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Conservation Commission
Regular Meeting – February 10, 2014 @ 7:00 pm
Newtown Municipal Center, 3 Primrose Street, Newtown, CT

Present:  Ann Astarita, Bill Darrin, Steven Gogliettino, Joe Hovious, Karlyn Sturmer and Mary Gaudet-Wilson; Absent: Marjorie Cramer; Staff Present: Tammy Hazen, Clerk

These Minutes are subject to the approval of the Conservation Commission

The Public Meeting was then called to order at 7:03 pm.

CORRESPONDENCE – The commissioners discussed three people interested in volunteering with the commission. They will all be contacted.  

APPROVAL OF MINUTES Mr. Hovious motioned to approve the minutes of January 28, 2014.  Mr. Darrin seconded the motion.  The minutes were approved as written.


Review of Other Commissions:  There was discussion during a Planning and Zoning meeting regarding the potential development off Exit 9.  No additional information at this time.

Task List:  The commissioners reviewed the task list.  The commissioners discussed how to progress the transfer of OS 37-3-14.  The Legislature approved the transfer from the State to the Town but it is held up with the Dept. of Agriculture.  

Budget:  The commissioners are expecting a staff report from Mr. Sibley regarding the use of the fee in lieu of open space account.  For future projects, the commission wants to figure out the best mechanism they should use in order to get their wishes before the paying authority.  


Fairfield Hills:  The commissioners shared concerns that the Declaration for the High and West Meadow and correlated maps are not in the Town Clerk’s office.  Mr. Darrin will follow up on this and contact Mr. Sibley.   

Conservation Easements – Ms. Sturmer and Mr. Gogliettino will continue to work on this.   

Meadows on 38-9-34, Riverside Drive – Item tabled

Possible Bee / Butterfly Sanctuary – Item tabled

Earth Day Participation – Earth Day is scheduled for April 26, 2014.  The Invasives Subcommittee will meet to work on this.  Ms. Sturmer discussed recruiting stewards and volunteers to help with invasive removal.  The commissioners discussed past attempts to contact neighbors of OS parcels.  OS inspection reports may be left at kiosks for residents to use.  


Open Space Inventory and Maintenance Subcommittee – A draft of the updated inventory sheet was updated in the Conservation database kept by Ms. Hazen.  Mr. Hovious said that Mr. Sibley will work on getting the “OS” designation placed on the Map/Block/Lot fields in GIS.  The commissioners then reviewed the list of contiguous properties.

Education Subcommittee – No update

Invasives Subcommittee – The committee will work on the Earth Day event.

Legislative Subcommittee – No update

Al’s Trail – Surveyors will mark the Gadbut property after the snow thaws.  



Reports from CACIWC and Rivers Alliance Meetings – Ms. Wilson discussed the three CACIWC seminars that focused on rain gardens, invasives and stream management.  Legislation passed that Town officials should be authorized to handle the bamboo problem but the town will need to take additional steps.  The stream management focused on flooding and drought.  Ms. Astarita discussed the Rivers Alliance meeting and noted a discussion regarding the impermanence of State Conservation Lands.  She will copy a memo that was handed out for the commissioners.  

Other – Mr. Hovious asked if the strategic plan and the “gem” properties could be discussed at the next meeting.

EXECUTIVE SESSION – Mr. Hovious motioned to go into Executive Session at 9:15 pm, which was seconded by Ms. Wilson.  The commission went into Executive Session.  

Ms. Astarita motioned to exit Executive Session which was seconded by Ms. Wilson.  The Executive Session adjourned at 9:45 pm.  

Ms. Astarita then motioned to adjourn the meeting, which was seconded by Mr. Darrin.  The meeting adjourned at 9:45 pm.

Respectfully Submitted by Tammy Hazen