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Conservation Commission
Regular Meeting – June 14, 2011 @ 7:00 pm
Newtown Municipal Center, 3 Primrose Street, Newtown, CT
Present:  Commissioners Gaudet-Wilson, Germain, Henderson, Hovious, Kaley, and Kershaw
Staff:  Rob Sibley, Deputy Director of Planning & Land Use and Tammy Hazen, Clerk

The Public Meeting was called to order at 7:03 pm.  

Items Added to the Agenda – Commissioner Wilson asked to add the approval of the May 10, 2011 minutes to the agenda, as well as a report on the Pootatuck Duck Races.  Commissioner Hovious asked to discuss the P & Z meeting scheduled for June 16tt.

Approval of Minutes – Commissioner Germain motioned to approve the minutes of May 10, 2010, which was seconded by Commissioner Kaley.  The minutes were unanimously approved as amended.  Commissioner Hovious motioned to approve the minutes of May 24, 2011, which was seconded by Commissioner Germain.  The minutes were approved unanimously as amended.

 Administrative Item (Project Management/Task List) – No Update.


Fairfield Hills Open Space Update – Commissioner Wilson discussed maps of Fairfield Hills that were developed by Ruby Johnson and that were distributed at the Fairfield Hills Review Committee meeting.  

Open Space 37-3-14 –Commissioner Wilson will contact the First Selectman for an update.

Point O’ Rocks Trail Discussion – The commissioners discussed the results of the vote for this trail.  

Forest Evaluation – Commissioner Kaley discussed a list of properties that would be candidates for the DEP forester to review and walk with the commission.  Commissioners will walk open space (called Great Ring) off of Thunder Ridge/Erin Lane/Great Ring (approximately 34 acres) on Wednesday 6/22/11 at 7:00 am and will meet at the end of Erin Lane.  The forester will discuss management and stewardship options.  

Work Orders – Mr. Sibley said Parks and Rec. rangers will be working on the board walks along Al’s Trail.  

Smart Growth (P & Z Report) – Commissioner Cramer and Wilson attended the June 2, 2011 P & Z meeting which included a discussion of conservation subdivisions and low impact development (LID).  It was felt that LID is being adequately addressed on a case-by-case basis but that it would be a good idea to add a sentence in the regulations suggesting that LID concepts be included where possible.  As to conservation subdivisions, there was some thought that it might be prudent to designate these regs as “by right” as well as the traditional subdivision regs.  There was discussion about why developers are not using the CSD regs.  It was decided that a meeting will be held inviting area developers and engineers to discuss this topic.  Mr. Sibley discussed P & Z regulations and showed a subdivision off High Bridge Road where open space parcels connect with conservation easements to provide one contiguous open space parcel.  

Victory Garden – Commissioner Kaley said the garden is doing well.  She asked for a schedule from those participating in the Victory Garden to help with weeding and watering.  Commissioner Kershaw will be planting more vegetables later in the week.  Commissioner Germain will supply a bale of hay for mulching.  


Open Space Inventory and Maintenance Progress – Commissioner Henderson has been working with Commissioner Wright’s inventory list.  Commissioner Kaley will work on merging the inventory with the new GIS list.  

Property Marking Plans, Surveying Status – Mr. Sibley said he asked CCA to complete three parcels as soon as possible (Diamond Drive, Middleton Road, and Beachwood Drive).  

Natural Resources Inventory Status Report – Mr. Sibley received a draft index from Milone and MacBroom outlining what they were asked to do.  He expects to see the draft by the end of June.  

Aquifer Withdrawal Status – No update

Conservation Easement on Wastewater Treatment Plant – Mr. Sibley discussed what has happened to date, but there are no specific updates.  The conservation easement still needs to be recorded.   

Status of Halfway River Fishing Access – Mr. Sibley discussed the procedure of what still needs to be done.  They are still waiting for the grant funds.  Commissioner Hovious asked if there are plans for the parking lot.  Mr. Sibley said he cannot do anything until the funds are received and that the terms of the grant need to be followed.    

Enforcement Activity – No update

Education Committee – Commissioner Wilson said she and Commissioners Cramer and Henderson presented the Invasives Power Point presentation to a fourth grade at Hawley School on June 6th.  More sessions will take place on June 20th and 21st.  Mr. Sibley said he will do two more Charter presentations for Channel 21.
Duck Day – Commissioner Wilson said the event ran well.  She heard feedback where people are finding it difficult to make their way through Al’s Trail.  

Al’s Trail – Mr. Sibley will walk the trail with Pat Barkman and the GPS Unit on Thursday afternoon.  Some of the map boxes were vandalized.  Voss Signs will create signs for trail entrances.  He also said they are to receive permission from Rocky Glen for trail maintenance.  They still need permission from First Light and McLaughlin.

Invasives Subcommittee – Commissioner Henderson postponed the invasives work.  There are six new people who have signed up as volunteers.   The next work session is scheduled for Saturday, June 8th, 9:00 am at Pole Bridge.  She received an e-mail from Pat Boily stating Pole Bridge is badly infested with ticks.  

Legislation – Commissioner Wilson said Bill 6557 (concerning liability for recreational use of land) passed with some compromises.  She wrote to John McKinney in support, on behalf of the CC.

New Business - Commissioner Hovious discussed a subdivision going before P & Z (from Newtown Savings Bank).  Mr. Sibley discussed the application and said that the Conservation Commission will have an opportunity to review this.  Commissioners were urged to attend the P & Z meeting on June 16th.  

Check Task List – No updates

Commissioner Henderson motioned to go into Executive Session at 9:19 pm.  The motion seconded by Commissioner Germain.  The motion was carried unanimously.  The Conservation Commission came out of executive session at 9:40 pm.  Commissioner Kaley motioned to not pursue acquisition of OS #10–02.~ Commissioner Henderson seconded the motion.   The meeting adjourned at 9:45 pm