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Conservation Commission
Regular Meeting – March 26, 2013 @ 7:00 pm
Newtown Municipal Center, 3 Primrose Street, Newtown, CT

Present:  Marj Cramer, Bill Darrin, Mary Gaudet-Wilson, Adria Henderson, Joe Hovious , Michele McLeod (arrived later); Absent:  Ann Astarita; Staff Present:  Tammy Hazen, Clerk

These Minutes are subject to the approval of the Conservation Commission

The Public Meeting was called to order at 7:05 pm

Commissioner Wilson asked to add an item to the agenda under New Business:  90 Hattertown Road.  Commissioner Hovious requested that item 5.2 (Castle Hill Development) be discussed in Executive Session.  Also under Subcommittees, he asked to add Item #7, Budget Requests.


CORRESPONDENCE – Commissioner Wilson discussed Earth Day, April 27th from 10 am to 4 pm at the Middle School.  Duck Day is on Memorial Day weekend.  She asked if anyone would like to volunteer.  

APPROVAL OF MINUTES:  Commissioner Hovious motioned to approve the minutes of March 11, 2013. Commissioner Darrin seconded the motion.  Commissioners Cramer and Henderson abstained.  The changes are as follows:  Page 2 second line, change “She attended the …” to “Commissioner Wilson attended the …”; Under Development of Website, change “… laptop is available” to “… laptop are available”.  The minutes were approved as amended.


Review of Other Commissions – Commissioner Hovious said Parks and Recreation met on the March 11th.  There are no minutes available yet.  He attended the Trails group meeting.  
Task List – Commissioner Hovious distributed and reviewed the latest Task List with the commissioners.  This list will be updated at the end of each meeting and redistributed to the commissioners.  
New Subcommittee – Commissioner Wilson proposed a new subcommittee called Open Space Acquisition Committee that would work on targeting areas in town to acquire open space.  Commissioners Darrin, Hovious, and Wilson volunteered.  They will ask Commissioners Astarita and McLeod if they would like to volunteer as well.  


Fairfield Hills Open Space
  • Kiosks – Commissioner Cramer will draft up materials on invasives for the kiosks.  
  • Committee on Fairfield Hills (Open Space) – Commissioner Cramer said this committee is going over the Fairfield Hills documents.  It seems that the High Meadow will be protected.  There is a question regarding the West Meadow.  There are questions regarding the committee’s report.  The commissioners discussed proper language or designation for the High Meadow’s protection in perpetuity.  Commissioner Wilson reviewed a proposal for Fairfield Hills by D’Amico.  Commissioner Cramer said the commission should be proactive in making sure the High Meadow is kept as open space and to see if P & Z would have a public hearing regarding this.    
Commissioner McLeod arrived at 7:20pm


Open Space Inventory and Maintenance Subcommittee – Commissioner Hovious discussed the OS inventory list that he and Ms. Hazen reviewed.  He said there are 323 properties to be reviewed and researched to weed out what does not need to be on the list.  He felt it would be beneficial to see what properties abut each other and where connections could be made.  The commissioners will have a work session to see how using the GIS can help with this task.

Education Subcommittee
  • Development of Website – Commissioner McLeod said they are waiting for software.  Mr. Sibley is working on finding software compatible with the Town’s servers.  She said Ridgefield Conservation Commission’s website is an excellent example for content.  She provided examples of what could be included on the website including an interactive site where people can report issues.  
  • Pamphlet on Wetlands – no update
Invasives Subcommittee
  • Handling of Invasives at Transfer Station – Commissioner Wilson said the pamphlet is in draft form.  Fred Hurly said there will be a receptacle installed that will have a lid to slide across the top for safe transportation.  Commissioner Cramer will write a press release.  
  • Bamboo – Commissioner Wilson attended a hearing in Hartford regarding two bills relating to Bamboo.   She heard many stories about how invasive the Bamboo can be.  She feels Bamboo should be banned and that containment measures will probably not help.  The bill will make the person planting the Bamboo responsible for any damages to neighboring properties.  
POCD Subcommittee – Commissioner Hovious said the commission should work with the 1993 Pootatuck Greenway.  

Al’s Trail – Commissioner Henderson spoke with Pat Barkman.  National Trails Day is June 1st.  The commission was asked to come out to help work on the trails.  Trail clean-up has already begun.  Ms. Barkman suggested marking some of the plantings or specimen trees with plaques, similar to what they have at the Southbury Nature Preserve.  

STAFF REPORT / Budget Update – Commissioner Hovious said the commission’s line items were not included in Land Use or Parks & Rec’s budgets.  He discussed the CIP and placing work orders.  Commissioner Wilson will ask about the work order process.


Conservation Easement Language – Commissioner Hovious reviewed examples of conservation easement restrictions which were originally drafted by Atty. Grogins with input from Land Use staff, Commissioner Hovious and others.  The commissioners discussed the role of the commission on conservation easements.  The commission also needs to review all conservation easements by reviewing deeds in the Town Clerk’s office.  Enforcement issues were also discussed.  The commission should see the final product of all proposed easement language.  Commissioner Wilson will request from Atty. Grogins that the Commission review easement language before approved or signed.    

OS Conservation Regulations – Commissioner Hovious provided copies of the Town and Borough regulations to the commission.  He said the Town and Borough regulations were dramatically different.  They will be reviewed at a later date.  
P & Z Referral of 90 Hattertown Road – The commissioners reviewed the plans.  There is an option for fee in lieu of.   Commissioner Wilson will work on this and write a letter to P & Z.  
Commissioner Hovious motioned to go into Executive Session at 9:01 pm.  Commissioner Henderson seconded the motion, which was unanimously approved.

Respectfully Submitted by Tammy Hazen