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3 Primrose Street                                        
Newtown, CT 06470
203.270.4276 Tel
203.270.4278 Fax

December 13, 2011 @ 7:00 pm
Newtown Municipal Center, Meeting Room #3
3 Primrose Street, Newtown, CT 06470

Present: Commissioners Kaley, Hovious, Wilson, Henderson, Cramer and German
Staff: Rob Sibley

Public Participation:  No members of the public were present    

Approval of Minutes: Commission motioned to approved the minutes of the November 29, 2011 meeting. Correction of 11/29/11 minutes. On 2nd page of minutes under Education Sub Committee. Should cross off and replace with: A discussion took place about identifying rare and endangered plants and trees.     

Administrative Item
  • Election of Officers 2012- Will be done at January Meeting
Old Business and Action Items
  • Fairfield Hills Open Space- No Update
  • TBDAC - Discussion of TBDAC Report: Commission discussed recommendations under their mandate to overlap with conservation commission. They discussed each thing that should be in the position paper.
  • Solar panels at STP: Spoke to Opel solar for first time in 4 weeks. Rob pointed out to Fred Hurley that wetlands will be affected on what is being submitted. Rob told Fred Hurley that a wetlands application needs to go before the Inlands Wetlands commission. Rob gave Opel solar an application and told them to get back to him asap. After discussion with Rob and Fred Hurley, nothing will be built in wetlands. A public hearing will be held on January 11,2012 for further discussion.
Committee/Staff Reports
  • Trail Building Sub-Committee: Discussed and will be Michele Germain, Marj Cramer and Barbara Kershaw
  • OS Inventory and Maintenance Progress:  Rob discussed the indexing of open space and files added to them. Commission discussed Open space access at end of Kale Davis and end of Leopard Drive. Need to re-mark areas for hunters letting them know that no hunting on open space and to refrain from discharging weapons on open space. Will do a flyer for windshields that has suggestions for hunters. Rob has ordered more signs and markers and should be stocked for the winter.
  • Property Marking Plans, Surveying Status : Rob Sibley stated that he has ordered signs, etc and should be stocked for the winter. CCA has finished marking Middleton, Diamond and Tunnel and were finished just after Thanksgiving.
  • Natural Resources Inventory Status Report: Bill Root sent out a report to Rob.  It is the final report with disc. Commission will look through and will set up meeting with Bill sometime in January or February to discuss with us.
  • Conservation Easement on WWTP: Attorney Dave Grogins called Rob asking him about a map he had received. Rob stated it was the easement that he had sent him 2 times this year. Rob told him it was approved by the selectman. Rob sent him another and said Attorney Grogins would record. Rob hasn’t checked back since then.
  • Status of Halfway River fishing access: Rob went with natural fish and wildlife dept who has switched to a paperless program in which Rob met the deadline. Apparently that was not the case. We have to reregister and apply for the funds. Molly Speraduto called to say we did meet the deadline but so many people applied so they were not going to accept the last applications. Will do asap. We have asked Bill Carbone for a quote on the project to install a driveway. Plan is to design a 4 car parking space crossing for culvert. Rob spoke to Jim Lepan (DOT) from state and they may pay for a portion of project as culvert if failing and needs to be replaced anyway.
  • Conservation commission voted to aquire Properties 11-02 and 11-04 as donations from owners and the town not aquire 1103. Unanimously voted yes
  • Iroquois invasive documentation: No Updates except that Rob is applying for a grant regarding invasive plants. No walk through was done this year.                      
New Business:  No Updates

Meeting was adjourned at 9:20p.m.