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Conservation Commission
Regular Meeting – April 12, 2011 @ 7:00 pm
Newtown Municipal Center, 3 Primrose Street, Newtown, CT
Present:  Commissioners Cramer, Gaudet-Wilson, Germain, Henderson, and Kershaw
Staff:  Rob Sibley, Deputy Director of Planning & Land Use; Tammy Hazen, Clerk

The Public Meeting was called to order at 7:04 pm.  Commissioner Wilson introduced and welcomed the commission’s new member, Barbara Kershaw.

Items Added to the Agenda – Commissioner Wilson added “Site Inspection of Laurel Trail” under New Business.  

Public Participation – Several neighbors from the Point O’ Rocks Preserve were present as well as Scott Coleman from the Trails Committee.

Correspondence – Commissioner Wilson distributed copies of information on a SWEP-CT Environmental Grant application (CT Society for Women Environmental Professionals).  The commissioners discussed various options for a grant application.

Approval of Minutes – Commissioner Henderson motioned to approve the minutes of March 22, 2011.  Commissioner Germain seconded the motion.   The minutes were approved unanimously as written.  


Project Management Task List – Item tabled.


Fairfield Hills Open Space Update – Commissioner Wilson discussed the Fairfield Hills Master Plan (FFHMP) Review Committee’s progress as well as Planning & Zoning’s meeting that discussed the proposed housing at Fairfield Hills.  Commissioner Hovious attended two of the FFHMP Review Committee’s public meetings.  Commissioners Hovious, Kaley and Wilson met to discuss the proposal for housing at Fairfield Hills.  It was noted that the group has no position on housing per se but would encourage any plans to be looked at in the larger context of ensuring that the high meadow and other valuable open space areas are maintained as open space for the reasons cited in the commission’s position paper.

Open Space 37-3-14 – Commissioner Wilson discussed a meeting she attended with Pat Llodra, Joe Hovious, George Benson, and Liz Stocker on March 30th.  The discussion regarded the status of this parcel slated to be transferred from the State to the Town.  The parcel is adjacent to the proposed Tech Park and designated to be used for Open Space.  The Conservation Commission would like to facilitate the transfer.  It was noted that the open issues are as follows:  (1) A possible “swap” of land, (2) an unclear State Statute, and (3) the role of the Department of Agriculture.  Action items from the meeting:  (1) First Selectman Llodra will email the Governor’s aid regarding the transfer, (2) Ms. Llodra will review the legislation with an attorney, and (3) Ms. Stocker will contact the Department of Agriculture.  It was suggested that the Conservation Commission write a letter to the Department of Agriculture to offer help in clarification and facilitation of this activity.  Commissioner Wilson will write a letter once information has been obtained from the First Selectman and Ms. Stocker.  Mr. Benson spoke with the Town Attorney, David Grogins from Cohen & Wolf.  Ms. Llodra will meet with Atty. Grogins.  Any feedback from this will be incorporated into the letter.

Point O’ Rocks Site Inspection – Commissioner Wilson opened discussion regarding the history of the proposed trail and explained the process for its approval.  She stated that the commission is the curator and gate keeper of all town-owned open space in Newtown.  She then read a message from Scott Coleman.  Mr. Coleman was present and provided an overview of their proposed pedestrian trail.  Commissioner Cramer asked for some clarification about the size and scope of the trail.  Mr. Coleman discussed defined guidelines that the trails committee can adopt with the assistance of the Conservation Commission.  Commissioner Henderson asked about the surface of the trail.  Mr. Coleman said that stone dust would be a good permeable base, but they are unsure about funds for this.  Commissioner Germain felt that stone dust would define the trail.  Mr. Coleman discussed the trail markers they will use.  Commissioner Kershaw asked about the length of the trail.  It was noted that the trail is approximately 1,200 feet.  Charles Mason, 50 Deep Brook Road, asked that the trail be moved farther away from his property line.  Options were discussed.  Commissioner Wilson asked if a delineation of their property would help.  Caralee Mason said any fencing would need to allow turtles to cross.  She suggested the trail be moved to the other side of the stream.  

Commissioner Germain motioned to table the proposal until the commissioners walk the alternate path.  Ron Polard, 5 Point O’ Rocks Road, asked about the previous proposal for a mountain bike trail.  He was reassured that the current proposal is for a pedestrian path only.  Bill Pieragostini, 9 Point O’ Rocks Road, shared concerns about stone dust being placed on wetland soils and concerns over exposed tree roots.  Anthony Mason suggested keeping the trail natural.  Cara Lee Mason said the boy scouts did a beautiful job with the original trail.  It was noted that the original trail was not maintained and that the Trails Committee will ensure maintenance.  Commissioner Henderson seconded the motion.  The motion was carried unanimously.

The commissioners set up a tentative walk to look at alternatives on Saturday, April 23rd at 1:30 pm.  They will meet in the parking lot (near the skate park) at Dickenson Park.

Site Inspection 31 Clearview – Commissioner Henderson discussed the site inspection, noting areas that were cleared.  Commissioner Wilson will contact Ms. Baker from 31 Clearview to discuss this.  Mr. Sibley noted the dumping of garbage and debris along Toddy Hill Road and that residents have helped in cleaning it up.  The resident at 25 Clearview informed the Land Use Agency they will be removing their personal items from open space and will allow the area to re-vegetate.  

Eagle Scout Project at Orchard Hill – Commissioner Wilson said the project will begin on May 7th.  

Forest Evaluation – Commissioner Wilson said Larry Rousseau is looking forward to working with the commission.

Yale Recommendations and Work Orders – Commissioner Wilson discussed a management plan outline, prepared by Commissioner Kaley, for the three open space parcels.  The commission submitted the following work orders to Mr. Sibley (recommendations from the Yale report):  (1) Removal of Bittersweet at Pole Bridge, (2) Removal of Barberry at Pole Bridge, (3) Pruning of trees around the sign at Pole Bridge, (4) Removal of Tree of Heaven at Pond Brook, (5) Develop a quote for a foot bridge at Pond Brook, and (6) Repair of foot bridge behind Methodist Church along Al’s Trail (flood damage).  Mr. Sibley said that all work orders should be developed with a consensus of the commission and that they should be filtered through him.  

Upcoming Events – Commissioner Wilson discussed the following events:  04-27-11 Scott Williams at WCSC 4:00pm “An Ecological Perfect Storm”; 04-30-11 Earth Day Event at the Middle School on Queen Street; 05-07-11 NFA Clean Up Day at Nettleton Property; 05-14-11 Low Impact Development/Conservation Subdivisions Seminar - 10:00am in the Council Chambers (Municipal Center); 05-27-11 A free seminar at UConn “The Future of Biodiversity in the Northeast”; and 05-28-11 The Pootatuck Duck Race in Sandy Hook.


Open Space Inventory and Maintenance Progress – Mr. Sibley said the duplications on the GIS open space list have been corrected.  Ms. Hazen is working on setting up a new system for the Open Space files.  

Property Marking Plans, Surveying Status – Mr. Sibley said more signage has been ordered.  The marking on Sweetbriar is finished.  He discussed open space parcels near New Lebbon Road and Aspen Lane that are being marked.  

Natural Resources Inventory Status Report – Mr. Sibley updated the commission on information he received from Milone & MacBroom.  

Aquifer Withdrawal Status – No specific updates.  

Conservation Easement on Wastewater Treatment Plant – Mr. Sibley said this has been on hold because of a Mercury leak.  

Owl Boxes – Commissioner Henderson said Larry Fisher has been installing predator guards on all existing owl boxes, as well as double checking whether the original installations were done correctly.

Education Committee – Commissioner Wilson noted that the seminar on Low Impact Development and Conservation Subdivisions will be held in the Council Chambers (Municipal Center) on Saturday, May 14th at 10:00 am.  Speakers include Martin Connor, Torrington Town Planner and MaryAnn Nusom-Haverstock, DEP Coordinator.  
Invasives Subcommittee – Commissioners Cramer and Wilson presented the commission’s Powerpoint presentation on invasives for the Girl Scouts on April 7th.  The Girl Scouts will be removing Garlic Mustard at Orchard Hill Nature Center in May.  The Science Coordinator for the Newtown elementary schools will be scheduling the commission to do presentations for fourth grade teachers.  The Powerpoint presentation should be up on the Town’s website in .pdf format soon.  Commissioner Henderson, Germain and Kershaw will work on the Invasive Removal presentation.   Eagle Scout candidate, Vikram Mikayee, will possibly work on invasive removal on May 7th with training.  The commission has received offers of help from other people for invasive work and possibly for presentations.

Legislation – Commissioner Wilson discussed current bills:  Bill 6557, An Act Concerning Liability for the Recreational Use of Lands: Purpose is to extend immunity to municipalities under the Recreational Land Use Act.  Commissioner Kaley wrote to Chris Lyddy asking for support.  Bill 1020, An Act Concerning Water Resources and Economic Development, was cited as being a bill that would stall stream flow negotiations.

Horse Guard – Commissioner Henderson will draft a letter regarding the Conservation Commission’s stand on the potential closing of the Second Company Governor’s Horse Guard.

POCD – Commissioner Wilson said that sections of the POCD are being written that the Conservation Commission can weigh in on.

The commission went into Executive Session.