rates of the weevils.
        William Davidson reported that the yellow notices to homeowners for the Copper Sulfate treatments have been replaced by Lake Alert notices.  The notices are still posted at access sites.
        He reported that he attended the DEP meeting on phosphorus reduction at sewage treatment plants in the State.  There is increased federal interest in reducing phosphorus o levels in all plants in CT.  
        Plants discharging to in-land fresh sources have been assigned to discharge the best practice management level possible.

        Request by FLP to FERC to Eliminate Debris Management Annual Report
        FirstLight Power is trying to eliminate the requirement to submit an annual report to the Federal Government on debris management.  They are proposing to replace it with a periodic report to Lake Authorities.
        Art Niedzielski questioned the value of the reporting requirement to the federal government.  The members discussed filing the annual report with the federal government versus the Lake Authorities.  Sharon Ward said that the report to the federal government carries more clout.  It also makes the debris management report part of the official record.  The LLA has worked hard to get the report on the record and is not worth sacrificing any advantage that may have been gained.  The DEP’s position will be checked with Chuck Lee and the discussion will be continued at the next meeting.  
        A contribution has been made to the CT Fund for the Environment in memory of Hans Scheissl and a gift sent to his family.
        The chairman has made a second inquire to B.A.S.S. who have been awarded funds from the GE money to install coarse-wooded habitat in the Lake, they determine the status of the project.
        Concern has been expressed with the application of Housatonic Valley Railroad at Exit 9 in Newtown with the possible runoff from the expansion of the transformation station.
        Shannon Young reported that the May report from FirstLight indicated that they definitely make their target.  Prior to the debris management plan and the use of the harvester, divers would be used for cleanup at the dam.  Now the harvester is being used at the dam and not in other places in the Lake.
        The first Copper Sulfate treatment is scheduled for July 14th.   Weather Copper Sulfate treatment will take place every other week.
There has not been any witness of heavy milfoil growth this year.  Part of the effect from last year.
Joseph Briody arrived at this time (9:00 PM)

        Sara Howard, Greg Bollard and Shannon Young are conducting the revised CCA Shoreline Management Report.
        Peter May was thanked for his July 4th fireworks.

        The USGS Water Quality Division studies water quality in water bodies.  They do not currently test for phosphorus in the Shepaug.  R. Faames volunteered to contact the USGS to begin a formal request that their testing include phosphorus.

        Shannon Young reported that he went out on the Lake to get licenses for the buoys that were not permitted.  There are many problems to still be worked out.  An informational buoy is needed for rowers.  Hazard buoys have to be changed to danger buoys.  
        CCA will be used as an independent contractor to prepare a map with the proper coordinates for the buoys.   All buoys will be designated as permit pending.

        Joseph Briody reported 99.8% of the total budget for the Fiscal Year 2008-2009 has been spent.
        Brian Boodry reported that this has been an average season with patrols limited by weather.  The patrol was out in force for the 4th of July.  Three boats were asked to leave the Lake because they were driving without lights at night.  Three patrol boats were on the Lake Fri/Sat/Sun.  
        Bryan Piepho reported on attending a meeting with DEP on June 22 regarding water treatment plants in CT.  The upgrade requirements for the 3 treatment plants in CT were reviewed:      Danbury – 2 ppm.
                        Litchfield – 7 ppm.
                        New Milford – no required upgrade
        David Day reported at that time that a $500,000 study of the Danbury plant was allocated to determine what has to be done to meet the 2ppm.  The nitrogen plant will be online in August, 2009.
        According with a permit with the Federal EPA, a permit signed in August, 2008 by Pittsfield a discharge level of 1 ppm has t be online within four years of August, 2009.  
        Election of Second Vice Chairman
        The resignation of Ross Carley as Second Vice Chairman was announced.
 According to they bylaws a vacancy on the Executive Committee will be filed by majority vote at the next regular meeting of the LLA.
        Motion by Ross Carley to nominate Brian Boodry as Second Vice Chairman.  The motion was seconded by Shannon Young and carried unanimously.

There has been no response yet on the legal status of PFD’S for rowers.  
        The Expenditure for Study of Lake Effects on Shoreline was tabled.
        Jeff Tinsley announced that the FOTL have scheduled Family Day on August 1st and the Anniversary Party on August 14th.  
        The meeting was adjourned at 9:40 PM.

                                                        Respectfully submitted,

                                                        Christine M. Giordano

                                                        Christine M. Giordano,
                                                        Administrative Assistant

        These minutes of the Lake Lillinonah Authority are not considered official until approved at the next Regular Meeting of the Lake Lillinonah Authority.
        The next Regular Meeting of the Lake Lillinonah Authority is scheduled for Tuesday, August 4, 2009 at 7:30 PM at Brookfield, CT.