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Conservation Commission
Regular Meeting – August 12, 2013 @ 7:00 pm
Newtown Municipal Center, 3 Primrose Street, Newtown, CT

Present:  Ann Astarita, Ms. Cramer, Bill Darrin (by phone), Mary Gaudet-Wilson.  Absent:  Joe Hovious;  
Also Present:  Anne Peters, Chair of the Inland Wetland Commission;  Staff Present:  Tammy Hazen, Clerk

These Minutes are subject to the approval of the Conservation Commission

The Public Meeting was called to order at 7:12 pm.

PUBLIC PARTICIPATION – Anne Peters was present to discuss the West Meadows on Fairfield Hills.  


APPROVAL OF MINUTES – Ms. Cramer motioned to approve the minutes of July 23, 2013.  Ms. Astarita seconded the motion.   The minutes were approved as written.


Review of Other Commissions – No update.

Task List – No update.

Open Position – Ms. Wilson found that one membership can be filled with an Unaffiliated or a Democrat  and the second position can be filled with an Unaffiliated or a Republican.  There have been some interest expressed.  

Schedules – The meeting for August 27th has been cancelled.  


Fairfield Hills Open Space

  • Kiosks – Ms. Wilson said some dampness got into one of the kiosks.  The materials will be replaced with some laminated brochures.
  • Fairfield Hills Meadows – Ms. Astarita discussed two management proposals she drafted for the West Meadow and High Meadow on campus.  The commission is concerned with making sure these meadows are protected as open space.  The proposal for the West Meadow includes educational signage and a perimeter trail with the intent of allowing the indigenous character of a wetland meadow be preserved.  The commissioners discussed an unwritten mowing agreement with a farmer on town open space.  There is concern over the impact it has on nesting birds when mowed too soon in the season.  They prefer the mowing be held off until August.  For the West Meadow in particular, the commissioners discussed having it mowed every one to three years so the wildlife and native plants can thrive.  Ms. Astarita saw a Bobolink on the High Meadow, which may be on the threatened species list.  Ms. Wilson said she was struck by the diversity of wildflowers and plants in the meadows and felt they would be a great opportunity for school children to learn about them.  The commissioners agreed.  Ms. Astarita will work on some minor changes to the documents and forward  new draft to the commissioners and Ms. Peters for their review.  Ms. Peters said the wetlands commission can write a letter in support of the Conservation Commission’s efforts to preserve the West Meadow.  
  • Revised Master Plan – Commission Wilson and Cramer met with George Benson.  There are some changes to the document.  The wetlands on the West Meadow need to be mapped again since the stakes were removed.  

Conservation Easements – No updates.  

Bike Trails – Item tabled.


Open Space Inventory and Maintenance Subcommittee – Commissioner Wilson said a UConn student, Christopher Rekofski, did a some research and printed maps for the open space files.   
Education Subcommittee
  • Development of Website – No update.
  • Distribution of Wetlands Pamphlet – The pamphlets have been distributed.
Invasives Subcommittee

  • Invasives at Fairfield Hills (Japanese Knotweed) – Commissioner Wilson discussed Dan Holmes proposal for the removal and treatment of Japanese Knotweed.  Ms. Cramer will draft a letter to the neighbor across the street from the West Meadow about the invasives on that side of the street.   
  • Possible Town Task Force/Subcommittee – The First Selectman said a task force could be initiated but George Benson said the commission could appoint a subcommittee that includes non-members.  
Al’s Trail – The commissioners discussed representatives of the CT Forest and Parks Association (CFPA) stating that there is still a chance to have a portion of Al’s Trail designated as a Blue Trail.  For this to be a possibility, some work on the trail needs to be completed since there are overgrown areas.  Ms. Astarita will draft a letter to CFPA, Ms. Wilson will draft a list of potential volunteers to help with this project and will also touch base with Pat Barkman.  

NRI – Item tabled.



Fish Kill on Deep Brook – No updates.

Possible Plans for 38-9-34, Riverside Road –Commissioner Wilson said that Land Use was approached with a proposal to have a green school (environmental center) built in Sandy Hook.  The parcel on Riverside Road 38-9-34 has been consideration.  The commissioners walked the parcel and found that it has a beautiful meadow surrounded by trees.  They felt this parcel would be more suitable as a meditative space and would be ideal as part of the commission’s meadow initiative.   It would detrimental to develop this parcel of open space.  Ms. Wilson will draft a letter to George Benson with a copy to the First Selectman.  

After further discussion, Ms. Cramer motioned to go into Executive Session at 8:30 pm.  The motion was seconded by Ms. Astarita and unanimously approved.  Ms. Cramer motioned to exit Executive Session at 8:40 pm, seconded by  Mr. Darrin and unanimously approved.  Mr. Darrin then motioned to adjourn the meeting at 8:41 pm with Ms. Astarita seconding the motion.  The motion was unanimously approved and the meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully Submitted by Tammy Hazen