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Conservation Commission
Regular Meeting – July 12, 2011 @ 7:00 pm
Newtown Municipal Center, 3 Primrose Street, Newtown, CT
Present:  Commissioners Cramer Gaudet-Wilson, Henderson, Hovious, Kaley, and Kershaw
Rob Sibley, Deputy Director, Planning and Land Use

The Public Meeting was called to order at 7:05 pm.  

Public Participation – None

Correspondence – None

Items Added to the Agenda – Commissioner Wilson asked to add the status of the TBDAC (under staff reports).  Commissioner Hovious asked to add the status of work orders under old business.

Approval of Minutes – Commissioner Hovious motioned to approve the minutes of June 28, 2011, which was seconded by Commissioner Kaley.  The commissioners reviewed the changes to be made. The minutes were approved unanimously as amended.

Project Management/Task List – The commissioners reviewed the project management task list.


Fairfield Hills Open Space Update – Commissioner Wilson, Cramer and Hovious met with George Benson, Director of Planning and Land Use, to discuss Fairfield Hills.  John Reed from the Fairfield Hills Authority was asked to attend a Conservation Commission meeting to discuss any plans for development which might impact open space at Fairfield Hills.  The Commissioners discussed the Ambulance Facility moving to the campus are concerned if there are any other plans that would impact open space at Fairfield Hills.  It was noted that the report from the Fairfield Hills Master Plan Review Committee (FFHMPRC) will be brought forth to the Board of Selectmen soon.  Other items discussed were the trails and the west meadow.  The commissioners discussed language that is in the current Master Plan and the report being completed by the FFHMPRC.  Commissioner Cramer will contact Deborah Zukowski from this Committee for an update.

Open Space 37-3-14 – No update

32 Cedar Hill Road Subdivision – Commissioner Hovious asked when this parcel will officially become considered open space.  Mr. Sibley explained the process of recording the map once the subdivision is approved and that there is an appeal period of up to 180 days following SD application publication.  The GIS Department will add the map online after it is recorded by the Engineer.  

Laurel Trail Evaluation – Mr. Sibley responded to the property owner saying that the Town wants this open space and said the attorneys will handle this process.  

Forest Evaluation – The commissioners will walk Reynolds on Tuesday, July 19th at 8:30 am as a potential candidate for DEP assessment.

Conservation Subdivisions – No update

Victory Garden – The commissioners discussed scheduling times for work in the Victory Garden.  

Work Orders – The commissioners and Mr. Sibley discussed the list and priorities of outstanding work orders that were given to Parks and Rec.  Mr. Sibley will contact Parks and Rec. to get an update.


OS Inventory and Maintenance Progress (letter to neighbors) – Commissioner Hovious discussed the draft letter to be sent to neighbors of open space land.  The property owners (recipients of the letter) will need to be identified.    Commissioner Wilson suggested that the letter include the suggestion that people living near the OS parcel might like to volunteer.    

Property Marking Plans, Surveying Status – Commissioner Hovious distributed an Inspection Report for Great Ring. Possible work orders at the site will be discussed at the next meeting.   Mr. Sibley reported that marking is being scheduled for Middletown, Diamond Drive, Beechwood and Clearview Drive.
Natural Resources Inventory Status Report – The delay in this project was discussed. It was decided that the letter to Jim Malone and his response (May 10, 2010) would be re-sent as a reminder that this project needs to be finalized.

Conservation Easement on WWTP – A communication was sent to Atty. Grogins but there is no response to date.

Status of Halfway River Fishing Access – Mr. Sibley reported that he has received the go-ahead for a parking area to be constructed and will hire an engineer to get started with the drawings. Work will most likely take place in the spring.

Enforcement Activity – None

Iroquois Invasive Documentation – No recent reports have been received.  Mr. Sibley walked the property and asked Ruth Parkins to copy him on reports sent to FERC.  A copy of the 2010 report should be forthcoming.

Education Committee – No update

Invasives Subcommittee – Commissioner Henderson will schedule a work party once the weather is cooler. Removal of bittersweet near the turn-around at FHH was a suggested site. Commissioner Henderson mentioned hog weed and yellow bamboo as additional invasives of concern.  Mr. Sibley said that the mile-a-minute weevils which were previously brought to Newtown are thriving, and that he has received several calls from residents concerned about bamboo.

Al’s Trail – Commissioners Henderson and Kershaw had walked part of the trail with Pat Barkman and observed new trail signs and some removal of invasives.

Strategic Planning – No update  


Mr. Sibley reported that money for the Ferris conservation easement has been received from the State, and that it will be applied to the open space bond.

Commissioner Henderson motioned to go into Executive Session at 8:58 pm.  The motion was seconded by Commissioner Kershaw.   Commissioner Kershaw motioned to adjourned at 9:12 pm.  Motion seconded by Commissioner Henderson.  Motion approved unanimously.