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Newtown Cultural Arts Commission
September 25, 2008
Meeting Minutes

The Newtown Cultural Arts Commission (NCAC) held a meeting on Thursday, September 25, 2008 at 7:00 PM in the Old Courtroom at Edmond Town Hall, 45 Main Street, Newtown, CT.

Members Present:  Martin Blanco, Jennifer Johnston, Robert Kaiser, Donna Mangiafico, Linda Watson

Members Absent:  Debbie Aurelia, Joe Grasso, Marina Moscovici

Auxiliary Members Present:  Jennifer Rogers

The minutes of the Thursday, August 28, 2008 meeting were approved.

Officer Reports:
Jennifer Johnston, Debbie Aurelia, and Donna Mangiafico met on Thursday, September 4, 2008 at 7 PM to work on the NCAC Bylaws.  A draft will be presented to the NCAC at the October meeting.

Jennifer Johnston passed around a schedule of Show and Tell workshops offered by the CT Commission on Culture and Tourism and encouraged members to attend one or more.

Martin Blanco reported on the variety show “The Flagpole Radio Café.”  He related that the feedback was excellent.  The audience was engaged and enjoyed the show.

The variety show was featured in articles in the Danbury News Times, the Newtown Bee, and Voices.

Several subscriptions and donations were submitted as a result of the variety show.  Jennifer Rogers will send thank you notes to the individuals that sent donations.

Dr. Baum, a local Orthodontist, offered to purchase an ad for the next variety show program book.

The next show, the Halloween edition, is scheduled for October 24, 2008.  Martin reported that a larger venue may be required in the future.  The Newtown Middle School and the Edmond Town Hall Theater will be considered.

Martin Blanco also reported that Amy Mangold is interested in collaborating with the NCAC for the Arts in the Parks event at Fairfield Hills.  She will attend a NCAC meeting to discuss.

Martin is also working with Tom Mahoney regarding showing special movies (silent, foreign, etc.) at the Edmond Town Hall.  Mr. Mahoney is checking on pricing.

Linda Watson will begin making monthly finance reports to the NCAC beginning at the October meeting.  Financial procedures including examples of forms will also be discussed.

Donna Mangiafico reported on the “Green” Art Poster Contest.  Eve Kroha, a Girl Scout and sophomore at Newtown High School, will be submitting her Gold Award proposal to the Girl Scouts of Connecticut Gold Award Committee later this year.  The art contest will have a “green” theme to it and will most likely be connected to Earth Day.  Eve would like to promote the arts in town by offering an annual art contest where the winner’s submission will be printed as a poster (on 100% recycled paper and vegetable-based ink) and sold at various locations around town.  There will be no age limit, so anyone can participate.  The Gold Award Committee asks that girls do not begin their projects until they are approved, so Eve will most likely have to wait until after the first of the year to begin.  She will come to a NCAC meeting to present her plan after it is approved.

Rob Kaiser asked that the NCAC send him information to place on the website.  He will cut and paste it in when he receives it.

Jennifer Rogers passed around a NCAC Informational Brochure that she created and will forward it via e-mail to everyone for their comments.

Jennifer will also create a database to use for mailings and to track subscriptions and donations.

Next Meeting:
The next meeting will be held on Thursday, October 23, 2008 at 7:00 PM in the Old Courtroom at Edmond Town Hall, 45 Main Street, Newtown, CT.

Respectfully submitted,
Donna Mangiafico