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Conservation Commission
Regular Meeting – August 28, 2012 @ 7:00 pm
Newtown Municipal Center, 3 Primrose Street, Newtown, CT

Present:  Commissioners Cramer, Gaudet-Wilson, Henderson, Hovious, and McLeod (at 7:30)
Staff:  Rob Sibley, Deputy Director of Planning and Land Use; and Tammy Hazen, Clerk

These Minutes are subject to the approval of the Conservation Commission

The Public Meeting was called to order at 7:03 pm


CORRESPONDENCE:  Commissioner Wilson discussed correspondence from Bob Eckenrode regarding a regional open space conservation partnership project.  He will attend a future Conservation Commission meeting to discuss this.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES:  Commissioner Cramer motioned to approve the minutes of August 14, 2012, Commissioner Henderson seconded the motion.    The Minutes were approved as written.  Commissioner Hovious abstained.


Membership Openings – Commissioner Wilson said one Democrat and one Republican position is open.  

Committee Assignments – Commissioner Wilson discussed subcommittee vacancies.  

Work Orders – Commissioner Wilson felt the process is not working as well as expected.  Mr. Sibley explained the process of work orders being sent to Parks and Rec.   If it’s a special interest item (non emergency) the commission will need to take a vote on it.  If a commissioner sees something that needs to be done on a trail, such as a dangerous hanging branch, they can request a work order without a vote.  There seems to be limited staff in Parks and Rec. where work orders are being backed up.  Mr. Sibley said he has requested several times for a position to be added in Land Use office to assist with the open space maintenance.  To date, the budget has not allowed it.  He has been told that this work would fall under Parks and Rec.  Mr. Sibley said that Eagle Scouts (under Parks and Rec.’s observation) has worked hard to remove invasives on the high meadow.  The commissioners shared concerns over communication and project coordination.  After more discussion:

Commissioner Cramer motioned that the Conservation Commission support the acquisition for a person in the Land Use office to work with Mr. Sibley on management of open space projects that concern the commission.  Commissioner Henderson seconded the motion.   The motion was approved unanimously.

Mr. Sibley reiterated that the Land Use office needs a part-time person who would work on open space as an Open Space Manager Coordinator.  A letter will be sent to the First Selectman.


Fairfield Hills Open Space

  • Barberry Removal Project –Mr. Sibley said Dan Holmes said the work on removing Barberry is almost complete.  With the Eagle Scouts doing some of the work, Mr. Holmes has been able to do other areas on campus.  Mr. Sibley explained on the overhead the areas that have been completed and those that Mr. Holmes is targeting.  Commissioner Cramer asked if there is any advice to nurture this property along.  Mr. Sibley said that he has learned that once the first push to remove invasives is made, the native plants should return naturally.  He said the Barberry project has spawned a great deal of positive feedback from neighbors (Nunnawauk Meadows) and other people who walk the trails.  There should be an article soon in The Bee.  Mr. Sibley ask for a report from Dan Holmes on the hours spent on this project, the acres cleared and techniques used.  
  • Kiosks at FFH / Banner at FFH – Commissioner Cramer went to a Fairfield Hills Authority meeting requesting permission for the kiosks.  She said the board was very helpful and has approved the kiosk.  Commissioner Wilson said this can be proposed as an Eagle Scout project.  Commissioner McLeod suggested maybe high school students who are looking for community service hours (perhaps in the woodworking shop students could participate).
  • Committee to Integrate Documents – Commissioner Cramer will attend future meetings.
High Meadow Follow-Up – Mr. Sibley has not yet been able to meet with Anthony Calabrese to discuss the mowing.  Mr. Calabrese has been busy.


Status of Halfway River Fishing Access – Mr. Sibley said draft drawings were sent to DOT six weeks ago.  He is waiting for their engineer to sign off.  Commissioner Hovious said volunteers with Trout Unlimited are ready to help with this project.  The money for the grant was for buying the property and building the parking lot.  The trail development can be completed at any time.  

Iroquois Invasive Documentation – No Updates.

OS Inventory and Maintenance Subcommittee – Commissioner Hovious said the Strategic Planning Subcommittee has been reviewing what the Town now has as open space and has developed a table titled “Newtown Open Space Inventory Update 8/4/2012”.  The table shows approximately 1,890 acres of total Town owned property.  The commission and Mr. Sibley discussed the large number of Town-owned conservation easements that are not inventoried and that they would need to be researched by deed.  This work may be a good project for a college student.  Commissioner Henderson will contact Sacred Heart University.  

Look at Maps for Connectivity – This has been postponed to when Bob Eckenrode can attend a meeting.  Commissioner Hovious asked Mr. Sibley if he could print off open space maps for the commission.

Property Marking Plans, Surveying Status – Mr. Sibley said the property along Riverside Road was marked by CCA.  He noted another area that was re-marked around Laurel Trail.  A parcel off of Tamarack and Sanford has been surveyed as well as a parcel on Georges Hill and Pond Brook (4-3-36).

Education Sub-committee

  • Pole Bridge Preserve Pamphlet – Commissioner Hovious said an outline was drafted by Mary Kaley and that other information and pictures need to be integrated into a draft of the pamphlet.  Mr. Sibley said he will present to the Legislative Council the open space program to discuss properties waiting to be purchased by the Town.  The Council needs to approve this lot line revision during a public meeting.  Daisy, the high school student, will be contacted to see what she has done so far on the pamphlet.
  • Barberry Banner at Edmond Town Hall – Mr. Sibley will put the banner this week.
Invasives Sub-Committee

  • Mile-A-Minute Update – Commissioner Wilson said she and Holly Kocet could not find any Mile-a-Minute near Sandy Hook center.  Mr. Sibley then discussed how the weevils are working in areas other than where they were first let loose.   Mile-a-minute vine was found at Dickenson Park and the plants appeared to be eaten by Weevils.  
  • Letter to Landholders of 20+ acres – Commissioner Wilson said two people have contacted her.  She is in touch with Susan White (representing Applebury Farm on Zoar Road) to discuss looking at that property for Invasives.  The commissioners discussed options in getting the word out, either through the Town’s website or a message from the First Selectman to residents.  
  • Inspection of Private Properties – No Updates
Strategic Planning Subcommittee – Commissioner Hovious distributed an updated hard copy and will send it out electronically as well.  He asked everyone to review and provide comments prior to the next meeting.

NRI Subcommittee – Commissioner Hovious reviewed Chapter 4 of the NRI.  Commissioner Wilson is working on a portion of it as well.  Commissioner Henderson will review Chapters 2, 6, and 7.

Al’s Trail – Mr. Sibley said an Eagle Scout is designing a kiosk for Al’s Trail.  There is also a great number of trees down in the Upper Paugussett State Forest which are blocking the trail.  

TBDAC Follow-up – No Update.


Commissioner Wilson discussed the No Child Left Inside initiative that help kids get outdoors and interested into nature.  It was determined that the commission is overextended at this point and felt this would fall more under Parks and Rec.

Commissioners Cramer and Henderson will be visiting local nurseries to see which ones carry invasives.  Commissioner Wilson said there is a nursery in Woodbury that carries only native plants.  

Commissioner Hovious motioned to go into Executive Session at 9:22 pm.  Commissioner Cramer seconded the motion.  Motion was approved unanimously.