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Conservation Commission
Regular Meeting – September 27, 2011 @ 7:00 pm
Newtown Municipal Center, 3 Primrose Street, Newtown, CT

Present:  Commissioners Cramer, Gaudet-Wilson, Germain, Henderson, Kershaw, and Kaley
Staff:  Tammy Hazen, Clerk

The Public Meeting was called to order at 7:05 pm

Public Participation:  None

Correspondence:  Commissioner Wilson noted a seminar on the Invasion of Zebra Mussels to be held at Western Conn State University on September 28th at 4:00 pm.

Approval of Minutes:  Commissioner Kaley motioned to approve the minutes of August 9, 2011, which was seconded by Commissioner Cramer.  The minutes were unanimously approved as written.
Administrative Item:  (Project Management/Task List) – Commissioner Kaley reviewed items on the task list and the members that are serving on each subcommittee.  

Commission’s Schedule:  Commissioner Wilson reviewed the schedule for the remainder of the year stating that the following meetings are scheduled for October 11th and 25th, November 8th, and December 13th.  She asked if the commission would also like to meet on November 29th.  The commissioners agreed.  Ms. Hazen will let the Town Clerk know of the addition of this meeting.


Fairfield Hills Open Space – Commissioner Wilson asked for comments on the Fairfield Hills Master Plan Review Committee’s report.  Commissioner Cramer said it was encouraging but that she had some questions. Commissioner Wilson wanted clarification of what the word “protected” mean.  The subcommittee will work on submitting a position paper on the designation of open space.  Commissioners Cramer and Henderson will work on drafting this.  

Work Orders – Commissioner Wilson said that the hurricane has kept Parks and Rec busy.  She said that Mr. Sibley said he will check on the progression of the current work orders.  The commission discussed the difficult access to the Sweet Briar open space.  Currently there are thick vegetation, saplings, and a large old Maple tree that fell during the hurricane.  Commissioner Kaley motioned that a work order be requested to Parks and Rec to remove downed trees and cut vegetation in order to enable access to Sweet Briar property from the Sweet Briar Lane cul-de-sac.  Commissioner Cramer seconded the motions.  The motion was approved unanimously. The commissioners discussed whether the trees are small enough to transplant.  Commissioner Wilson said several trees were uprooted possibly by a Microburst in that vicinity.

Commissioner Wilson said that Commissioner Hovious noted in an e-mail that mowing and clean-up is needed along Al’s Trail near the Wastewater Treatment plant.  Commissioner Kaley motioned that the Conservation Commission submit a work order to Parks and Rec to clear the area of Al’s Trail around the Wastewater Treatment Plant, which is currently impassable with waist high vegetation.  Commissioner Kershaw seconded the motion.  The motion was approved unanimously.

The commission also discussed the displacement of the bog bridge along Al’s Trail behind the Methodist Church.  Commissioner Cramer motioned that a work order to Parks and Rec be submitted requesting that the Bog Bridge on Al’s Trail behind the Methodist Church be repositioned.  The motioned was seconded by Commissioner Henderson.  The motion was carried unanimously.

Horse Guard – Commissioner Henderson stated that the Horse Guard is allowed to remain in Newtown but that the herd has been downsized to ten horses.  Commissioner Wilson will write a thank you letter, on behalf of the commission, to elected officials, thanking them for their efforts in this.  

Open Space 37-3-14 – Commissioner Wilson discussed this with Ms. Stocker.  It was determined that the commission will write a letter to the Commissioner of the Department of Agriculture asking for an update on this.  

Forest Evaluation – Commissioner Kaley noted Commissioner Hovious’ report on the site walks with Larry Rousseau from the DEEP.   Regarding the Raynolds property, Mr. Rousseau asked whether the road was town-owned or not.  He said the property has a mixture of several hardwoods but that the soil has a two foot hardpan layer, which can make trees susceptible to shallow rooting and wind damage.  Harvesting would be mostly for firewood or cedar (dead) for posts with some possible saw log.~ For the Stone Bridge property, Mr. Rousseau noted that timber could be cut but it is unnecessary since the forest is healthy.  He felt the properties do not need immediate attention in terms of management and there would be no serious repercussions if left untouched over the next twenty years.  Mr. Rousseau will write up notes on the walk for the commissions.  The commissioners noted the DEEP findings do not seem to agree with the Yale study.  It was suggested to have Highstead review the properties as an objective agency.  Commissioner Kaley will contact Bill Toomey from Highsteads.  Also, since Raynolds has such a diverse population of trees, the commissioners felt it may be a good educational opportunity to mark trees with identification ribbons.

Conservation Subdivisions (Report on P & Z Meeting) – Commissioner Wilson attended the P & Z meeting designed for feed-back from developers and engineers about Newtown’s Conservation Subdivision regulations.  There was positive feedback from the group and discussions included coverage requirements, formulas to determine the amount of homes, keeping regulations simple and flexible, as well as concerns about water and sewage.  In general, there was support for the concept from a builders’ perspective. Commissioner Cramer said it was encouraging that the developers are willing to explore the concept.  

Victory Garden (Season end Report) – Commissioner Kaley said the Harvest Festival was great and that the garden yielded 2,834 lbs of fresh produce (with a value of $5,259) that was donated to Newtown food pantries.  The commission gave kudos to all involved and made special note of Harvey Pessin’s dedication to this project as well as Holly Kocet’s work.

List of Studies for POCD – Commissioner Wilson submitted a list of studies for the POCD that the commissioners reviewed.  


Open Space Inventory and Maintenance Progress (Letter to neighbors) – Letters to abutters of the Sweet Briar open space were sent out with no feedback from neighbors.  The maintenance subcommittee will meet to discuss markings, signage, and invasives.

Property Marking Plans, Surveying Status – Commissioner Kaley and Wilson walked and marked the Sweetbriar Open Space parcel on August 17th.  Commissioner Wilson stated that it is an attractive parcel with many hemlock trees, almost no invasives, some steep slopes, and some existing trails/dirt roads.  Some garbage/debris was evident in places.  The parcel needs signage at the entrance and an improved access area since it is impassable due to thick growth of small trees.  A possible environmental concern would be erosion on the steep slope facing the lake.  The commission discussed an encroachment onto open space.  Mr. Sibley will be informed.  Commissioner Wilson said that Mr. Sibley will send maps out to the commissioners for Ridge Valley open space (off High Bridge, Marlin and New Lebbon).  A tentative marking party is scheduled for Wednesday, October 5th.  

Natural Resources Inventory Status Report – Commissioner Wilson said that Mr. Sibley has said that a letter was sent to Milone and MacBroom with a copy to the Town Attorney.  The commission has continued concerns over no response of information by Milone and MacBroom.  

Conservation Easement on WWTP – No updates, waiting on the recording of the easement.

Status of Halfway River Access – Commissioner Wilson said that Mr. Sibley will be meeting with the engineers shortly.

Status of Sign for Taunton Lake – Commissioner Wilson said that Mr. Sibley has placed ten signs up to date.

Iroquois Invasive Documentation – Commissioner Wilson said that Mr. Sibley met with Dave Fontaine.
Education Subcommittee – Commissioner Wilson wrote a press release for the Bee about availability of the Powerpoint Presentation for service groups and others who may want to schedule it as part of their yearly programs.  A list of groups to contact are being developed by the subcommittee

Invasives Subcommittee (Report and Plans) – Commissioners Wilson, Henderson, Kaley, and Holly Kocet, along with several other volunteers removed mile-a-minute at Dickenson Park.  Eight large bags were filled and taken to the transfer station for incineration.

Al’s Trail – See comments under work orders.  

Strategic Planning No update

TBDAC – Commissioner Germain said the report will be presented at the October 17th Board of Selectmen meeting.  


Health Fair (Report) – Commissioners Wilson, Hovious, Henderson, Kaley and Germain manned the display and the fair was well attended.  Five to six volunteers signed up and there was an interest in invasives and open space areas.  

Request from Monroe CC re Tree Ordinance – Commissioner Wilson sent a copy of the Borough tree ordinance and the Powerpoint presentation to Beverly Doyle in Monroe.

Possible Seminar on Meadows – Commissioner Wilson asked if the Conservation Commission would sponsor a seminar in October on proper installation and maintenance of meadows.  The seminar would be for other commissions and town departments, as well as the public.  Commissioner Cramer motioned that the Conservation Commission sponsor a seminar on the care and maintenance of meadows.  Commissioner Kershaw seconded the motion.  The motion carried unanimously.

Haddam Land Swap – Item tabled.

Commissioner Cramer motioned to adjourn.  The motion was seconded by Commissioner Kershaw.  The meeting adjourned at 8:55 pm.